Chapter 9 Getting closer

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It's Sunday and I'm so looking forward to hang out with Marshall. Rachel has already given me the whole speech about that I better not be late again. The door bells rings and I already know who it is so I run to do the door and open it, his eyes widen when he sees me and I take a step outside and close the door behind me.
"Hi." I say with a smile on my face.
"What the fuck happened to you?" He asks, I almost forgot about my face. I have a black eye now plus my cheek bone has this purplish/bluish color and my lip is busted.
"Remember the girl I told you guys about earlier this week?" I ask him.
"She did that to you?" He asks.
"Trust me she looks a lot worse." I say and show him my red/blue knuckles.
"Yo let me see you." He says and lays his hands on each side of my neck very gentle while he uses his thumbs on my jaw to turn my head from side to side, his touch sends shivers down my spine. - "Who threw the first punch?"
"I did." I admit and he turns my head and looks me dead in the eyes.
"Never throw the first punch." He says and continues - "Always let the other throw the first punch after that you can beat them up as badly as you want."
"I know it was stupid.." I try to say more but he cuts me off.
"Real stupid." He says and removes his hands from my jaw and say - "Come on let's drive." He says and walks to car and I'm right behind him. I just wish he would keep touching me like that. I get in on the passenger seat and as he begins to drive and rap music is playing. I open the glove compartment and I can feel Marshall's eyes on me while I put the Tupac CD on.
"You like that album?" He asks me. I just nod and he says - "I'm glad that I put some senses in your head."
"Shut up." I laugh and put my feet on the dashboard. We park at the same spot as last time and we're talking for hours, I tell him about me and Robyn's fight and the fights I've been into back home and he tells me about his and he also tells me about this one time he got beat up so bad that he ended up in coma. I feel really bad for how he was bullied in school, but I already know better than to show him because then I know for sure that he will rebuild the wall I just broke. Slowly we drift off to other subjects and we end up talking about him and Kim finally!
"Does she know that we hang out?" I ask him.
"No she would go crazy if she knew." He says.
"Why? I mean, nothing's going on."
"You're a female and that's enough for her." He says. Why would he be with a girl who holds him back like that? I mean if he ain't allowed to hang out with girls without her being jalousie then why would he waste his time on her? Nothing is going on between me and Marshall and I hate if it has to be necessary for us to hide our friendship just because she's jalousie. I look at the clock and it's time to go home.
"You have to drive me home now so I don't get grounded again." I tell him.
"Yeah we can't have that." He says and starts the car. We drive home and before I get out of the car at home, he asks me - "What are you doing tomorrow after school?"
"Nothing." I answer him questionable.
"Do you wanna hang out after school?" He asks me.
"Sure. Pick me up at 3 at my school." I say and get out of the car.

At the evening Lucas comes to my room.
"Can I ask you about something?" He asks me and sits on my bed.
"Of course." I say.
"Is there something going on between you and Marshall? And be honest with me." He asks and I won't lie, I'm a bit surprise about his question.
"Nothing's going on, we're just friends." I answer him honest.
"Marshall is just not like that with chicks."
"Friends?" I ask.
"No hanging out with them alone like he does with you, I think he likes you or something." He explains.
"No Lucas it's really not like that at all, besides we just talked about him and Kim today." I say. We actually talked a lot about her today so I don't think Marshall has a crush on me, I have a crush on him but I'm not gonna tell Lucas that.
"Aright I just had to be sure." He says. If Marshall doesn't normally do these kind of things with girls then it has to mean something, right? - "But be careful cus I bet Kim doesn't know about you and him hanging out and Amelia I'm warning you, this is one of those relationships you don't wish to get in between." Lucas says.

Next day me and Robyn have a meeting with the principal at his office. When I see Robyn walks into the principal's office I smirk because damn does she look like shit. We have a long talk or mostly it's the principal who's talking about how he wants us to make peace and tells us that if this happens again we will both get suspended.
After our meeting with the principal we both walk to class and we don't say a thing to each other, as we walk into the class all the other students are staring at us. I sit down next to Tasha and she learns closer to my ear.
"Man she looks like shit." She chuckles in my ear and I just chuckle back and nod. I really hope that I'm not gonna have anymore problems with her.

After school me and Tasha follow each other out to the parking lot.
"There's my ride." I say as I see Marshall standing in front of his car.
"Isn't that Marshall Mathers?" She asks and I look at her with a strange look.
"How do you know Marshall?" I ask her.
"He used to be a student here but he dropped out when he failed 9th grade the third time." She tells me. He failed 9th grade 3 times? We talked about his school just yesterday but he didn't tell me that. - "Is he still with Kimberly Scott?" She asks.
"Yeah he is." I say and hug her. - "See you tomorrow." I say and walk over to Marshall and hug him.
"How was your day?" He asks me while we're hugging and then he bursts out surprised. - "Shit is that the girl you were in a fight with?" He asks me and I turn around and see Robyn about 40 feet away from us.
"Yeah." I say and get into the car.
"Damn you did that to her?" He laughs and starts the car.
"I told you she looked a lot worse than me." I chuckle.
We drive to Marshall's place and I'm kinda excited to see how he lives, he already told me that he's living with his mom and baby brother but his mom is at bingo while some neighbor watches his brother. Marshall's home is a really low class home, it looks like a house who wouldn't stand a storm but I don't make any comments about it.
We just talk and listen to music for hours and suddenly a lady walks in, it's his mom.
"Have you picked up Nathan?" She asks him and it's obvious she's drunk.
"No but I can do it if you want." He offers. She looks at me and I'm a bit scared of her by the way she's glaring at me.
"And who is she?" She asks Marshall without breaking eye contact with me.
"That's Amelia, she's Rachel Rowland's niece." He explain. You might wonder why me and Rachel doesn't have the same last name but that's because she married her to James' last name.
"Pick up Nate." She just says and walks out of the room. Awkward..
"I better walk you home now." Marshall says and I can feel his embarrassment, I take my things and Marshall walks me home. - "I'm really sorry about my mom's behavior." He says as we walk.
"Don't be.. She probably had a bad day." I say smiling.

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