Chapter 13 I like you but..

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I've just send Tasha home and now I'm getting ready for Marshall to pick me up, I'm really excited because we haven't spoke since our kiss and it's making me crazy.

Marshall (2:08pm)
I'm outside

I almost run through the house while yelling that I'm leaving. I get in Marshall's car and everything is like it always is, we talk and listens to music. We drive to the usual spot and we get out of the car and sit on the bench, I just wanna kiss him but I'm so nervous..
"We need to talk about what happened the other night." Marshall suddenly says. Oh no..
"Great." I mumble, I know what's gonna happen now. 
"I did some thinking and I'm sorry but it can't happen again." He says and I don't look at him, I can't look at him, I feel so stupid!
"Fine." I mumble.
"I don't want this to influence our friendship." He says which makes me look at him.
"Why the fuck didn't you come clean the night it happened?" I ask him angrily.
"Because I really fucking like you but.." He tries but I cut him off.
"You weren't honest because you like me?" I laugh sarcastically.
"Let me finish Amelia!" He says and continues - "But I sometimes forget that you're only 16." I get up and begin to walk towards the car.
"Just drive me home Marshall." I say but he grabs my lower arm and spins me around.
"Yo I'm being real fucking honest with you." He says.
"I bet you are." I say and roll my eyes at him.
"I'm fucking sorry but I just can't.. I like you Amelia, I fucking like you but now is not the time and deep down you know that. I'm not trying to hurt your fucking feelings, in fact that's the last thing I wanna do." He says. Fuck he's right.. I should never had kissed him! Things are so complicated with him and Kim, so I'll just end up hurting myself and what would people say if they knew he dated a 16 year old? Why the fuck did you kiss him when you already knew it couldn't go any further?
"I know." I then say quietly.
"Do you wanna hang out or do you want me to drive you home?" He asks.
"I just wanna go home." I say without looking at him. He sighs deeply before he speaks.
"You know it's just gonna be fucking awkward in the future when you're like that."
"Give me some time to swallow this." I say and walk towards the car.
"Yeah alright... Fine.." He mumbles behind me. We get in the car and non of us say anything, I don't feel like speaking and I think he's trying to give me some space. The whole way I just think how I could be so stupid? I've witnessed him and Kim's relationship for about 3 months now and then I'm stupid enough to kiss him?!
"What are you thinking?" He asks me as he parks in front of my house.
"That I'm stupid." I say and as I'm about to get out of the car Marshall grabs my arm.
"Then I'm just as stupid as you cus I kissed you too, remember?" He says. I don't say anything, I just stare at him. - "Can I pick you up from school on Wednesday?" He asks me.
"Yeah do that." I say and my voice is shaking because I just wanna cry.
"Cool I see you then." He says and hug me. I walk through the house and Rachel comes out from the kitchen.
"Oh I didn't expect you to be home this early." She says with a confused look on her face.
"Me neither." I mumble so low that I hope she doesn't hear it. I keep walking towards my room but she follows me.
"Did something happen?" Rachel asks behind me.
"No everything is fine." I lie but she ain't buying it, she follows me into my room.
"Did something happen between you and Marshall today?" She asks me as I lay down on the bed.
"No Rachel!" I bite.
"I'm here if you wanna talk." She says. Why would I wanna talk with you? I just ignore her and she ends up leaving my room.

Wednesday I can't concentrate about anything, it's like I'm caught up in my own world and it has been like that all week so far. For the first time I'm not looking forward to see Marshall because I already know it's gonna get awkward.
After school I go out to the parking lot and I quickly spot Marshall car so i walk over there and get in.
"Yo." He says.
"Hi." I say and put my seatbelt on.
"How was your day?" He asks me as he begins to drive.
"It was okay." I say while I look out of the the side window. Silence comes over us and the only noise in the car is the radio.
"Could you please not be like that?" He asks me after a few moments of silence.
"How?" I ask him still not looking in his direction.
"So fucking cold." He bites and I just ignore him because to be honest I'm not ready to hang out with him.
"You told me not to be worried." I then say remembering that he told me not to be worried that night when he left, I sensed something was wrong and he told me not be worried.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" He asks me.
"I sensed something was wrong when you left my room that night, but you kept kissing me and told me that I had nothing to worry about." I confront him with an angry tone.
"That's how I felt that night but afterwards I did some thinking." He tells me.
"Whatever." I say and silence comes over us again so I break it and say - "Will you just drive me home?"
"Are you for real right now?" He asks me offended.
"I'm very much serious." I reply coldly.
"Why do you have to give me that bullshit? You fucking kissed me." He bursts out.
"Oh like you tried to push me away." I say offended by the fact that he gives me all the fault.
"No because I actually like you but you know as well as me how much people talk shit around here, you fucking told me that you understood my decision!" He yells at me.
"I do but that doesn't make it less awkward!" I fire back and he doesn't say anything. - "So what's gonna happen when you and Kim get back together?" I ask him.
"We're not gonna get back together." He says.
"Who are you trying to fool?"
"Believe it or not but I'm done with that bitch."
"I choose not to believe it." I say. No other words are spoken on the way home and I don't even say anything when I leave his car.
After dinner I head into Lucas' room and we talk for hours, I really wish that I could talk about the whole Marshall thing with him but I can't..
"I need to get drunk this weekend." I tell him.
"And how are you planing on doing that without permission from my dad and Rachel?" He chuckles.
"I'm just telling them that i have a sleepover at Tasha's." I say.

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