Chapter 8 The fight

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It's Friday and I've now been a student on Lincoln high school for 5 days and oh yeah.. I still have problems with Robyn. Maybe I'm not so popular among the girls because the all frightening Robyn so my only girlfriend is Tasha, on the other hand I get along with the guys pretty well except for the ones Robyn has following her like little puppies. The whole week she has made comments about me and doing everything to provoke me, I've had enough of her shit already and I'm getting closer to lose it each day.
Today all of us girls have to play volleyball and Robyn and Tasha have to pick their team, I already know that Tasha is gonna pick me so I'm gonna be against Robyn, shit is going down I can feel it.
During the game Robyn keeps making nasty comments and today I'm not taking any of her shit so I fire back and suddenly she smash the volleyball right in my face on purpose, it's clearly it wasn't an accident mostly because she laughs so hard.
"That was really corny Robyn." Tasha says while I'm trying to recover. She has no idea who she's messing with..
"What? I'm just trying to give her a new face, practically I'm doing her a favor." She laughs. That's it.. I look straight at her.
"Oh we're doing favors for each other now?" I ask her and start walking towards her. - "Then I think my knuckles wanna do you a favor too." I say and punch her right in the mouth and I burst her lip, she does nothing and no one around us do nothing but stare. - "Come one bitch! Show me why they all are so fucking afraid of you!" I yell which apparently ticks her off.
"I'm gonna fuck you up you fucking cunt!" She yells and attacks me. This fight is serious, we punch each other and curse at each other and no one does anything. I have no idea how long we fight but suddenly 3 teachers pulls me away as I sit on top of her punching her in the face repeatedly, I take a look at Robyn and I got her good maybe that will teach the bitch not to fuck with me again. My English teacher Mr. Jones walks with me to the bathroom and helps me to clean myself up, my lip and eye is swollen and my knuckles is red and sore from hitting her, I look like a fucking mess.
"What happened Amelia?" Mr. Jones asks me.
"She smashed the volleyball in my face on purpose." I say.
"You know this is really serious right? You can get suspended." He tells me. Right now I don't care because that bitch got what she deserved. The school calls Rachel and she picks me up at the principals office. The principals decided to send both me and Robyn home and then we have to talk about all this on Monday.
"Omg!" Rachel says with her hand over her mouth as she sees me.
"It's not that bad." I tell her.
"Who did this to you?" She asks me and I can hear the concern in her voice.
"Can we please just go home?" I ask her.
"Of course." She says and we walk out to the car. It's pretty obvious that Rachel doesn't know that I started the fight. - "What happened sweetie?" She asks me on the way home.
"This girl Robyn has been bothering me since day one and today she smashed a volleyball in my face on purpose so I lost it." I tell her honestly.
"Honey you can be suspended if you hit first, please tell me you didn't hit first." She begs. I don't reply because I can't tell her what she wants to hear and I hear her taking a deep breath. - "You remind me so much of your mom." I feel a pain in my chest as she mentions my mom. - "How did this girl bother you?" She then asks.
"She made nasty comments about me all the time all because I'm friends with Tasha." I say.
"Who's Tasha?" She asks.
"A girl from my class." I say. As we drive home I tell her about all that has happened this week with me and Robyn just so she can understand that this isn't my fault.
At home I walk through the living room and Lucas' eyes widen when he sees me.
"What the fuck happened to you?" He asks which makes me stop up.
"Robyn happened." I just say and walk to the kitchen to get some ice on my eye.
"I sure hope she looks a lot worse than you do." He says behind me.
"She does." I chuckle as I put some eyes on my eye. I tell him all about my fight with Robyn and he gets all the dirty details.

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