35. Can't help falling in love

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Cas's POV

"Wake up" I was being shaken slightly. I threw my head into a pillow that didn't seem too familiar. I opened my eyes and saw caleb. I shook my head, no he's dean. "You're phone has been going off for the last hour" he says with a humorous grin. I pick up my phone and notice several texts and missed calls from andy.

'Where the hell are you?'
'Are you coming to warped with us.'
'Are you okay'?
'Cas where are you we are getting worried.'

This was only a few of the several texts I laughed and responded.
'I don't know yet if Im coming with you guys to warped, I kinda met someone recently...' I texted back and crossed my legs and looked over at the batman clocked placed crooked on the wall 2:29 pm "holy shit I slept in" I said laughing and he smirked "you sure did I was getting scared that you died " he winked giggling like a school girl. I sighed "I don't know if I wanna go to warped with them or not..." I trailed off turning my head to the side "you could stay with me darlin" he said with a smirk "I just don't know if I'll be able to stay away from them that long, they're my family, I would love to stay here with you, don't get me wrong, but I love them alot."

"Yes I understand, its up to you, I'll miss you lots though"

I laughed

"You only just met me a couple days ago..."

"But you remind me of my brother, you're a part that brings back memories, I don't know how but I just can't leave you" he mumbled out the last part.

I hugged him "I miss caleb as much as you" I said tracing my tattoo.

I sighed and got up and strated making the bed "you leave that and go get ready we can go somewhere" I shook my head "um dean I don't have clothes" I said laughing a bit "oh yeah shit" I ash and he answered "ashy can you do me a huge favor? "

"Depends on the favor" he said "well I really need clothes can you bring some to the adress I gave andy?" I heard ash chuckling "you hooked up with someone!" He said and I turned a bright shade of red " no I didn't! Ashley purdy your a bad boy!" I said laughing "alright Ill bring you clothes let me just find some" "thanks ashy!"I said and then hung up. I turned to dean.

"Ashley is bringing me clothes"
"Ashley purdy?!?" He spit out
"Aha yeah"

Thirty minutes later there was a knock at the door and an ashley with a bag of clothes "thanks so much ash" I pulled out the clothes "yas bish you know me so well" I ran into the bathroom changing from the batman clothes dean gave me and turned on his straightner using it. By the time i was done so was dean. "Lets go somewhere " he said holding my hand.

We walked to the front of the room and I put on my combats and he put on his black vans. He grabbed his leather jacket and put it on while I put on my black nightmare before Christmas jacket. "Where too?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "Up to you." "How about we go to a coffee shop?" I nodded "yeah.... Sure..." I said and we walked hand in hand to a coffee shop and he went and order our drinks while I sat at the table. There was live acoustic sessions on. Anyone could go on the stage. The sound of you by the pretty reckless in the room and the coffee machine running. This felt right, as if it were home.

He got up, with slight reddening in his cheeks.
"May I have this dance?" He asked with a low tone.

I giggled "of course"

He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck and layed my head on his shoulder.

"Dean?" I called out lowly

"Yes hun?"

"Maybe it wouldn't be too bad if I stay here...it's too much drama with the guys, if its okay with you."

A smile grew on his face and he brought me closer to him as I looked up, he stared at my lips for a few moments and leaned in and kissed me, it felt different, it didn't feel like it did with cc, or even andy. It felt right. Everything felt right with dean.

"Of course you can" he said with a cheeky grin.

"Thank you." I mumbled as we swayed back and forth. "Your so adorable." I mumbled and he laughed "your the adorable one." He whispered and I giggled. "No you are." "Nope. You are now shut your face." He laughed and the song ended.

"Its still so weird to see you" I said laughing a bit.

"What do you mean darling?" He said smiling.

I thought for a moment "I don't know it just feels so weird, I didn't think I'd ever meet anyone like you, after caleb died I was devestated, I wouldn't talk, eat or shower for weeks and here you are in front of me. So much like him but also so different, I don't know it feels good though. After everything that has happened lately, it feels different to have someone, something around me that is actually right"

"Sweetheart.... Please..... I.... I think I love you." He said and then let go and bolted out the door. I stood there speechless. My heart pounding in my chest. My feet felt as if they were glued ground. "Go after him." Someone behind me said and my feet started to move and I ran after him. I caught up to him pretty easily and I hugged him. Tears coming out of my eyes. "I think I love you too."

He picked me up as I had tears streaming down my face.

"Please don't cry darling" he kissed me and suddenly it started raining, my light brown straight hair was now drenched. It felt as if time stopped, it was us and us only in that moment and right now he was all that mattered. He brought out the best in me, the giddy side, a side that no one else did. After he was done kissing me he set me down on the side walk and I turned and saw the girl that originally told me to go after him in the window smiling, I gave her a thumbs up and giggled.

She gave me a small smile and walked off. She looked familiar. "Stay with me?" He whispered, his warm mint breath washed over my face. "Can I?" "Of course you can princess... Be mine?" He asked and I nodded "I'll be Sally as long as you'll be my jack." He laughed and nodded "that was very cheesy darlin." I laughed "thanks." We let go of each other and walked hand in hand back to the coffee shop. We were drenched head to toe by the time we had got there.

I started shivering furiously "you okay babe?" he said and kissed my cheek and put his jacket over me "no no you'll get sick" I told him "you're freezing babe just take it" I slowly nodded "wanna go back home and cuddle and watch batman" he said with a bit of excitement in his voice and I laughed, hell I couldn't wait till grace could meet him. "Sure babe" I said and we walked back out and walked home. When we got there he handed me some of his PJ pants and a metallicca shirt "we will go over and get your clothes tommorow" I nodded and pulled out my phone texting grace "no longer a single Pringle ;)"

A few moments later I got a text back "WHO OMG?" I laughed at her enthusiasm "very long story I'll tell you next time I see you, long story short, caleb has a twin and we kinda hit it off" dean turned netflix on and played batman. He sat on the couch and motioned for me to come over. He sat down and I layed down laying my head on his lap as he ran his hands through my hair. My phone vibrated and I picked it up "yas bitch thats amazing, can i ask you a huge huge favor?" I texted back quick "depends on the favor lol" I quickly got a text back " we need someone to sell the band merch....you can bring lover boy if you want"

"Dean... Wanna go to warped and sell merch?" I asked and he nodded. "YASSS WARPED TOUR BISH." He yelled and I laughed "I'll take that as a yes." I texted grace back. "Yeah sure. What time do we need to be there?" I scrolled through my Facebook while waiting for an answer. A few moments latter my phone chimed. "Like 3 days a most bud. You know where we are?" "Yeah." "Okay, pack your stuff Dean." He jumped up and I laughed.

After a while he was done and I raced over to my house and packed a shit ton of clothes and stuff and ran out and called the airport "whens the next flight to new Orleans?" "In four hours" the lady said and we drove to the airport. I went up to the counter and bought the tickets and walked to where the airplane boarded the passengers. 2 hours later it was time to leave. I fell asleep on the way there. I felt someone tapping my shoulder "time to wake up sweetheart, we are here"


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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