9.Im simply confused

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Cas's POV:
Cc drove me to the house and sighed. "You know, we really did miss you cas." I nodded my head. "I missed you guys to." The car went silent as he pulled up to the house. "Don't ever try a stunt like that again please. We all need you, I need you." He whispered and I closed my eyes. "I'm sorry." I whispered and he hugged me. "If you ever need to talk.... At all... I'm here for you cas." Cc said and let go. Then he got out and so did I.

I walked into the house of 6 boys playing COD and yelling. I started laughing and walked up to my bedroom and pulled on pentagram designed tights from the supernatural collection and a black long sleeve. I put my hair up in a messy bun and walked back downstairs. I had 6 boys slam on to me into a group hug "c-ant breathe " i said as loudly as i could. They all laughed and piled off of me. I went into the kitchen and poured some water andy handed me a bottle of pills and i shook my head "come on you have to take them" i sighed "i feel okay today and the side effects make me feel shitty. Just for today please batman" he nodded and smirked.

"So what do you wanna do then robin?" He asked and I laughed. "I don't know, watch movies, play Mario, something that I can be a lazy shit with." He laughed and we walked into the living room. I sat down on a chair by the window and shut the blinds so it wasn't blinding me. I watched the guys kill each other in cod and the cc killed everyone and they started to bitch at each other. "My god it's just a game, don't get your panties in a bunch." I said and they all looked my way.

I started laughing my ass off and they all looked at me like i was crazy. "I dont want to see her high" Jared muttered. Right timing because grace walked in the door "i have and you dont want to see it" i looked up and flipped her off "JERK!" "Bitch!" Me and grace called back to each other. And jensen and jared looked over and smiled widely .

"God you to are turning into Dean and Sam." Jensen said and grace and I laughed. "Glad you think so." We said at the same time and laughed even harder. Grace sat on the floor by the window near me. I turned around to see her plugging her iPod charger into the wall. I laughed again and she shrugged. "It's at 3% and I'm reading an amazing fanfic. I'll send it to you latter man." She whispered and I got out of the chair and sat next to her. Pulling out my phone and reading a few tumblr imagines about supernatural.

I started laughing my ass off and was tearing up. Jensen hopped over and looked over my shoulder and i shoved my phone into my chest " YOU NO READ!" i yelled and giggled. He laughed and started tickling me and took my phone "dean took my chin and lifted it kissing me slowly" he started laughing too and i was blushing like crazy embarrassed "JENSEN!!!" i whined "god damn you cant get enough of me " he whispered and i rolled my eyes.

"Only cause she wants to see the Dean side of you.... If you get what I mean." Grace said without looking up from her iPod. "Shut the fuck up!" I yelled and Jensen laughed. "Hey at least you don't have to pay." I say to her and she gives me a death glare. "You shut your cake hole right now young lady." She said and I laughed. "Yes mom." She rolled her eyes and went back to reading her fanfic.

"You and grace need to stop giggling when you read fanfics" caleb said chuckling. I got up and cuddled up to the guys "why do you guys get to be warm" i pouted . We watched a few batman movies obviously andys request . When i looked over and ash had a boner "GRACE ASH NEEDS HELP WITH SOMETHING" i said pointing to him.

Grace looked up only to look away and head outside. I rolled my eyes and ash's cheeks were a beat red. "Ash has a boner, ash has a boner." Cc sang I we all laughed. "Bro shut the fuck up." Ash said.

"You gotta help him!!!" I laughed to grace "STHAP !" Ash was blushing furiously "guys stop" he said with rosy cheeks. I looked over "OR DOES ANDY WANNA HELP?!?!" "ANDLEY" grace yelled. Ash rolled his eyes " i think id want grace more" he winked.

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