Chapter 29 Do you love me?

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I'm back and ready to upload some new chapters for you guys :)
This chapter contains sexual scenes.

"Is Marshall gonna pick you up today?" Tasha asks me as we walking out to the parking lot.
"No." I answer her with a smile.
"You wanna do something? We could go to the old theater and hang out." She asks me and I just nod. We hop into Tasha car and we head to the old theater. Music is blasting through the speakers and we sing along, it's nice to have that one friend where you can just be yourself. As we arrive I can tell there's a lot of people today which is nice, we get out of the car and I spot Lucas with his arm around some girl, I'm guessing that's Nichole.
"I think that's Lucas' new girl." I whisper in Tasha's ear as we walk over to the crowd of people, I touch Lucas on the back with my hand to get his attention and he smiles when he sees it's me.
"Yo sis, what are you doing here man?" He asks me.
"Me and Tasha were bored so we wanted to see if anything was going on here." I tell him and he hugs Tasha as well, Lucas quickly notices that I'm staring at the girl he had his arm around, she's staring back at me as well.
"Amelia this is Nichole, Nichole this is my sister Amelia and her friend Tasha." He introduces us and I shake Nichole's hand.
"Finally I meet the girl Lucas has been talking my ears off about." I tell her and she laughs while Lucas pushes me gently.
"Be nice." I tells me with a smile.
"I am." I laugh. I look around to see if there's anyone I know, who am I kidding? I'm looking for Marshall. "Have you seen Marshall here?" I ask Lucas.
"No." He says. Tasha then takes me hand and we walk over to some people she knows and we just stand there for over an hour and talk while we're listening to people battling. Suddenly someone grabs me around my waist and pulls me close and I recognize Marshall's hands.
"I thought it was your ass I saw." He whispers into my ear. He has never done this in public but I'm standing here talking with a lot of guys, so I'm sure that he wants to show them that I'm taking so that's why he does it. I don't know what to do, should I turn around and kiss him or what?
"Hi baby." I just whisper back.
"What are you doing here?" He asks me and he doesn't let go of my waist.
"Me and Tasha were bored so we headed out here." I tell him. I turn around to face him and I can see that he's staring at the guys I've been talking to, please don't get jalousie.
"Do you know these guys?" He asks me and looks me in the eyes. Shit he's getting jalousie.
"They're just some of Tasha's friends." I tell him. He just gives me a little smile which makes me so relieved.
"You wanna go somewhere?" He asks me and I just nod. Butterflies is flying around in my stomach when he takes my hand and pulls me through the crowd, he pulls me upstairs and kiss me hard when we get there. "You look so fucking hot today." He tells me against my lips while he grabs my butt. He moves his kiss along to my neck and I moan when his lips get in touch with my neck. He pulls me closer and I can feel his boner on my leg which makes me touch it.
"You want me to do something about that?" I whisper.
"Yeah." He whisper roughly In my ear then he touches my lips with his thumb. "I wanna feel those lips around it." I can feel his a little nervous as he says it because his voice shakes a bit, I don't mind so I drop to my knees and I look at him as I pull it out, Marshall bites his lip and I take his cock in my mouth, he moans and places his hand in my hair, I can feel him looking at me the whole time. I suck it, lick it and use my hand while I suck him. "Fuck.. baby.." He moans and I can feel he's close because his grip in my hair gets tighter and he moans louder. "I'm about to cum." he warns me but I just keep going and he cum in my mouth, I swallow his cum and look at him and he just smiles. He helps me on my feet and he kisses my forehead. "I love you." What? Did he just say he loves me? I'm really confused because I just gave him a blowjob, it just doesn't feel right, you know? Would he even have told me that if I hadn't given him a blowjob? I take a step back and look at him.
"You love me?" I question him.
"Well yeah.." He says and I can see that he's waiting for me to respond, but I don't know what to say and it ain't because I don't feel the same way about him, but I'm just so confused. He starts to chuckle and not in the good way, I can hear the anger in his chuckle and I know I got him pissed. "Now I feel fucking stupid."
"No Marshall it's not that.." I try to talk but he cuts me off.
"You don't feel the same way about me." He says. How can he say that? He knows how much he means to me!
"Listen to me.." I try but he cuts me off again.
"No I fucking get it, I'm just some toy you use to get over your fucking ex boyfriend." He claims. Is he fucking serious right now?
"How can you say that? That's not true Marshall! I'm just not ready to say those words and to be honest it's fucking weird that you dropped this bomb right after I blew you." I tell him and I can immediately tell that I've made him more upset.
"So now you don't believe me?! You know what Amelia? Fuck you man." He says as begins to walk away from me.
"Marshall please don't walk away from me." I beg as I follow him. He turns around and look at me.
"You were playing me this whole time!" He yells.
"Marshall no.." I try but he cuts me off again.
"So you love me?" He asks me. I wanna tell him but I just can't and it ain't because I don't want to but now is not the time, I don't want him to force the words out of me I want it to come out naturally. I just stand there and choke on my words. "That's what I thought." He says and walk away, this time I don't stop him because I do think that he needs to cool off and then we can talk. I feel so fucking shitty, I mean I just blew him and now he walks away from me? I get myself together and I join Tasha and the group again, I see Marshall in the circle.
"Where were you?" She asks me but I don't answer, because I listen to Marshall's rap and it's about me, he doesn't say my name but I know it's about me and the words he uses to describe me are not nice.
"Can we just go?" I ask Tasha with a shaking voice and she just nods. We walk to the car and I immediately get in the car.
"What the fuck happened?" She asks me as she drives.
"Marshall told me he loved me right after I blew him." I begin to cry but i continues talking. "It just felt weird him saying that right after I blew him, so now he thinks that I have just been played him and shit, he won't talk to me because I couldn't say it back."
"But I thought you loved him?" She asks me.
"I do but I didn't want him to force those words out of me and he wouldn't let me explain." I sop.
"So those words he spitted was about you?" She asks me and I just nod. "Damn he's cruel."
I get Tasha to drop me off at home because right now I really wanna be alone, I'm just crying my heart out when Rachel knocks on my door and step into my room.
"What's wrong honey?" She asks me and lays down on the bed with me.
"I think Marshall just broke up with me." I cry.
"How come you think that?" She asks me as she holds me tightly in her arms.
"I know he broke up with me." I then cry.
"Why?" She asks me again.
"I don't wanna talk about it." I tell her. I can't really tell Rachel what happened because then I have to tell her about the blowjob and I can't tell her that.
"But if you ever need to talk about, I'm here." She tells me. Rachel tries to comfort me the whole day but it just doesn't work, my heart is so broken and I just need Marshall so I decide too text him.

Text to Marshall (9:07pm)
Can we please talk?

I'm so nervous because I'm afraid that he doesn't reply at all but finally my phone vibrates.

Marshall (9:14pm)
There ain't anything to talk about

I start to cry again..

Reply to Marshall (9:18pm)
Yes there is I really wanna talk to you

Marshall (9:21pm)
Leave me the fuck alone cus we're done

My crying is now out of control and I can't believe he just broke up with me over the phone.

Reply to Marshall (9:25pm)
Really? Are you breaking up with me over the phone?

He doesn't answer and I cry myself to sleep.

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