Chapter 28 Regular Tuesday

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Following Tuesday.

I feel so amazing after what happened between me and Marshall this weekend and I simply can't stop thinking about. I haven't seen Marshall since because he has been busy but we have been texting a lot, he has been sending me a lot of dirty texts which just makes me more eager for him.
I sit in the classroom with Tasha when Robyn suddenly walks towards my table, me and Robyn haven't talked since I almost choked her after school that day, I give her a cold glare as she stops in front of my table.
"Can we talk?" She asks me and she sounds nervous, she should be.
"Talk." I tell her.
"Can we talk somewhere else?" She asks me.
"No." I say. I don't trust her because as far as I know she could trick me to go somewhere and there would be people waiting for me to beat me up, I know the tricks. Robyn takes a chair and sits down across for me.
"I wanna bury this feud between us." She says and I just look at her. Why will she suddenly bury the feud between us? She has been a bitch to me from the first day I got here, what could she possible want from me? I would understand if we once had been friends but that's not the case, she only knows me as the bitch and I only know her as a bitch, so I can't understand why she would be interested in a friendship with me. "I'm tired of this." Robyn then adds when I don't answer her.
"I can't see what the purposes of that would be." I just tell her coldly.
"I'm tired of us being at each other's throat." She tells me. Then don't start shit if you can't handle it in the end.
"I'm not at your throat unless you give me reason to be." I tell her.
"But you're so unpredictable so I don't know when you're gonna be at my throat." She tells me. She wanna be friends and now she insults me?
"Unpredictable? Wow." I laugh. "You pushed me to the limits for one week and I beat your ass, you made up rumors about me and Marshall and I confronted you, how is that exactly unpredictable? If anyone is unpredictable then it's you since you suddenly want us to get along, but you know what Robyn? It ain't gonna happen." I tell her.
"I didn't made up any rumors about you and Marshall, I've just told people that he's picking you up after school a few times a week and I think you're dating." She tells me.
"You told people that you saw us kissing on the parking lot one day." I confront her.
"I never said that." She assures me but honestly I don't know what to believe.
"That's what Jake told me." I tell her.
"Well Jake has a crush on you so that's probably why he wanted to know if you guys were dating." She tells me. Why the hell would Jake make Robyn look like the bad guy when he's aware that we don't get a long? I don't know what to believe! Either way it's non of her business what's going on between me and Marshall, she shouldn't discuss whether I'm dating Marshall or not.
"Either way it shouldn't be something you should discuss with people. Why the fuck is it any of your business that Marshall picks me up a few times a week?" I ask her.
"It's not." She admits.
"Then don't run your mouth." I tell her. At this point I just want her to get out of my face before I punch her or something, I'm so tired of people talking shit and specially after this weekend then I'm in no mood for bullshit.
"So you're not interested in burying this feud?" She asks me very aware that I won't.
"No we have nothing to talk about." I tell her as I get up from my chair and walk out of the classroom with Tasha behind me, I had to get away from Robyn or else I would had punched her in the face.
I check my phone and see a text from Marshall.

Marshall (12:02pm)
Do you have any plans after school?

Reply to Marshall (12:16pm)

Marshall (12:19pm)
I'm picking you up after school

That's just what I need! He just saved my day. I don't even have to tell Marshall when I'm off school because he already knows.

Reply to Marshall (12:22pm)
Sounds good

I'm off school at 2 and Marshall is already on the parking lot, I smile to him as I walk towards the car and damn does he look hot today. He's wearing a big  black oversize jacket and then he is wearing a cap, that's really all I can see because he's behind the wheel.
"Hi baby." I say to him as I get into the car.
"Yo babe." He says and kisses me. I just love when he calls me babe it makes my legs turn into jelly. "How was your day?" He asks me and begin to drive.
"Robyn came over and talked to me today." I tell him.
"About what?" He asks me while he still has his eyes on the road.
"She wanted for us to bury the feud." I tell him and he looks at me.
"What did you say then?" He asks me and turn his head to look at the road again.
"I told her that it wasn't gonna happen but you know what she told me? She told me that she didn't say anything to people about seeing us kissing on the parking lot, she claimed that Jake made that up to test if we were dating because he has a crush on me." I tell him and I see his hand tighten around the wheel.
"I fucking knew it." He mumbles in anger.
"But I don't know what to believe because I don't trust any of them but one of them must be lying." I say.
"Yeah." He just says. Silence comes over us before I speak again.
"I have been wondering about something." I tell him and he looks at me confused. "When Kim and I got into a fight this weekend, she told me that your mom was the one who told her how much we're hanging out." I tell him. It has been bothering me a lot because if she still talks to Debbie than it means that she still visits them which I'm not comfortable with.
"Yeah?" He says and it's clearly that he wants me to get to the point.
"Does she still visit you?" I ask him nervously.
"She still visits my mom yeah." He tells me and that wasn't the answer I was hoping for.
"Do you talk to her?" I ask him and I have a big lump in my throat.
"Not much. I'm rarely home baby but when I'm home when she's stop by then yeah we talk." He tells me. I get this weird feelings because I really thought he hated her so I don't see why he talks to her. I get insanely jalousie but I won't show him.
"You have just told me that you refused to talk to her." I tell him and look out of the window.
"I don't talk talk with her, I just say hi and shit." He's trying to calm me but it's not working.
"That's it?" I ask him.
"That's it baby, you really don't have to be nervous about Kim, I'm only nice to her at home because I don't wanna argue with her in front of Nate." He tells me and I just nod. He grabs my thigh and rub it but I just look away. "Babe seriously you don't need to worry, I would never and I mean never go back to her she ain't good for me, you are." He says and I can't help but smile and then I turn my head to look at him.
"I believe you." I tell him.
When we get home both Rachel and James are home, we say hi and walk to my room. Marshall immediately kisses me when I close my bedroom door behind.
"Fuck I had fucked you right here if it wasn't for Rachel and James." He tells me.

We really just spend the whole day kissing and talking, later Lucas joins us and I'm just with two of my favorite people in the world.

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