25.Used and abused

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Graces POV

Once i finally woke up I was told we were going to see cas and she was being abused...I was shocked and nervous but wanted to see her. It took about twenty minutes to get there. But we were leaving Ohio in a few hours so I didn't have much time. Once the tour bus driver told us we were there I got up and fixed my hair to look semi aproachable. Ash knocked on the door. After a few minutes there was no answer. I kicked it down and looked at ash "fuck doors". When i walked in the house i heard silent cries and it wasnt cassidys. It was a males. I followed the cries and hopped downstairs to see a crying male, a tought angry male and cassidy passed out and the crying dude holding her. I walked up to cas and started talking to the guy "what the fuck happened to her" i asked and he pointed to the angry male and he mouthed "he abused and raped her" and i shot my eyes open. I ended up finding out the crying guys name was luke and the abuser was jason. Luke kept calling her name trying to get her up "guys i think we might have to go to the hospital" i slowly nodded and told him to wait and sat next to her whispering things and she slowly started opening her eyes and was crying. After a while all she kept doing was asking for cc and didnt know the people around her. Luke was pushing jason away from her. I called cc and gave him the adress. He walked in the house and ran to her. She shot backwards shaking "dont hit me please ill do anything!" Cc gave a soft look and i told him things that happened and he tensed but calmed down. He slowly picked her up and kissed her cheek.

Jason looked pissed and tried to approached me. "YOU FUCKING BASTERED!" I screamed and kicked him where the sun don't shine and started whaling on him. He fought back and kneed my ribs and got a few shots to my head when I elbowed him in the temple and he passed out. Ash pulled me off of him and held me. "He's a fucking cock sucker and deserves what he got." I mumbled and ash sighed. "Violence is never the answer." He mumbled "neither is fucking rape." I shot back and got out of his hold. Slowly approaching cas as I heard the sirens ring. The police and
Ambulance were called. Cas shook as i approached her. "Don't... Don't hurt me please." She cried and I sighed and say infront of her. "I promise I will never hurt you." I said and have a slight smile. I could feel my nose bleeding slightly and I held my sleeve to my nose. "Want me to put your hair up?" I ask and she nods and I move closer and pull her hair up lightly into a messy bun. The paramedics came in and took cas out on a stretcher and insisted I go with her. "I'll be fine. I can take care of myself thank you." I gave cas a light hug as cc got in the ambulance and then they loaded cas in the back.

I looked back at ash "you staying on tour for the rest?" He slowly shrugged "black veil brides tour is in a week and we will be no where close to drop me off..." i nodded " its up to you if your staying with the guys gotta get your shit outta the bus....including the condoms" i muttered the last part and he chuckled and turned a bright shade of red. Cc called me "umm grace do you think there's the possibility of her being pregnant..." i just realized that "its possible...lets just hope its not the case" he chuckled and said "especially considering im not the dad" tensing up well saying that. And after a few minutes of talking he hung up and i leaned against ash and he pulled me in for a embrace and he kissed me and i smirked blushing.

"Ash Sthap." I mumbled and walked into the bus. "Babe what's wrong?" He asked and I turned around and shot him the finger. "This hole time on your you've banged girls ash. I should've never trusted you! It hurts! You know how fucked up I am! All you did was fuck girls and use me for kisses when you felt like it! Just... Get your shit and go." I cried and went to the front of the bus. I sat in the drivers seat and laid my head on the steering wheel. "You okay?" Andy asked and I shook my head. "Help ash pack please." I mumbled. I heard him walk away and I pulled out my phone and texted cas . "Text me when you can, or FaceTime. Something... Think we need a girls day out soon."

She texted back soon after "yes we do....cc wont let me have coffee :(" i giggled "*gasp!* ill bring you some" i went to Timmies and got me and her coffee and hopped over to the hospital. When i walked in she punched a nurse and i started laughing my ass off "cas what are you doing?" She just laughed and i gave her the coffee "thank you so much man!" And she rolled her eyes at cc

"Glad your happy man." I said and sat on her bed. "So... How's tour been?" She asked and I sighed "long, I love the adrenaline I get whole preforming, I love the fans, I love meeting them. It's just tiring." She giggled "sounds like it." A doctor with sleeves came in and started messing with her IV's and writing something down and winked at cas. When he walked out and closed the door I whispered "fuck. Himmmm, do it."

She turned a bright shade of red and scolded me "hush!" And i kept teasing her and cc heard us and got mad but cas shot back "please dont hit me!" He turned sympathetic "i won't sweety!" She shook "you did before! That's why im here" he gave a confused look "cas that wasnt me" and she shook her head and turned back to me.

She just rolled her eyes and mumbled "me tired" and tell into a deep sleep.

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