Chapter 11 In trouble

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I walk into the house.. Okay coast is clear.. No one's awake and I can just go straight to bed.. I walk through the living room and just my luck James walks into the living room coming from the kitchen.
"I sure hope you have a good explanation for coming home this late and not picking up your phone." He says and I can feel his anger.
"I don't." I say and in that way I don't have to explain to him how I bailed from the party with Marshall and fell asleep in his car.
"Where have you been Amelia? We have been worrying sick about you." He says.
"I'm sorry, okay?" I say and try to walk pass him but he grabs my arm.
"Where have you been?" He asks me again.
"Let go of my arm!" I whine because of the pain he causes me.
"I'm not gonna ask you again!" He yells and tightens his grip.
"Fuck you!" I yell mostly in pain. I feel a pain on my cheek, did he just hit me? He fucking did!
"You better watch your language!" He yells and he finally let go of my arm. - "Go to your room." He says and I do as I'm told.
In my room I slide down the wall and burst out crying. I have no idea how long I sit there but after some time I crawl into bed.
I wake up by the sound of someone knocking on my door.
"Come in." I say. I hope it's Lucas because I really need to talk to him but unfortunately it's Rachel.
"Did I wake you?" She asks and I just nod my head, I don't feel like talking to her at all. - "We need to talk about your punishment." She says and close the door behind her. Like James' fucking punishment wasn't enough? - "You're grounded for 2 weeks and just so you know it, we're never gonna allow you too go to a party ever again, you ruined that last night." She then says.
"Whatever." I say coldly and turn around so my bag is against her.
"Why do you have to be like that?" She asks me.
"Why can't you just leave me the fuck alone?" I ask her with anger in my voice.
"My god Amelia you are so difficult to work with, no matter what I do then it ain't good enough for you." She says frustrated and I ignore her, she gives up and leaves my room. I check my phone, it's 4:13pm and I have 1 new message from Marshall.

Marshall (1:32pm)
Everything's cool?

Reply to Marshall (4:16pm)
Everything's fine but I'm grounded for 2 weeks

Marshall (4:29pm)
It's like you always get grounded when you're with me

Because you distract me and make me lose track of time..

Reply to Marshall (4:36pm)
I'm an expert to make trouble for myself

Marshall (4:40pm)
We just have to be careful in the future it ain't my intention to get you into trouble

Reply to Marshall (4:42pm)
I know

Why can't I stop thinking about him? I enjoyed last night besides from where we got into that fight. It's all worth it, no matter how much trouble I get in he's worth it.

At dinner Lucas doesn't even look at me, I can tell he's angry with me and he's not the only one because I can feel them all being angry with me. It doesn't bother me that Rachel and James are angry with me but it bothers me that Lucas is. I have to talk to him!

After dinner I go to my room and I sit there for like 20 minutes before I head to Lucas' room, I knock on the door and he says "Come in." Surely unaware who's knocking. When he sees me he glances at me with this cold stare.
"Can we talk?" I almost whisper. He doesn't answer me so I just walk in and close the door behind me. Damn stop looking at me like that Lucas you make me nervous! - "I'm sorry." I say.
"You're sorry? I don't think you have any fucking clue how much trouble you got me into." He says angrily.
"I'm really sorry Lucas, you gotta believe me when i tell you that this wasn't my intention, my intention was to bail that party with Marshall and when you were ready to go home you would call me and we would go home, but then I fell asleep in Marshall's car." I explain him and sit down on his bed.
"And explain to me again why you and Marshall sneaked away from the party together if nothing's going on between ya?" He's questioning.
"We needed to sort things out between us." I say.
"After those things he said in the car you still wanna be friends with him? Nah Amelia there's more to it." He says. Lucas ain't stupid but I can't tell him that I have a crush on Marshall because he would be up in my ass about it. - "If you have a crush on him or anything then please drop it, Kim and Marshall's relationship is crazy, what you saw last night ain't nothing cus it can be a lot worse than that and no matter how much they fight they always end up back together." He then tells me and it breaks my heart.
"Lucas.. Marshall is just a good friend and I don't have a crush on him." I try to convince him. - "And we shouldn't talk about that we should talk about the fact that you're extremely angry with me which I completely understand but I want you to forgive me." I say.
"I forgive you man but you are in so much trouble with the folks." He says. I know..

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