Chapter 22 Jake

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Re: Marshall (5:11pm)
I'll call you when he leaves

I put my phone down and return to my desk where Jake sits.
"So was it your boyfriend?" Jake asks. Is Marshall my boyfriend? We haven't brought up the tittle any of us so i guess not and after this I'm not sure I want him to be my boyfriend.
"No." I say with a smile on my face. Why would he even ask? I mean is he just curious about who's trying to get a hold of me or is it actually about me having a boyfriend? Jake is a handsome guy and I see why Marshall gets jalousie but Marshall should just trust me.
"So you don't have a boyfriend?" He asks me. Alright it was the boyfriend part he was curious about.
"No not really." I say. What kind of stupid answer was that? You should just have said no because you don't have a boyfriend, wait why does it matter?
"Not really?" he repeats my words with a chuckle and I blush. To be honest Jake is really handsome, dark skin, short hair, cute smile and he's a little buff, I can see why Marshall gets jalousie but he should just trust me.
"I have this thing with a guy but I don't if we still have something." I tell him.
"So you are dating Marshall Mathers." He says in a way where it sounds like I just confirmed it to him. What the fuck? Why would he say that? Tasha is the only one at the school who knows.
"No, me and Marshall are just good friends, why would you think otherwise?" I ask him curiously.
"Robyn said that she saw you out on the parking lot kissing." He tells me. Okay I know for a fact that this bitch is lying because we would never kiss outside my school, we're not that stupid. Robyn is so fucking done tomorrow.
"She said that?" I ask him with a sarcastic laugh.
"Yeah and we all know that he picks you up after school pretty often." Jake points out.
"You all know? So apparently I'm just your favorite thing to talk about in school right now?" I ask him.
"Come on Amelia you've been that since you started, I mean you had been there for a weak and then you beat up Robyn, no offends but you kinda give us something to talk about, you know?" He explains. I guess he's right but I just hate that people talk behind my back even worse it when what they say isn't true, Robyn is so gonna regret that she started rumors about me and Marshall.
"I don't mind that you talk about me what I do mind is that what's being said isn't true." I tell him.
"So you and Marshall are just friends?" Jake asks me curious.
"Yes." I lie but it isn't non of their business who I date.
"Aright to be honest when I heard it I thought about why you would date a loser like him." he chuckles.
"Excuse me?" I ask him hoping that it just came out wrong.
"Come on he failed 9th grade three times and he's running around thinking he's some nigga." He says shaking his head.
"1st of all Marshall isn't a loser okay? You have no idea how nice of a person he is. 2nd of all Marshall doesn't think he's black or anything like that, he's actually a really good rapper." I say giving him a strong attitude. I just wanna kick him out of my room but we are lab partners so I can't just do that.
"He's not a nice person Amelia, that dude has a serious attitude problem man." He says.
"I have an attitude problem too, does that make me a loser?" I ask him with a bitchy tone.
"No your attitude is sexy." He says and bite his lip. I bet I look really surprise about his statement because I am, did he just call me sexy? I just sit there and look at him because I have no idea what to say and the fact that he doesn't say anything either just makes it awkward.
"Maybe we should just focus on our project." I finally say and return to our papers.
"Ouch." He laughs and I don't wanna look at him.
"What?" I ask him still looking at the papers.
"That might have been the hardest rejection I've ever got." He chuckles.
"I'm sorry." I just mumble because I really don't know what to say. Jake is totally my type but the fact that he just talked shit about Marshall really pisses me off, even though I'm really angry with Marshall right now then I will still stand up for him.
Jake stays for dinner but we only talk about the project the rest of the day.

I'm sorry about the short chapter but I just thought it needed to be in a chapter of it's own.

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