Chapter 38 I love you

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The following Saturday..

My alarm wakes me up at 7am because I'm gonna work today, another opportunity to get out of the house. I'm really busy at work today so I have no time to check my phone, suddenly Marshall and Deshaun show up at the store and I know Calvin gets pissed if he sees them here.
"Not that I don't wanna see you but my boss is gonna be pissed." I tell them.
"You don't answer my texts so I just wanted to hear if you want to hang out after work? Me and Deshaun can pick you up." Marshall suggests.
"Sounds fun as long as you get the fuck out now." I rush then.
"Chill." Deshaun chuckles as he leaves the store.

After I'm off work I call Rachel to tell her that I probably first gonna be home tonight, Marshall and Deshaun are parking outside like promised and I walk up to them.
"Hi guys." I say. I give Deshaun a hug and Marshall a long kiss, damn I've missed him.
"Yo girl if you're gonna give us a moody attitude again then we don't want you in this car." Deshaun chuckles.
"I'm sorry but my boss don't appreciate when I bring my private life at work." I tell him.
"Then you should learn to answer my texts." Marshall tells me with a smirk on his face.
"We've been so busy today so I haven't had time to check my phone babe." I tell him.
"Yeah yeah I get the hint lady." He tells me in a funny serious tone.
"Yo what about we get into the car before I'm freezing my ass off?" Deshaun asks and we get into the car, Deshaun is driving, Marshall sits upfront with Deshaun meanwhile I'm sitting alone in the backseat.
"Where are we going?" I ask them.
"Let's head to the old theater and see if something happens there." Deshaun suggests. I let my hand slide down Marshall's chest from behind and he eventually grabs my hand too hold it, he intervenes his fingers with mine and butterflies are now going crazy in my stomach.
We head to the old theater and there's a lot of people here today, we step out of the car and walk to the crowd of people and there's suddenly a lot of attention on us, I know it's because of Deshaun and Marshall because they're really respected and all people here knows who they are. Deshaun quickly starts to battle while Marshall stays with me not letting go of my waist, this feels so right and I could just stay like this forever. We stand there for a long time and I just enjoy this moment with Marshall, but my moment gets ruin when I see Marcus walking over to us, fuck there's gonna be trouble now! I know that him and Marshall haven't solved their beef mostly because Bugz had some few words with him, but I've discovered that Marcus is unpredictable so you never know what his up to. My heart is beating like crazy when I see Marcus walking over to us, has Marshall seen him?
"Marshall.." I try to get his attention while I keep my eyes on Marcus, we have eye contact.
"What babe?" He asks me softly kissing my neck.
"Marcus." I warn him. There's a short break before he speaks and Marcus is not fair away from us now.
"Go Amelia." Marshall orders me.
"No baby." I tell him. I refuse to leave him even though I know that there's nothing I can do, I mean look at me? I'm 5.2 so I know I can't do shit because Marcus is probably about 6 foot so he could throw me around like nothing, but I don't care because I refuse to leave Marshall behind, I'm not that kind of girlfriend.
"Amelia I'm not fucking kidding, go to the car." Marshall orders me in a angry tone pushing me away.
"Marshall.." I try but he cuts me off.
"GO!" He shouts and I go to the car but when I look over my shoulder I see Marcus hits Marshall hard in the face, without thinking I run over there screaming for Marcus to stop. In no time it's a big chaos and I just see Marcus sitting on top of Marshall repeatedly hitting him so I jump on Marcus' back screaming for him to stop again but he just gives me an elbow hitting me in the mouth. Fuck! It hurts like a bitch! My lip is bleeding and Marshall sees that and it's like his eyes turns black, then he grabs Marcus by his throat and turns him on his back and now he's on top hitting Marcus repeatedly in the head.
"Move Amelia!" I hear Deshaun say behind me while he pushes me to the site. Fuck my lip hurts! Deshaun pulls Marshall away and among with some others he gets the fight under control, I just stand there with tears running down my cheeks because it hurts so bad and it physically hurts me seeing Marshall fight. Marshall walks over to me and kisses my forehead, his eye is bruised from the punches Marcus has been throwing at him.
"Are you aright baby?" He asks me softly.
"It hurts." I cry. Marshall turns around again making his way through the crowd again grabbing Marcus by the throat.
"If you ever touch my girl again, Imma fucking kill you!" He shouts at him and Deshaun pulls him away.
"Doody!" Deshaun shouts while pushing Marshall away. Marshall walk back over to me again and holds by head to look at my lip, I try to make eye contact with him because his eyes are still dark because of the anger, I just want him to cool down.
"I love you." I tell him without thinking. Did those words just escape my lips? This wasn't how I imagined it to come out but I get Marshall's full attention now.
"What did you just say?" He asks me and I can see the corner of his mouth wants to smile.
"I love you." I say again but this time I can't hold my giggling back.
"Say it again." He chuckles.
"I love you." I tell him slowly making sure he catches each word.
"Fuck I love you too baby." He says and kisses my forehead.
"Yo lets head to the car." Deshaun then says and we follow him to the car.
"What the fuck happen dawg?" Deshaun asks Marshall as we all get into the car.
"The bitch suddenly came at me man." Marshall says and turns around to look at me and speaks "Next time I tell you head to the car you just do it, aright?" There's still anger in his voice which actually pisses me off.
"Don't use that tone towards me Marshall." I tell him in a angry tone myself.
"No cus you got fucking hurt cus you refused to listen to me baby." He tells me softly this time.
"I'm sorry but when I saw him hit you I just had to do something." I tell him.
"It isn't your job to protect me Amelia." He uses an angry tone again. I know he's not trying to be mean or anything but it's because he's concerned and he wants to protect me so I'm not gonna fight him on this.
"I'm sorry." I apologize again.
"It's okay baby I'm not angry with you." He says.
"I know." I say. Damn my lip is bleeding like crazy!
"Yo lets get you cleaned up." Marshall says and turns his head to look at Deshaun. "Can we swing by my place?" He asks him.
"Of course man." Deshaun says and begins to drive out to Marshall.
"That motherfucker is gonna pay for hitting my girl." Marshall says after a moment of silence in the car.
"No Marshall please leave it." I beg him and he turns his head to look at me.
"Are you crazy or something? He hit you baby I'm not gonna let him get away with that." He says. This is exactly why I don't tell him about James because the way he reacted towards Marcus is nothing compared to how he would react if he knew about what James has done.
"Marshall please you already handled it today, you gave him a warning that's enough." I beg him.
"She's right man. You gave him what he deserved today dawg you don't need to start a war man." Deshaun agrees with me.
"Fine." Marshall mumbles. I'm glad that Deshaun agrees with me because if there's one person Marshall always listens to then it's Deshaun. We arrive at Marshall's house and we all walk in, Debbie sits with Nate in her lap and her eyes widens when she sees me.
"What happened?" She asks concerned and get up from the couch and placing Nate on the couch.
"Some fucker hit her." Marshall mumbles making sure that Nate can't hear it. Debbie walks towards me and grabs my jaw gently so she can take a look at my lip, sure Debbie can be a bitch sometimes but she can also be really caring. She grabs a rag and make it wet.
"What happened?" She asks us again, it's clear that she wants more answers and I can tell by the way she's staring at Marshall that she has noticed his eye now. I look at Marshall because I'm not sure what to tell her.
"I was in a fight with some punk and Amelia tried to jump on his back to pull him away from me so he hit her with his elbow." Marshall tells Debbie the truth. Debbie walks over to me and begin to clean my lip with the wet rag.
"Why do you always get in trouble Marshall?" She sighs without looking at him.
"He came at me mom." He says through his gritted teeth.
"Are you okay honey?" She asks me and totally ignores Marshall anger towards her.
"Yes it just hurts." I mumble. My lip is so swollen now so I can barely talk.
"Marshall get her one of my t-shirts." She asks Marshall because my t-shirt have blood stains on it. Marshall walks into Debbie's room and get a t-shirt and Debbie is now cleaning my lip when Marshall is back.
"Thank you." I say when Marshall gives me the t-shirt. "I'm just gonna change in the bathroom." I tell them because you can still slightly see my bruises. I walk to the bathroom and change and when I come back with my t-shirt in my hand Debbie grabs it.
"Let me clean that sweetie." She says with a smile, wow she's really sweet today. She hands me some ice for my lip.
"Thank you." I say. Marshall walks closer to me and pull me into a hug.
"How would you feel if we just drive to Deshaun's apartment and chill?" He asks me and I just nod.

We drive over to Deshaun's apartment and we just chill there for the rest of the day and Bugz, Denaun and Rufus joins us later, they order some food but I don't eat anything because my lip hurts so much. It's really nice just too chill and listen to the guys talk and joke around. They also talk a lot about the incident with Marcus and I just stay quiet because I really don't feel like talking.

Later Marshall drives me home because it's getting pretty late and I had a deal with Rachel that I should be home by 10 so of course I'm gonna keep my word.
"Are you alright baby?" Marshall asks me on the way home and I just nod. "You've been so quiet."
"My lip just hurts." I mumble and he just nods. I take his hand and kiss it gently so I make sure my lip doesn't hurt too much, even though it hurts then it's all worth it. "I love you." I say.
"I love you too." He says and kisses my hand. "I'm really sorry that I yelled at you earlier." He apologizes.
"You were just worried." I say.
"But I shouldn't had yelled at you." He says.
"It's okay." I say with a little smile, damn it even hurts to smile. Marshall parks in front of my house and I hug him because I can't kiss him.
"Are you gonna work tomorrow?" He asks me.
"Yes." I say.
"Alright then.. I'll text you." He says. We say our goodbyes and I walk into the house. Rachel, Lucas and Nichole sit in front of the tv watching some movie, James is having a night shift tonight which I really appreciate right now. Their eyes widens when they see me.
"Omg!" Rachel gasps as she gets up from the couch and walk over to me. "What happened to you?" She asks as she grabs my jaw gently and look at my lip.
"Marcus hit me." I tell her and Lucas now gets up from the couch.
"Marcus hit you?" He questions.
"I thought you were with Marshall today?" Rachel wonders.
"It happened down at the old theater." I say. Nichole comes over now as well.
"What the fuck happened?" Lucas asks.
"Lucas, language." Rachel corrects him and she looks back at me. "What happened?"
"Him and Marshall got into a fight so I jump on Marcus' back because I tried to pull him away from Marshall but he hit me with his elbow right on the mouth." I tell them.
"I'm gonna kill him." Lucas says through his gritted teeth.
"Marshall took care of it." I assure Lucas.
"Why didn't you call me Amelia? You should have filled this to the police." She tells me.
"That's why I didn't call you." I tell her. "It's over okay? It was just a stupid fight."
"Amelia.." She tries but I cut her off.
"I'm really tired so I just wanna head to bed." I say and walk to my room.

It has been a crazy day..

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