Chapter 35 Birthday

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This cheaper contains sexual scenes.

February 20

Guess what? It's my birthday. Things are going pretty well between me and Marshall, who am I kidding? It goes really really good! Oh and by the way I got a job down at some little store in town, so everything is going pretty well except that I still don't get along with James, he haven't hit me since that day but I can still feel his hate towards me. Marshall is still on time out, I know it's really mean but I kinda enjoy seeing him being so frustrated, now he knows how I felt. I don't stick with this time out for much longer even though it's fun but I have needs too, you know?

I walk to the kitchen and Rachel, James, Lucas and Nichole are sitting at the dinning table, it's Saturday so there's no school or anything today.
"Happy birthday!" They all yell even though I doubt that James said it, but who cares?
"Aw thank you guys." I say with a huge smile on my face and sit down next to Rachel, she pulls me in for a hug.
"I love you." She tells me.
"I love you too." I tell her back. There's presents laying on the table just for me, oh god I love birthdays!
"Open your gifts honey." She says and I do as she says. I can't believe that I'm turning 17 today, one fucking year till I turn 18 and then I'm going to college.
From Rachel and James I got some new clothes and from Lucas and Nichole I got the some new boots, I can tell that Nichole has picked them out because she knows exactly what I like. I thank everybody with a hug even James but it's very awkward.
We're all having a nice breakfast and when we're done eating I go to my room too check my phone, There's a text from Marshall.

Marshall (10:36am)
Happy birthday baby I can't wait to see you later

Yes Rachel allowed me to spend a few hours with Marshall outside the house today, even though it's my birthday but Marshall wanted to take me out on a date, yes on a date! It's our first date so I'm really excited, I know it's not gonna be something fancy but I don't care, as long as I'm with him. I just hope that he can make me forget about the fact that this is the first year where I don't spend my birthday with my mom, I miss her so much.

Reply to Marshall (11:02am)
Thank you baby I can't wait to see you either

It knocks on my door and I welcome the person in, it's Rachel.
"Hi sweetie, shouldn't we do something just the two of us?" She asks me. I love when it's only me and Rachel, she's a whole other person when James is not around, she's more fun and she even smiles a lot more.
"What do you wanna do?" I ask her a little excited.
"Asks the birthday kid?" She teases.
"What about we go out bowling?" I ask her.
"Alright, lets go then." She says with a smile. We drive to the bowling center with loud music blasting through the speakers while we sing along with the songs. We get to the bowling center and start bowling and have random conversations.
"So you and Marshall are you like a couple now?" She suddenly asks me as she throws the ball.
"I don't know." I just say honestly. We haven't put a tittle on it yet and I haven't even said the L word yet.
"What about Kim?" She asks me and I give her a strange look. Why would she ask about Kim? What has she heard? I think Rachel senses that I get a little weird feeling because she speaks again. - "She doesn't cause you any trouble does she?"
"No not right now." I say as I trow the ball.
"For how long were they together?" She then asks.
"I don't know.. about 4-5 years." I say not remember and honestly I don't care, he's mine now.
"Wow that's a long time." She says surprised.
"Hmm." I just mumble. I really don't wanna talk about it because It makes me insecure, I think Rachel senses that because she doesn't say another word about it and we're just having a good time.

On the ride home we agree that it will be easier if she just drop me off at Marshall's, so she does that. I already texted Marshall so he knows I'm coming, he already waits outside as I arrive which is very strange. I get out of the car and walk up to him and give him a kiss.
"What's up?" I ask him and kiss him again.
"How's my birthday girl?" He asks me totally avoiding my question.
"Good." I say with a smile. "Shall we head inside? It's freezing out here." I take a few steps towards the door but Marshall grabs my arm.
"Why don't we go for a ride?" He asks me. Something is up, I know it.
"What's going on Marshall?" I ask him suspicious.
"Please don't get angry.." He begs me but I cut him off because I already know what's going on, Kim is here.
"She's here?" I ask him in a bitchy tone. Really?! On my fucking birthday, like come on!
"She's visiting my mom baby." He tries to talk me down.
"Now we definitely need to go in there, I wanna rub it in her fucking face." I tell him but he holds me back with his arms around my waist and I have my back against his chest.
"Baby no." He denies me talking very low in my ear, I know he does it to calm me down and I hate to admit it, but it's working. "Let's celebrate your birthday, come on let's drive." I surrender.. Why does he have to be so damn charming?
"Fine." I say and we walk towards his car. I get in the car and Marshall gives me a smile when he gets in on the driver seat and I return that with a tiny smile and he starts chuckling.
"I'm surprised that you even smile to me." He says as he pull out of the driveway.
"Did you talk to her?" I ask him and my stomach is twisting afraid of his answer.
"Yeah I asked her to stay inside and not bother us." He tells me. Aw he did that? I don't say anything but I can't stop smiling because I know that he has used a very angry tone towards her since she staid inside.
"Where are we going?" I ask him even though I can see that we're heading to our spot. It's about 5pm so it's to early to get something to eat.
"I thought we could hang out at our spot before we go out too eat." He suggests.
"Sounds good." I say with a smile. I'm so excited for this date and the fact that I can just be with Marshall on my birthday instead of home with James is just great. Marshall parks the car when we get there and reach over to the glove compartment and I spot my present, he brought me a present? "You didn't have to buy me a gift." I tell him. Honestly I feel bad because he doesn't have a lot of money.
"Then I guess I should just give it to another girl who would appreciate it." He says and breaks a smile.
"Shut up." I laugh and he gives me the gift. "I just feel bad because you don't have a lot of money."
"Don't you worry about that baby." He tells me and I open my gift. It's the new Tupac cd! I told Marshall how bad I wanted this cd since I'm beginning to like Tupac's music a lot, this fucking cd came out 4 days ago!
"Omg! You fucking bought it!" I laugh in excitement and look at him.
"I stole it but that doesn't really matter." He tells me. My eyes widens, is he serious? He stole this?
"You stole it?" I ask him confused and he burst out laughing.
"No I actually wanna support him." He tells me. I look down at my new cd, I can't believe that he actually bought me this cd.
"This is the best gift baby, thank you." I say and kiss him. The kiss escalate, it tends to do that a lot lately but we both have this desire for each other and even though it's fun to tease him then I really need to get laid today, it's my birthday for Christ sake. Marshall pulls me over on his lap so I sit on top of him with my legs on each side of him, I can already feel that he's hard and it turns me on, I begin to rub myself against him and I hear moans from him, I love when he moans it's so sexy. I begin to kiss his neck and bite it gently because I know that turns him on, he grab my hips and squeeze them.
"Baby.. I can't handle if you're just gonna teas me again." He moans. I don't answer him because I just want him to suffer a little bit more, he's so sexy when he's frustrated. I bite his lower lip and start to kiss him again, his hands moves under my jacket and I open it to give him better access. He moves his hands gentle under my top as he's now working on my neck with soft kisses, I throw my head back in pleasure when he kisses my weak spot behind my ear and I rub myself harder against him. He works his way up to my mouth and bite my lip before he kisses me eagerly, I feel him open my jeans and moves his hand down to touch my sex, I think he's a bit surprised that I don't stop him but the fact is that I want him so bad, his time out is definitely over! His fingers gently touch my clit and I look at him, he looks back at me and it's very intense.
"Is my time out over?" He asks me seductively with a little smirk, I love that smirk on his face.. I just nod my head yes and kiss him. I love the feeling that rushes through my body when he touches me, specially do I love the feeling he gives me when he touches my sex, he knows how to make it feel really good. We get so caught up in each other lips and touches that I have no idea how long we sit here before Marshall whispers in my ear "Get in the back.". I love the way he said it, it was not a question or a suggestion, it was an order. I crawl into the backseat with Marshall right behind me, he doesn't say another word he just lays me down with him on top and kiss me. I pull off his t-shirt just to feel his chest because I really love to feel his skin, just the thought about that this whole body is mine and only mine makes me really happy. Marshall lifts my top, he doesn't take it off he just kisses my stomach and I moan as I feel his tongue, it's so sexy when he does that! When he has reach my hips he begins to pull of my pants and panties, he lower his own pants, put on a condom and bend over me again and then he enters me, shit.. It's so different this time because I'm sober, so now I really feel him and I arch my back from the sensation he's giving me. No words are spoken until he pulls me up on top of him so I can ride him, it's crazy how he can move me around like nothing. I can feel him deeply inside me which makes me moan even louder than before.
"Mmh you like that baby." He says biting his lower lip. I can't even talk it's just a good thing that people never come here, which is probably why we love it so much. Slowly I can tell that he gets more eager because he grabs my hips and moves me up and down on him so he slams even harder into me, it almost bring tears to my eyes, not because it hurts but because it feels so good.
After we're done we put some clothes on and get back in our seats upfront, we're both really sweaty from our about 45 min workout session.
"You have no fucking idea how much I needed that." He says smiling and I just laugh, I know exactly how much he needed it.
"Can we listen to the album?" I ask him.
"Sure." He agrees and I put the cd on, I love this album already. Me and Marshall just listen to the album and talking before we're heading to a little restaurant to get something to eat.

As we sit at the restaurant and eat I can't help thinking about how happy I am that Marshall is my guy, I want to call him my boyfriend but honestly I don't know if we're a couple and I'm not gonna make a fool out of myself and ask him. Suddenly some blond girl comes over, who is she and why are she heading in mine and Marshall's direction?
"Hi Marshall." She says with a smile and she barely looks at me.
"Yo Dawn." He says and gives her a hug.
"Where's Kim?" She asks him. Why the fuck is she asking him that? And by the way am I invisible to her? At this point I'm getting really suspicious.
"She was at my house when I left, didn't she tell you?" He asks her clearly confused. Who the fuck is she?!
"Why isn't she with you and what are you doing here with another girl Marshall?" She asks him. Wow wait! Another girl?! My eyes widens and I look straight at him but he keeps looking at this Dawn girl with frowned brows. I'm the other girl? I just wanna get out of her.
"What?" Marshall asks her and I get up from my chair and Marshall and Dawn look at me.
"You're still with her?" I ask him.
"Sit down baby." Marshall tells me but I refuse to sit down so he looks at Dawn again. "Yo I don't know what the fuck Kim told you but me and her are done." He tells her and I sit down.
"For how long?" She asks him.
"We haven't been together since October I think." He tells her.
"And you haven't slept together since?" She asks him. Who the fuck is she and why is it any of her business?!
"Yeah about 2 months ago." He tell her. "Does Kim still tell people that we're together?"
"Marshall I shouldn't.." She tries but Marshall cuts her off.
"Tell me because I'm sitting here with my fucking girlfriend and Kim knows that I took her out for dinner today, so I need to know if she tells people that we're still together." He says with an angry tone. He called me his girlfriend!
"She's gonna kill me." Dawn just says which covers his questions and tell him all he needs to know.
"I won't tell her that you told me." He promises her.
"I'm sorry if I ruined your dinner." Dawn apologizes. Just fuck off!
"You didn't." Marshall says and hug her. "Take care." Finally Dawn leaves and I can finally ask him the question I've been dying to ask.
"Who was that?" I ask him and I know I look angry.
"Kim's sister." He says. "I'm gonna fucking kill Kim."
"Not if I get to her first." I tell him coldly.
"You ain't mad at me, are you?" He asks me. Why would Kim say those things if they aren't truth? I know that Marshall haven't given me any reason for me not to trust him, but I can't help but wonder if he's given her some mixed signals or something. I totally forget to answer him so he speaks again. "You don't believe that I'm still with her, do you?" He asks me.
"I just don't understand why she would tell people that if it ain't true." I almost whisper because I'm afraid that he's gonna get angry, by the look on his face he does seem to get angry.
"Do you really think that I would take you out on a date, introduce you as my girlfriend to her sister if I was still seeing her?" He asks me.
"No of course not but are you sure that you're not giving her some wrong signals of some kind?" I ask him.
"Yeah I'm pretty fucking sure about that." He says angrily. Bravo! I just ruined our date.
"I trust you Marshall, I'm sorry.. Sorry.. She just know how to piss me off." I apologize and he takes my hand.
"Trust me she ain't gonna say shit no more." He promises me and kiss my hand.

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