Chapter 37 One lie after another

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Hi guys! I've been uploading a lot today which I hope you don't mind (of course you don't mind). I'm still surprised how many who's actually reading my story and I just wanna tell you that it makes me really happy when you vote and leave comments :)

The following Thursday

I'm at work like I've been every single day after school this far, really I'm just trying to stay busy so I don't have to go home but it also means that I don't have that much time for Marshall either. I just know that if I hang out with Marshall that he wants to have sex, that's not a bad thing at all because I want that too but sex means that he has to undress me and then he'll see my bruises. Nichole is still the only one I've told about it that's right not even Tasha knows, I guess that I'm trying to convince myself that if I don't talk about it then the quicker I'll forget about it.
"Hey Amelia." My boss says walking up to me. "Do you mind cleaning the store today?"
"Of course not." I say politely with a smile and begin cleaning the store. This is probably how I'm gonna spend the rest of the day because when Calvin wants me cleaning the store he wants it to shine afterwards, but I don't bother because then I don't have to deal with costumes and put on some fake smile.
As I'm cleaning the shelves someone grabs me around my waist from behind.
"All you need now is a sexy maid outfit." Marshall seductively says in my ear. My knees gets soft and a smile grows all over my face, I really miss him and it hasn't been easy to brush him off like I've done lately. I turn around, put my arms around his neck and give him a short kiss.
"What are you doing here?" I ask him still having my arms around his neck.
"I miss my girl and since she has been brushing me off like hell lately then I just have to bother her at work." He tells me. Ouch he has noticed that I've been brushing him off..
"I'm sorry I've just been really busy." I apologize and release my arms from his neck. I feel so fucking bad for lying to him but it's just for the better.
"Let me drive you home after work, what time are you off?" He asks me.
"No you don't have to do that, Rachel picks me up." I tell him and he looks at me with frowned brows and I can see he's getting suspicious.
"Yo have I done something wrong?" He asks.
"No I just.." I try to speak but get cut off by Calvin.
"Amelia I don't pay you for flirting with your boyfriend." He tells me.
"I'm sorry he's just about to go." I tell Calvin and Marshall gives me an irritated look before walking out of the store.
"I was not trying to be a dick or anything." Calvin then says.
"No I know." I say honestly. I understand why he doesn't want us to bring our private life to work, now I just have a pissed off boyfriend because I can't explain to him why I'm acting so weird.

After work I check my phone and there's a text from Marshall, of course.

Marshall (5:09pm)
I need an explanation

Reply to Marshall (7:07pm)
You can pick me up after school tomorrow

Marshall (7:13pm)

I know he's pissed and I can't blame him, now I just have so find a really good explanation for my behavior, it would of course have been easier if I could just tell him the truth but I can't.

The next day

"Are you gonna work today?" Tasha asks me.
"No Marshall is gonna pick me up after school." I tell her.
"Are you guys doing good?" She asks. If I had told Tasha about the James thing then it would have been an easy question to answer but now I have to lie. I'm getting so fucking sick of lies lately because usually I don't lie to the people I care about, lately I've been lying so much to Marshall, Tasha, Lucas and Rachel that it makes me sick.
"Yeah we're doing great." I tell her.
"Are you still with that loser?" I hear Jake say behind me so I turn around to look at him with this evil glare. "What's wrong sugar? Can't handle the truth?"
"What's your problem Jake?" I ask him.
"You know he's still fucking Kim, right?" He asks me.
"You know that I trust my boyfriend, right?" I spit back.
"Then you deserve to be cheated on." He grins. To be honest I get a little doubtful because that's just who I am, I have a hard time trusting people and even though I want to trust Marshall, then I find it hard because when we broke up he fucked her.
"And you deserve to be punched in the face but you don't see me do that." I tell him with a fake smile and Tasha burst out laughing.
"I'm just telling you the truth Amelia." He says and walk away. Fucking idiot! I hate him!

After school I walk out the parking lot and I spot Marshall's car right away. I have mixed feelings walking towards the car, I've missed him like crazy lately but I know that he ain't gonna be nice today because he knows something is up. I get into the car and I kiss him trying to loose him up a little but he barely kiss me back.
"Wow you're really pissed at me." I sigh as I put my seat belt on.
"I'm not pissed." He sighs as he begins to drive. "I'm fucking confused."
"Don't be." I say in a sweet tone.
"What the fuck is going on Amelia?" He asks me. I hate when he calls me by my first name.
"Nothing, I just really need to stay busy lately." I tell him.
"You can't stay busy with me?" He asks me and look at me shortly before turning his eyes back to the road again.
"That doesn't give a paycheck." I tell him and he looks at me with a very angry look, I swear it didn't sound that terrible in my head.
"So it's about that now?" He asks me.
"No it wasn't what I meant, at work I can just stay busy and earn some money at the same time, it's a win win." I tell him.
"Why do you need to stay busy?" He asks me the question I didn't want him to ask but knew he would ask.
"I just can't stand this situation between me and James lately." I tell him honestly without giving him too much information.
"He hasn't touch you, has he?"
"No, but things are still so tensed between us." I lie. Lies lies lies.. I fucking hate it. There's a moment of silence before I speak. "Where are we going?"
"At my place, my mom and Nate ain't home." He says. Fuck.. I know that he wanna take advantage of us being home alone and I have to reject him, I have too lie to him again. We get to his place and he immediately pulls me into his room and kisses me.
"Marshall.." I try to say between our kisses but he doesn't listen, he just lays me down on the bed. "I'm on my period." I then lie and he sighs deeply.
"Damn." He mumbles getting up from the bed with disappointment written all over his face.
"I'm sorry." I almost whisper.
"Don't apologize baby." He says in a sweet tone and kisses me. I feel so bad!! "Let's watch a movie." He pulls me off his bed and pulls me into the living room and turn on the tv. "Have you thought about what you wanna do after your graduation?" He asks me when we're halfway through the movie we're seeing.
"I'm just gonna keep working and saving up for college." I lie. I haven't told him about Rachel offer about college and I haven't told him about the college I've been having my eyes on in California, I know he will convince me to look for other options if I tell him.
"It's sounds like a good plan." He tells me kissing my hand he's holding. "What's your dream?"
"I wanna run my own night club." I tell him. I almost believe that's the only truth I've told him today.
"Then I can party at your club when I make it as a big ass rapper with all my famous friends." He chuckles. It would actually be awesome. I've always dreamed of owning a night club where celebrities would party all night.
"That would be awesome." I giggle.
"Someday baby.. We're gonna have everything we want and we're gonna have nice cars and a big ass house." He tells me and I sure hope he's right.
"Promise?" I ask him as I look into his blue eyes.
"I promise." He says kissing me. "I fucking promise."

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