27.Christmas eve

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Christmas Eve
Graces pov;
I woke up in my room, curled up at the end of my bed, shivering. Things have been chaotic. Riley and I were trying to be a thing.... But she's in love with another girl. Ash and I hardly talk, simple nods to each other. That's as far as its gone. I haven't talked to Paul, and I still miss him. Maybe I should text him. I reached over for my phone and texted him.
Grace: hey.... Can we hang out?
I looked up at the ceiling and heard a ding a few moments latter.
Paul: yeah.... I think we need to talk anyways.
I typed back
Grace: yeah..... We do....
I sighed and got up and went to m closet. I grabbed out my black tights and black tank top with a warm skull sweater. I threw on socks and went down the stairs. Ash and Andy were in the kitchen talking and they both stopped when I walked in and grabbed a coffee. No noise was made, as if it were frowned upon to talk. It was a very uncomfortable silence, and it was starting to freak me out. So I ran up to my bathroom and locked the door. Hiding from them and turning on the straightener to get my hair done. My phone dinged again.
Paul: meet @ the park in an hour?
I texted back
Grace: sounds good. See you then.

I started straightening my hair and quickly put eye liner on and skipped down the stairs grabbing my charger from the wall and putting it in my back pocket i took my key and walked out the door and walked for a few minutes before getting to the park. When i finally got there i spotted his curly hair right away and giggled to myself he waved and walked over giving me a hug "hey" he simply said

"Hi-I" I mumbled and he chuckled "you don't need to be nervous." He hugged me again. Taking longer time to not let me go. He was warm, and rubbed my back. "Are you okay?" He whispered and kissed my forehead. "No-o." I mumbled and he let go and pulled back. Looking at me, studying my face. His hazel eyes filled with worry. "Are you having nightmares again?" He asked and I nodded. "Please..... Don't leave me...." I whispered and he sighed "I'm not going to leave, I promise. I could never leave, you mean to much to me." He whispered and I looked down at my combat boots. "How about we get flowers? I know it's what you do every year." He whispered and lifted my head up a bit with his finger. I nodded my head and we walked over to the flower shop

He picked out some with me and i pulled out my debit and clicked in my pin paying for it. I walked out and we drove to the graveyard and i slowly cried and placed them on his grave. I looked up from crying and he wiped my tears and he set his lips on my forehead and brought them down to my lips and i blushed and i started crying again and he wiped my tears well he hugged me laying my head on his chest

I tried to calm my crying and he rubbed my back looking down. "Your brother and grandfather would be so proud of you." He whispered in my ear. I closed my eyes, trying hard to not think about how bad I miss them. Every December is a reminder that they aren't hear any more. "They'd be so proud, and they loved you very much." I turned and rested my head on his chest. "Can we go?" I mumbled and he nodded "yeah we can darlin'."

He walked back to the truck, his arm around my shoulder "where do you wanna go?" He asked me and i shrugged "coffee?" I asked and he nodded driving to timmies and paying for mine and his he sat down "i miss you" he told me and i looked up. Not letting my eyes meet his but when they did, they were pleading. I looked back down and slowly nodded muttering out a "you too"

He was studying my face again, like he was trying to find a missing piece to a puzzle. "What's happened to you?" He whispered reaching across the table to grab my hand. I let him hold it and I sighed. "Hell happened." We both sighed and I took a sip of my coffee. "How's your girl friend?" I asked, feeling guilty about the kiss. Whoever the girl was, was going to kill me. "I'm single... I honestly don't know what you are talking about." I looked up, my eyes threatening to spill tears again. "The girl you were with at the concert... Not to long ago." He sighed "we dated for a week and she dumped me." I closed my eyes, dreading the question I had to ask. "Am I just a rebound again?"

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