Chapter 23 I'm sorry

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I close the door behind Jake and head towards my room and I meet Lucas in the hallway.
"Yo you need to call Marshall." He tells me as we walk into my room. I look at Lucas with a confused look because I only told him yesterday that me and Marshall had a fight, has Marshall called him or something? "He's going insane about the fact that you haven't called him yet man."
"I'm fucking done with him." I say as I sit down on my bed.
"Are you for real man?" He asks as he sits down next to me.
"It scares me that he's acting like that Lucas." I admit.
"Yo I'm the fucking jalousie type myself so I kinda feel Marshall man.. Not to sound like a fag or anything but Jake is a good looking kid so of course he feels threaten, who wouldn't?" Lucas explains to me. Lucas being jalousie? I didn't see that one coming because he seems so calm and he just doesn't seem like the jalousie type.
"He should trust me." I just say with an angry tone and I feel my phone vibrate and the caller ID says Marshall.

"What?" I ask Marshall with an angry tone.
"You fucking promised to call me as soon as he left." He says with just an angry tone as mine.
"He just fucking left. What do you want Marshall?" I ask him making it clear in my tone that I actually don't wanna talk to him.
"I've been calling you down all day and you fucking ask what I want? You know exactly what the fuck I want!" He yells at me.
"No because I don't know what the fuck it is you want from me!" I yell back and Lucas slush at me so Rachel and James won't hear me.
"I want you stop being such a bitch!" He yells. Now that just pisses me off because I'm not a bitch to people unless they deserves it.
"I wouldn't be such a bitch if you weren't such a dick." I tell him coldly.
"I'm a dick?" He asks with a sarcastic laugh.
"Yes you are a dick, I've done nothing wrong and you called me a bitch plus you told me yesterday that you didn't trust me so to be honest I don't see why I should waste my time on you." I tell him honestly. Wait, am I ending this?
"So you're wasting your time, is that what you're saying?" He asks me and he sounds angry as fuck but he doesn't yell at me.
"Yeah I'm wasting my time on some idiot who clearly doesn't trust me." I tell him coldly.
"Fuck you." He says and hang up the phone. I can't even feel sad but I know it's because I'm too angry.
"Well that was it." I tell Lucas.

The next day in school I just wanna call Robyn out but Tasha advices me to take her out after school which I have to agree on.
"So what are you gonna do?" Tasha asks me. I actually have no idea because I actually want to take her out somewhere where people can't see us but that's really not a possibility on the parking lot.
"I don't know yet, all I know is that she's gonna piss her pants when I'm done with her." I tell her. The whole day in school I just imagine the scene in my head, because I really wanna send her a message about not spreading rumors about me and I wanna make sure that she never does it again.
After school I follow Robyn out to the packing lot and she's walking along the wall, this is my perfect opportunity to take her out because there's really no one around because we got off like 20 minutes earlier today, so no one will be out here for 20 minutes not that people would care anyway.
"Hey Robyn." I say trying to get her attention and it works, because she turns on her heels to look at me and I grab her around her throat and hold her against the wall. "Listen to me you fucking bitch. I know you've been spreading rumors about me and Marshall." I tell her in calmly tone. "You must have had your fantasy glasses on the day you saw us kiss because me and Marshall are just friends nothing else and for you to say otherwise pisses me off." I say and I see the fear in her eyes because she's chocking. - "I thought you learned the lesson last time not to fuck with me." I hear a car door open and shut behind me, so I turn my head and look over my shoulder to see who it is.
"Amelia what the fuck is going on?" Marshall asks me while he runs up to me. What the fuck is he doing here? I look back at Robyn and I can see her getting lightheaded. "Amelia let her go she can't fucking breathe!" Marshall tells me and pull me away from Robyn and I let her go. Robyn slides down the wall and sit on the ground catching her breath.
"Just be lucky Marshall was here." I tell her all serious.
"What the fuck is going on?" Marshall asks me.
"She told the whole school that she have seen us kissing out here on the parking lot." I tell him.
"And then you decided to choke her?" He asks with a surprised look on his face.
"I wasn't gonna kill her Marshall but maybe that will teach her not to talk shit about me in the future." I say as I walk towards the car and get in. Marshall gets into the car as well and looks at me. - "What are you doing here?" I ask him.
"I'm fucking sorry baby, aright?" He apologizes.
"Thanks but that doesn't change anything." I tell him.
"Yo I just got fucking jalousie, alright?" He burst out and his voice is cracking.
"No you got fucking nasty with me! Why should I be with you when you clearly don't trust me?!" I burst out and I sound more upset than angry which is practically how I feel. I'm so hurt by the fact that he doesn't trust me and that I apparently have to prove myself to him. He starts the car and begins to drive and silence comes over us. Isn't he even gonna fight for it? Why did he even come here if he's just gonna give me the cold shoulder? Did he really think that his lame apology was gonna cut it? "You don't have anything to say?" I ask him after a while.
"You're a fucking beautiful girl Amelia so yeah of course I have my doubts because my relationship with Kim just proved me that I apparently wasn't good enough! I constantly fear that you're gonna find someone better than me. Our relationship or what you wanna call it is so new and no I don't know where I have you, it would be stupid to already think that I know that!" He raises his voice. We've known each other for 4 months and I know that this thing between us is new but he should know me.
"I'm not Kim! You should know I would never play tricks behind your back Marshall." I tell him.
"What about that guy you rubbed your ass against at that party, huh?" Is he really throwing that one in my face?! Marshall was the one who told me that things couldn't go any further between us so did he want me to just wait for him and not flirt with other guys? I can't believe he just threw that one in my face! I stopped flirting with that guy as soon as I realized that I hurt his feelings and by the way if it wasn't for what I did then he wouldn't had claimed his feelings for me like that.
"Fuck you Marshall, really." I say with a tone that messages that what he just said was not okay. I begin so see that he is driving the opposite way of my home, what is he doing? "Where are we going?" I ask him.
"To our spot." He tells me coldly.
"Marshall you need to drive me home, I'm grounded remember?" I ask him.
"You got off school 20 minutes earlier so I think we're good." He says without looking at me.
"We're not good Marshall, you need to drop me off at home right now because I don't feel like talking to you." I tell him in a very serious tone.
"You think you have a choice?" He asks me and this time he's looking at me, he's so fucking intimidating and I hate it. I just shut up and non of us say a word on the way to our spot. When we arrive I get out of the car quickly because I'm afraid that I'm gonna punch him if I sit that close to him, I hear Marshall get out of the car behind as I walk towards the bench. - "Listen.." He tries to talk as he's walking behind me but I cut him off and I turn around to face him.
"No you fucking listen to me Marshall!" I yell in his face and continues - "How dare you to throw that episode in my face? You told me that we couldn't take things any further so I went out flirting with a guy as the single girl I was, so no Marshall I wasn't playing tricks behind your back and if it wasn't for that episode things wouldn't probably had gone any further with us!" Marshall begins to laugh, why the fuck is he laughing?! I don't find this funny at all so why would he? I refuse to be with him and I yell in his face and now he's laughing? Something is seriously wrong with this kid. "Why the fuck are you laughing?" I ask him.
"Are you aware of how sexy you are when you're angry?" He asks me with a grin and wrap his hands around my waist and pulls me closer to him but I yank his hands off me and take a step away from him.
"You can't flirt your way out of this Marshall." I tell him even though I just wanna kiss him and tell him that this whole thing is stupid. He wraps his hands around me again and pulls me close again.
"Come on baby I'm sorry." He whispers in my ear and my knees get soft. "I'm just so scared that some motherfucker is gonna take you away from me." He whispers and kiss my neck, oh he's good.. He knows exactly how to calm me down.
"No one can take me away from you." I whisper as i throw my arms around his neck. "But I need you to trust me." I whisper.
"I do trust you baby." He says. That's such a relieve that he says that because that's really all I want to hear.  I don't say anything I just kiss him passionately and he squeezes my butt just the way I like it so I moan against his mouth. He slides his tongue into my mouth and moves it gently around mine, I don't think I can ever get enough of his kisses. " I better drive you home baby." He says as he breaks the kiss and I just lean my head on his chest. We stand in the position for a couple of minutes before we head to the car. As he begins to drive I observe him, he's so damn sexy when he drives, he just looks so relaxed because he's almost laying down in the seat in that chilling way as he learns more to the right side while he only has one hand on the wheel. He looks at me as I just sit there and stare at him like some kind of creep but I think he's getting use to it because he doesn't say anything. I can't believe that he likes me and he's crazy about me, I can't believe that he's all mine. Damn I'm really falling for him.

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