17.Problems not worth living for

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Cas s pov

It has been a week since i tried the therapy thing and i couldn't find it in me to do it. Sitting in a room sopping out my feelings wasn't my kind of thing. I knew what was but apprently it's not a good thing.

I picked up my phone and unplugged it from its charger. I checked all social media liking some pictures and sharing other. I laughed and tagged grace in a few.

I looked at the clocked and noticed it was 7pm. Just a few hours earlier i went to bed in attempt to take a nap becuase I Was exhausted. I looked in the mirror and flinched at the sight. I brushed it off and went downstairs. Putting a hoodie over my black sphagetti strap tank top. I went into the kitchen to get coffee to see grace sitting on the table smiling and fiddling with her promise ring.

"You guys are so fucking cute together!" I told her and she smirked. " thanks" i went into the corner pulling out k cups and brewed morning blend coffee pulling out my dean mug smiling at the picture of dean shirtless on it.

Someones steps make me flinch and i turn around to see its ashley getting back from picking up a couple things. I called caleb and when he answered he was crying "hey whats wrong " i cooed "im worthless i should die " "hey where are you" " the river" he muffled out. I ran to the front door getting my leather jacket and combat boots. I ran to the river and was hyperventilating because of the slight asmtha i still had. I ran over to the dock and saw caleb sitting there crying . I walked calmly next to him and hugged him letting him cry into my shoulder for a few minutes.

I wiped away his tears with my thumb. And he layed his head on my shoulder back to crying "your worth it caleb i love you" he rolled his eyes and looked away "not as much as you love cc. You dont love me the same way cas" i sighed "i love you just as fucking much. Just in a different way. Your one of my only friends here that are my age other than grace!" He smiked and thanked me we both got up to walk to the house. I pulled him out of the hug he was embracing me in. He took my hand and interwined our fingers "caleb cc is my boyfriend we cant do this" i whipsered trailing off "i know cas just as friends. I need your touch right now and if its not gonna be our lips itll be our hands" i nodded my head. I knew what he was feeling and didnt want to leave him.

I walked back in the house unlocking it with my spare key. We walked in and cc growled at the sight of us holding hands " first of all he needed someone were just friends holding hands and second of all your not a dog! I said laughing. " may i have my girlfriend back!" Caleb nodded and cc picked me up.

"put.me.down!!!" "NO" i got frustrated "cc i dont like being picked upcl put me down!" I yelled and grace and ash cuddling on the couch laughed.

He switched my position now bridal style and i layed my head back "your wude" and he stick his tongue out at me. I sighed and tried getting out of his grasp but only struggled and gave up

"ASHY POO HELLLPP" i yelled to ash and grace started laughing her ass off "ashy poo?!?" She said laughing "YES NOW GET ME DOWN" "nope" ash said popping the p "please cc ill do anything" he wiggled his eye brows "anything?"

I rolled my eyes "kay not anything but you know what i mean" i ended up cuddled up in his arms and a few minutes later he sat down on the second couch and ash wanted to watch hello kitty but we all said no

"how bout we watch doctor who?" I suggested knowing i had to catch up. They nodded and we started off on the second season.

Graces POV:
Ash and I were cuddling on the couch when I started to get bad stomach pains. I groaned and shifted slightly in his arms. "You okay babe?" Ash asked and I nodded. "Stomach hurts a bit." I mumbled and he started to rub my back. "Thanks." I mumbled and then a thought occurred to me... I was late. "I'll be right back." I said and got up and went to my room. I looked at my calendar and my eyes widened. I was 5 weeks late... How did I not notice! I started to hyperventilate and pace around my room room. I can't raise a kid.... I can hardly keep my sims alive. Hell I can hardly keep myself alive.

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