Chapter 33 Giving in

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"Rachel can I go to the Shelter tomorrow night with Lucas and Nichole?" I ask her as I sit down across from her at the dining table.
"Oh honey I don't know." She says. "After what happened at new years eve I'm not so sure that James is crazy about the idea." James doesn't want me to have fun at all so of course he isn't crazy about the idea. I get a little pissed to be honest because I don't feel like it was my fault that I got arrested that night, I know I did something illegal by drinking, doing drugs and being out on the streets during the night time, but I hate that I got arrested because I was trying to help a guy which didn't even deserve it, I should have listen to Marshall when he told me to run.
"But I'm asking you, not James." I tell Rachel with an irritated tone.
"You know I can't make decisions without him." She tells me in her loving tone trying to make me understand, but I don't understand, I don't understand why he has to make the decisions when I'm Rachel's niece, god I hate it!
"You know as well as me that James are gonna say no." I tell her.
"No to what?" James then asks behind me. I turn around and look at James, he stands leaning against the door frame looking at me. For how long has he been standing there?
"I wanna go down at the Shelter tomorrow and watch the battle with Lucas and Nichole." I tell him and he starts laughing in a sarcastic tone which makes me burn inside with anger.
"After what happened at new years eve then I think you proved us that you can't control having fun." James tells me and I look back at Rachel, say something! Rachel doesn't say a word.
"Really?" I ask her but she doesn't answer me so I get up. "Thanks a lot!" I tell her in a angry tone and walk past James. "He has you exactly where he wants you!" I yell as I walk through the living room.
"Amelia get back here." James demands in a serious tone but I keep walking.
"Fuck you!" I yell at him and shut my door close with a loud bang, but shortly after James burst my door open and slaps me hard, I look over at Rachel who stands in my door and has dropped her jaw. Is she gonna say something?
"You will not talk to me like that Amelia." James tells me. I still look at Rachel hoping for her to jump in at any minute but she doesn't say anything. Please just say something. "Am I making myself clear?" James asks me and I just nod still looking at Rachel now with disappointment written all over my face. James and Rachel leave my room and now the tears are falling, I can't believe Rachel didn't say anything, It's just like last time. What's wrong with her? I begin to think about what me and Marshall talked about once, maybe he's abusive to her too? I never asked Lucas about that because I didn't assumed he did, but what if he does and I just don't notice it? No matter what it isn't an excuse, she took me in her care because she didn't want me to end in a foster home or in some bad family but what she's putting me through is horrible. I watched my mom getting beat and it still hunts me until this day today, now I experience it on my own body so how can she just stand by and witness it? My thoughts are interrupt by Rachel's yelling.
"YOU HIT HER! YOU FUCKING HIT HER!" She screams at James. I walk to my door so I can listen to their conversation.

James: Did you hear how she talked to me Rachel?!
Rachel: I don't care! You can't hit her! She has been through enough, she watched Jane (my mom) get beat by John (my father) and she doesn't need more violence in her life James!
James: You told me to treat her like my own daughter so therefore I do, If my daughter talked to me like that I would had given her a lot worse!
Rachel: I know that's what you grew up with but you can't treat Amelia like that, she's a very vulnerable girl!
James: With a big mouth and she needs to learn her place! 
Rachel: You never hit her again or I swear to god I'm leaving you James!

It knocks on my door and I move knowing it's Lucas.
"You alright?" He asks me as I walk towards my bed and I just shake my head no. Lucas sits on the bed next to me and pull me in for a hug. "What happened?"
"I wanted to go the Shelter tomorrow with you and Nichole." I sob unable to finish my sentence right away. "And James told me that I couldn't go so I left the kitchen with the words "fuck you" so he hit me." I explain him.
"Damn I don't know why he have to give you such a hard time." Lucas sighs.
"He doesn't like me Lucas it's pretty obvious." I cry and Lucas doesn't even say a word, I think he knows as well as me that James can't stand me.  

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