Chapter 6 Saturday

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I sit on the porch reading a magazine and listening to music on my Walkman. Suddenly someone's pulling my headphones off, I look up and see Marshall standing in front of me.
"Hi." I say smiling.
"What are you listening too?" He asks.
"Mariah Carey."
"When are you start listening to some real music?"
"When are you gonna teach me about real music?" I ask. Wait what?? I don't know how I got so brave to throw that one in his face but as I see him smiling and biting his lower lip, I'm actually glad I was that brave.
"You want me to teach you about hip hop?" He asks me still smiling. Don't blush, don't blush, don't blush!!
"If you want." I then say getting shy again. Well done Amelia.. First you act so brave and confident and then you get insecure and shy.. Well played..
"What are you doing today?" He asks.
"Nothing much." I say.
"You wanna hang out?"
"Didn't you come here to hang out with Lucas?"
"Yeah but now I have to teach you about real music so Lucas can wait."
"Okay, I just gonna tell Rachel that I'm leaving." I tell him and head inside to tell Rachel.
"I'm heading out with Marshall!" I yell through the house because I'm too lazy to find her but she tells me to wait up and she meets me in the living room with James behind her.
"What are you gonna do?" She asks me. Does she have to know everything?
"We're just gonna chill." I tell her.
"Be back before dinner." She says. I just nod my head and walk to Marshall's car and I'm so nervous to be alone with him like this. He begins to drive and he points at the glove compartment.
"Choose a CD." He orders me. I open the glove compartment.. B.I.G, LL Cool J, Beastie boys, Tupac, NWA..
"I don't know any of these artists." I admit and feel a little embarrassed.
"That's the point girl." He laughs. I then put on the Beastie boys CD and Marshall begins to tell me about them. After a while he park the car and I don't know where we are, but I don't care because I'm so caught up in the conversation with him. He tells me about the artists and we change CD's once in a while and we end up listening to Tupac.
"I'm really sorry if I was too nosy last night." I finally say. Even though I'm afraid of his reaction I just know that I have to apologize.
"No it's cool man, the truth is that me and Kim are having problems but I'm just so sick of everybody talking shit about my relationship, not that I blame them." He explains.
"How long have you been together?" I ask.
"Man I don't know cus we had a couple of long breaks, you know.. But we started dating when I was 15." He tells me.
"How old are you now?"
"19." He says. So they have been on and off for 4 years, you're not gonna stand a chance Amelia.
"Wow that's a long time." I say.
"How long were you with that boyfriend of yours back in New York?" He asks me.
"5 months."
"How old is he?"
"Do you have a thing for older guys?" He chuckles. I'm really confused because i don't know if he's flirting with me or something but why would he say it like that?
"Guys in my age are just so immature." I say.
"So that's an yes?" He asks smiling.
"No because if I find a guy in my age who's mature then I would definitely date him, but I doubt that's gonna happen." I say. He just nods and smiles and I wanna find something else to talk about because I don't know how to handle him being flirty like that, or at least I think he's being flirty but what if I'm wrong? That could just be his personality you know some guys are like that. I'm confused! I grab the NWA CD. - "We haven't listened to this one yet." I say and hand it to him. Marshall then begins to talk about the group and I find it very interesting how they changed hip hop, I mean they brought the corruption from the police out in the light, they were talking about how shitty the blacks were treated by the police and how the police always got away with it. I think it's impressive that they met so much resistance from the government and the police but they didn't butch. I've heard of them in the news but I never paid much attention.
"So it's way better than Mariah Carey, right?" He asks.
"Well.. I have more respect for the hip hop culture now but it's not gonna make me stop listening to pop." I chuckle.
"So this was all for nothing? I'm fucking offended." He says dead serious and I literally don't know what to say until he burst out laughing. - "I'm just kidding Amelia." He says.
"Omg don't do that again." I chuckle and I know I'm blushing.
"I can't help to notice that you get really nervous around me." He then says. Oh yeah maybe because I'm really attractive to you.
"I don't." I lie.
"You're a terrible liar Amelia." He chuckles. I just smile and shake my head because I really don't know what to say and I wish I just could change the subject. - "So why do you get so nervous around me?"
"Because I can't seem to figure you out." I say honestly and he gives me a strange look like he doesn't know what I mean. - "Please don't take this the wrong way but you're a very complicated guy, the first day I met you, you didn't bother to introduce yourself but then you dragged me outside at that party, then yesterday you were acting really cold towards me and today you're a whole different guy." I tell him. He just sits there and look at me and I'm so afraid that I stepped on his toes or something.
"I don't know what to tell you." He then says. Not the answer I expected because now I really feel that I fucked up. I just sit and look back at him because I don't know what to say either.
"You don't have to say anything just know that's why you make me nervous." I break the silence and he just nods. I look at my phone, 3 missed calls from Rachel and one message.

Rachel (7:03pm)
Amelia call me ASAP

This is bad, really bad. I totally lost track of time and now I sit in this awkward silence with Marshall.
"Shit I should have been home an hour ago." I tell him and he looks at his phone.
"Damn is it that late already?" He asks and starts the car. - "You ain't gonna get in trouble or anything, are you?" He asks.
"I think Rachel is really pissed." I say and call her.
"Amelia where the hell are you?" She asks and I can tell she's pissed.
"I'm sorry we lost track of time, I'm on my way home now." I explain to her but she just takes a deep breath and sighs.
"We had a deal Amelia." She then says. Didn't she just hear me? It's not like I did it on purpose!
"I'm sorry Rachel but we fucking lost track of time it's not like I did it on purpose." I say with anger in my voice.
"Watch your language young lady. We're gonna have a serious talk when you come home." She says.
"Whatever." I say and hang up. - "Fucking bitch." I mumble under my breath. I look at the CDs I actually liked Tupac and I really wanna borrow that CD but I'm too afraid to ask if I can borrow it.
When Marshall parks in front of my house he takes my phone out my hand.
"Hey! What are you doing?" I ask offended.
"If you need anything just call or text me." He says while typing his number on my phone and when he gives it back to me I see that he send himself a message with the text "Amelia".
"Okay." I say getting really shy and then say. - "I had fun today."
"Yeah man me too and I'm sorry if I got you in trouble." He apologizes.
"It's not your fault." I say and get out of the car. I say bye and close the door.
I walk into the house and I try so hard to sneak into my room but then Rachel yells for me to come to the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen and Rachel and James just sits at the table waiting for me, I just hate when adults do this, my mom never did this but the teachers always did at my old school.
"Sit down." James says. Who does that idiot think he is to dictate me like that? I sit down in front of them saying nothing and Rachel begins to tell me that I shouldn't hang up the phone when she's talking to me, that I shouldn't give her and attitude and the she says: - "And when we make a deal I expect you not to break it." Anger fills me inside and I can feel that I'm losing my temper. How many times do I have to tell her that it was an accident?
"My fucking God Rachel how many times do I have to fucking tell you that it was an accident?! Like come on do you think that I just sat there waiting just to be home late? Like Jesus that's just fucking retarded!" I burst out and yell.
"Hey! You need to watch your mouth!" James yells at me.
"Or else?" I ask him and waiting for him to react, he stares at me for a long time trying to intimidate me but it's not working, he can go fuck himself for all I care.
"You're grounded." He just says and I get up from my chair in anger and begin to walk away. - "Sit down!" James yells.
"Fuck you!" I yell still walking. I hear James getting up from his chair behind me, the next thing I know he grabs my arm and drag me back out to the kitchen and force me to sit down on my chair, he bends over me and looks me straight in the eyes and I do the same, I won't let him win this one.
"When I tell you to do something you do it, am I making myself clear?" He ask but I don't answer him, I just keep looking at him and I can feel him getting impatient. He slams his hand down on the table which makes my body jump in chock. - "Answer me!" He yells. I wanna be stubborn and keep being quiet but I really don't wanna mess with him right now.
"Yes." I say.
"I will not tolerate that behavior in my home! Next week you come straight home after school and go to your room that should give you some time to think." He says and sits back down on his chair. I don't answer him while he keeps talking about the rules in this house, honestly I just wanna go to my room and be myself because I don't wanna hear more of his bullshit right now, when someone  gets in my face like that I lose all respect for them.
After 15 minutes of him talking he finally allows me to go to my room, I go straight to bed without eating dinner because I don't feel like eating anything after what he did. I look at my arm and it's all red and sore from his grip, that sick idiot. I check my phone and I have a message from an unknown number but as I read the message I quickly come to that conclusion that it's Marshall.

Marshall (7:49pm)
How's the situation at home?

Reply to Marshall (8:17pm)
I'm grounded

Marshall (8:20pm)
Damn that sucks.. So you ain't gonna come to the shelter on Friday?

Reply to Marshall (8.22pm)
Doesn't look like it

Marshall doesn't reply so I just listen to some music and fall asleep.

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