Inner Turmoil

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Many days had passed since Shizuka had begun to accompany the "Great Dog Demon Sesshomaru" along with his companions. And strangely she felt quote comfortable around them. The fact that most of her companions now we're indeed demons didn't seem to matter to Shizuka at all. Because for once she was treated fairly. Almost as if she was a human,which she was...wasn't she? That was the one question that echoed through her mind every passing moment. Was she indeed human? It was also one of the reasons Lord Sesshomaru had in fact allowed her to remain by his side at the moment.

To say the least he was intrigued by the pale skinned woman. She for one thing did not smell like a normal human should, and her power. That strange silver barrier she creates in dire situations was quite interesting to Sesshomaru. But most of all it was just her. The way the woman carried herself,and smiled through her pain. Never once choose to whine like most humans would. One could say this particular human chose to hide her heart away and out of sight. And strangely enough Sesshomaru wanted to know why.

He wanted to know why the fair creature beside him chose to flash him painfilled smiles. And how she could be so gentle,and so loving to people she could be so strong despite everything she had been through. But why? Why should Sesshomaru let alone any demon for that manner care about a human even the slightest bit? This confused the quite demon Lord and nagged at him to no end. He had promised himself he would never be weak and he would never show kindness towards those wretched and tainted beings.

Sesshomaru would not be weak,no like his father was. He refused to become a human lover,but even so....the young Demon Lord would find himself gazing at the human woman from afar. Becoming completely entranced by her haunting beauty. What was wrong with him? Sesshomaru gritted his teeth angrily as he continued to walk,growing more and more irritated as time went by. He had to get away. He had to get away from her and these horrid thoughts of his. But what Lord Sesshomaru didn't know was that his growing irritation was evident on his face for all to see.

His normal calm and collected face was now one twisted with anger,and this greatly concerned her. The human Shizuka. Before Sesshomaru could even react he felt the warm touch of soft skin which tickled his own ever so slightly. And he liked it. And he knew he shouldn't like it. Especially since the soft touch belonged to the source of his irritation. Shizuka. Her fingertips gently pressed against his forarm. Stirring hidden emotions that Sesshomaru never knew he even had. Angrily Sesshomaru slapped her hand away both shocking and confusing Shizuka who held onto her now reddened hand. But it wasn't that,that stopped Sesshomaru in his tracks.

It was the look on her face. An expression truly filled to the brim with sadness. Sadness which he had inficted upon her,and he hated it. No it was more of he couldn't stand to look at her. Those eyes near tears not only for her but for him. "I have to go."Sesshomaru stated before taking off into the distance using his inhuman speed. Leaving a confused Jaken and Rin behind. But most of all a hurt and concerned Shizuka who wondered what she did wrong. Did she say something? Did she do something wrong to offend him?

Shizuka fought back her oncoming tears as she turned to Rin who gripped onto Shizuka's red hand. Petting it hoping to make that pain go away. But one one thing could make the pain go away and that was Sesshomaru. Shizuka had to see him again,and she fully intended to. She wanted to know why he was so angry. And she wouldn't stop until she figured out why.

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