Chapter 24 Give him a chance

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Today I'm not grounded anymore so Marshall is coming over today so Rachel can see for herself that he's actually a really nice guy. I know Rachel can be a huge bitch so I'm really nervous, in that way she reminds me a lot of my mom because she could be a huge bitch too.
"Be nice on him, alright?" I tell Rachel. Even though James is sitting next to her I'm just talking to her, because I honestly don't care what he thinks about Marshall, even though I'm fighting a lot with Rachel then I care about what she thinks.
"I'll try." She says smiling.
"Rachel." I say in a serious tone which makes her laugh but I don't think it's funny at all. I go outside and wait for him on the porch and I see his car pull up the driveway, so I run towards him when he gets out of the car and wrap my arms around his neck and hug him hard.
"Hey baby." He chuckles and lift me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. I've missed him so much because we haven't seen each other for a week, he has been so busy so I've just missed him so much.
"I've missed you." I whisper in his ear softly.
"I've missed you too." He says and finds my lips and kisses me slowly but intense. I love when he kisses me like this, it's like it's just the two of us in the whole world and I love that feeling. After a long kiss we go into the house and I just hope that Rachel will be nice.
"Hi Mr and Ms Rowland." Marshall says politely.
"Hi." James says.
"Hi Marshall." Rachel says.
"Can we go to my room?" I ask.
"The meaning of this was so I could get to know Marshall better and I can't get to know him if you hide in your room." Rachel says so we sit down and I get really nervous. "So.. Marshall what do you do for living? You're not in college, are you?" Rachel asks him.
"No I'm working at some pizza place downtown." He answers.
"Are you gonna continue working there?" Rachel asks him, why does she have to ask him all these questions?
"Hopefully not." Marshall chuckles. That smile..
"So what are your plans?" Rachel asks. I look at Marshall, I know what his dreams are but I know he's really nervous to tell the older generations about it.
"I wanna be a rapper." Says Marshall and James begins to chuckle and we all look at James.
"What?" Rachel asks him with a grin.
"Yeah why are you laughing?" I ask James in an offended tone.
"He's white and wanna be a rapper." James chuckles. Omg.. He's being extremely rude and it's embarrassing.
"You're so rude James, he's actually really good." I say to James and stand up for Marshall.
"He's white, it doesn't matter how good he is cus he's never gonna be accepted in the industry." James says.
"And what do you do that's so great with your life?" Marshall asks. Fuck.. I smell drama..  
"I sure as hell does not work at some pizza place." James tell him.
"Okay! Enough!" Rachel stops them.
"Fuck this shit." Marshall says and gets up from his chair.
"Marshall please don't leave." I beg him as I follow him outside and I grab his arm on the porch. "Please." I beg and he looks at me.
"I just wanna punch that fag in the fucking face." Marshall hisses.
"Yo Marshall." I hear Lucas as he walks towards us out from the street.
"Yo." Marshall says as they give each other a handshake.
"What's going on man?" Lucas asks.
"Your dad just totally offended him, told him that he was never gonna be a rapper and laughed in his face." I explain to Lucas.
"Are you for real?" Lucas sighs.
"Yeah but it doesn't matter man, I'm just gonna head home." Marshall says.
"No Marshall please." I beg him. I've missed him so much and I've really looked forward to this day so I really don't want him to leave. The door opens and Rachel steps out and Lucas walks into the house leaving the 3 of us outside.
"Marshall I'm so sorry for my husband's behavior." Rachel apologizes.
"It's not you who need to apologize." Marshall just says to her coldly.
"I know James should be the one apologizing to you but that's really not his thing." Rachel explains. I hate James, I just hate him! Why can't he suck it up and apologize? He's so arrogant and he thinks that he can act like he wants, I'm so damn sick of him. Marshall doesn't say anything and I can't really blame him, because what is there to say? "What about the two of you head into Amelia's room for a while and later the 3 of us do some together outside the house?" Rachel suggests. To be honest, I'm really surprised about her suggestion because I know she's a bit skeptical about Marshall.
"Fine, but if he starts some bullshit again then I'm out of here."  He warns and we go to my room. I'm so happy that he's staying because it's so different that we're at my place instead of his, DeShaun's or even his car, it's so nice that he doesn't have to sneak into my room for a change.
"I'm so embarrassed of him." I say as we walk into the room and I lay down on the bed.
"It's not your fault." He says as he lays down next to me.
"It was just not how I imagined it go." I say as I sneak my hand under his shirt just to gentle feel him.
"I know baby." He says and kisses me. Slowly the kiss escalates and he's biting my lip while squeezing my butt and I rub my hands on his chest, he's kissing me again and he sneaks his hands under my top and begins to feel my breasts, oh god he's killing me! I'm gonna explode soon and I can't wait for much longer. I break the kiss and moan as I bite his neck and his body is responding, his breath gets heavier and he's getting more aggressive with his hands. 
"Someone could walk in any minute." I moan in a whisper and he sighs deeply.
"You're right." He says and we remove our hands from each other, I lower my eyes to his pants and I can see how hard he is and I can't help but chuckle. "What?" he asks.
"Did you get a little excited?" I ask him with a smirk as I run my hand over his pants and he jumps from my touch and removes my hand.
"You don't play fair." He says in a very serious tone which makes me chuckle. "But I bet if I stuck a finger inside your pussy that you would be wet so shut up." He says in a seductive tone and his words sends shiver down my spine, for fuck sake.. why does he have to be so damn sexy?  It's almost no matter what he does then he turns me on.
"I guess you'll never know." I say in a seductive tone as well.
"Oh I know." he grins and touch my inner thigh and moves his hands up closer to my sex, but i stop him by grabbing his hand before he gets there, because I can't handle his teasing and I know exactly what his intentions are.
"Maybe we should do something else before one of us loses control." I suggest.
"You mean before you lose control baby." He chuckles. He's right, I for sure is the first one to lose control and I know it's always the guy who's like that, but he's just so tempting and I can't keep my hands off him.
"You're so funny." I say sarcastically and get up.
"I know." he says. He slaps my butt as I walk towards my desk and he says - "You know I love your ass, right?"
"I figured that much since you can't keep your hands off it." I say with a smile as I sit down on my chair.
"It's just so fucking perfect." He says and bites his bottom lip, don't do that you turn me on when you do that.  It knocks on my door and Rachel sticks her head in.
"So should we do something?" Rachel asks us.
"Like what?" I ask her.
"What about bowling?" She asks.
"I'm on." I say and look at Marshall and ask him - "What about you?"
"I'm down with it but you're gonna lose baby." He says.
"You wish." I say and we both get up.
"Don't say I didn't warn you." He says with a cocky tone.
"You're so cocky." I chuckle.
We go out bowling and it's really fun, Marshall and Rachel gets along surprisingly well, they're talking and joking around, which makes me really happy. Marshall is a pain in the ass during the game, he's really good and he loves to tease me because I really suck.
"Okay so bowling isn't your game." Marshall teases when we're done and I lost. Maybe it didn't help that he was whispering things in my hear or teasing me all the time.
"And you're an awful winner." I say.
"Maybe there's just some other things that you're better at." Rachel teases me as well.
"I'm tired of the both of you." I say to them as they have been picking on me for like an hour now. Even though they're annoying as fuck I'm really glad that they're getting along. We drive to Taco Bell and eat, I'm really enjoying myself and I love Rachel for doing this.
"I don't know if Amelia told you but I didn't have the best impression of you but after today I must say that I changed my mind." Rachel tells Marshall in the car on the way home.
"Thank you Ms Rowland." He says.
"Call me Rachel." She says. When we get home it's late and Marshall has to go home, we stand against the car and it feels impossible to separate our lips from each other.
"Pick me up tomorrow after school." I tell him with my lips against his still.
"I can't baby." He says as he breaks away from the kiss. "But I can pick you up here after work then we can go to my place, because I have to watch Nate." He suggests.
"Okay." I say and we kiss the final time before he hops into his car and drives home. I head inside and James just sits on the couch in the living room and I just ignore him as I go out into the kitchen to Rachel.
"What's up honey?" She asks me as I walk into the kitchen.
"Thank you." I say as I take a seat. I know me and Rachel have had our fights and I know I've been really hard on her, but lately we've become closer and her giving Marshall a chance really proves how much she's trying.
"You're welcome honey, he's actually a really nice guy and I can see why you like him." She says and she gives me this warm smile which reminds me so much of my mom.
"I'm sorry I've been so hard on you." I apologize. I actually feel really bad about how I treated her.
"Don't think about it, you've been going through some things and I don't blame you." She says. If it was just me and Rachel and James wasn't here, then it would be perfect but if James wasn't here then Lucas wouldn't be either and I wouldn't trade him for that.

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