Slowly and extremely hesitantly I remove my mothers money jug. She kept it in her room in her sock draw. It contained an amount of around $ 2500 in cash. It was my mothers sanity that plastic jug. She checks it everyday and places any bit of change she can find. She will definitely notice it's gone.
I really needed the money. And to be honest, that was only the cash I was going to be carrying around in my bags. My mothers credit card was used for my plane ticket so my uni money was safe.
The amount of guilt I was experiencing was incredible. It was like my heart was about to explode out my chest! But I had to do this. I had to escape my troubles. It's for the best. Hopefully dad will welcome me. I haven't seen him in over 5 years.
I run down stairs to where my suitcase and duffle bags waits for me at the door. I place the money jug in my bag and head outside. Locking the door gently behind me I sadly give my house one last glance before locking the door and wait for the taxi. It's for the best.
Finally after about sitting on my suitcase for ten long minutes, the taxi finally arrives. I pay the man ten bucks and tell him my destination before climbing into the back. The radio softly plays in the back.
I check my phone quickly and scroll through my latest Instagram feed. Unfortunately None of my friends had posted anything new. I turn my phone of and rest my head against the window, staring out onto the streets on Panem. God, I really was gonna miss this place.
Time skip- 2 hours later
"Panem flight 250 is landing now in California" A lady's voice booms over the speakers of the plane.
I sit up straight, now fully awake. My ears get that annoying blocking sensation as the plane starts to move downwards. My heart grows ten times larger when I see all the beautiful lights shining over the flashing star striking city of California. It was so beautiful.
Ten minutes later we were grounded. We were able to un belt ourselves and collect our travel packs. I take my small back pack and follow the crowd out of the plane and into the airport.
Everything was so different. The airport. The views. The people. Even the smell of the air was different! Quickly I collect my luggage and head out of the airport.
As soon as I stepped out of the airport, a cold sensation takes over me. The wind blows my hair wildly. A small gasp escapes my lips as I look around the maze of streets around me. It hardly felt nighttime with this much light around.
I call a taxi and hurry inside.
"We're to miss?" The driver asks as I hand him a ten dollar bill. I search my bag for the slip of paper containing my fathers address. After two minutes of searching I find the small piece of paper.
"24 crescent Rd" I read out. The driver nods and starts driving towards my destination.
Ten minutes later-
The taxi pulls up in front of a massive White House. I don't even know if I can call it a house! More like a mansion to me. It was huge! It was so modern. Who knew my father was so rich.
"Thanks" I say getting out of the taxi. The driver helps me get my luggage from the boot before leaving.
"Woah. . ." I whisper staring at the house. I check the paper again making sure I had the right address. I did.
Taking a deep breath a slowly walk up to the front gate intercom. I was about to see my father again for the first time in five years. I wouldn't know what to do
I slowly press the red button down on the intercom.
"Hello this is Katniss Everdeen. . .-"
lol sorry that escalated very quickly. But whatever. It was a filler chapter. I literally didn't realise what I was writing until the fifth paragraph😂. So sorry about that.
This small love (EVERLARK FANFIC*)
FanfictionKatniss everdeen is the newbie at school. After a horrible incident involving bad boy Mellark and his evil hot girlfriend Cartwright, she has put herself in a depression. Things only get worse when her and Primrose get in a fight. When she has to t...