A Father's Love & Debt

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Hisuri left the Western Lands in the dead of night, the orders and trust her father had given her clear in her mind. She knew what must be done in order to save her mother. Time was of the essence and Hisuri had none to waste. Taking off in a whirlwind of silver flames at her heels. Propelling Hisuri forward across the vast terrain. Her translucent flames refusing to burn anything around it. Bending to Hisuri's will, which only made her confidence swell. She recalled the tall frame of her father; Sesshomaru sitting upon his throne. His gaze cast upon his right side where a second throne belonging to Shizuka sat. Undisturbed since she last sat upon it. His Empress, his Queen, his lover. Sesshomaru's one and only friend now absent from his side.

The absence of Shizuka had indeed taken a toll on her father. Hisuri saw it every day, how his once sharp features began to dull. Though Sesshomaru was nearly immortally handsome, a weariness crept upon his features. One that even the Great Dog demon could not shake. Hisuri lowered her head before her father. Her respect and admiration for Sesshomaru never once waning. He sat there on his throne, gravely pained. Yet when he spoke his voice boomed with power; nearly shaking the very halls themselves. "I have a task for you daughter. You and you alone must complete this. For the sake of your mother." Sesshomaru began as Hisuri's body visibly trembled under the demonic aura of her father. Slowly her head rose, Hisuri's own emerald orbs coming to life. Hot like a burning flame as the amber specks within her eyes sparkled. Refusing to back down to the power before her. For Hisuri sought to protect her family, it was one of a many things that drove her to fight. And knowing she could save her mother made Hisuri's heart swell.

"I will do what is required of me father. I swear it." Hisuri vowed, her eyes boring into the amber ones of Sesshomaru. Who rose from his throne, making his way to his daughter. Who straightened up before her father, it was a rarity for Sesshomaru to show affection. But when he did it meant the world to his children. Hisuri especially as she strove to become strong like her father. To grace the lands with both beauty and malice, it was her dream. But what happened next was almost brought the young woman to tears. As Sesshomaru reached out for his daughter, placing his large hand atop of Hisuri's head. Causing the girl to peer upward to her father; who's eyes flickered with emotion. Love, concern and fear. Fear of what was to come. Fear of losing his mate. And fear of putting his little girl in danger.

Hisuri stood proudly, determined to wipe the worry from her father. As she flashed a genuine smile towards Sesshomaru as warm as the sun itself. He couldn't help but to crack a smile himself, seeing his sweet Shizuka in their daughter. "I won't fail father, I'll come back home in no time." Hisuri swore as she hugged her father's waist. Another rarity between two, but Sesshomaru allowed it. Enveloping Hisuri in a warm embrace as he spoke. "Do not make false promises to me." His tone was cold and calculated, Hisuri knew she should have worded it differently. But she stood firm, more determined than ever. "I don't break my promises father, you know that." Hearing Hisuri boast Sesshomaru released a brief chuckle into the air. Making Hisuri smile, knowing she had won.

"Your right, after all you are our daughter." Sesshomaru commented, as he released Hisuri from their hug. Hisuri smirked, her hands on her hips as she responded. "Mm hm, I won't be gone long." Hisuri said before bounding off into the distance, knowing her time was limited. Leaving Sesshomaru with a small smile and a faith that his daughter would be victorious. Hisuri had the faith of her father and it meant everything to her. With it she felt as if she could do anything. And she was determined to not fail. Now reaching the border of the Western Lands; Hisuri continued to follow the trail of Inuyasha. Traversing across mountains, rivers, and forests until she came across a tiny human village.

The village was familar to Hisuri, as it was the very same one she had meant her uncle in. With the sun radiating it's warmth across the sky, Hisuri made her way to the hut of "Priestess Kaede." Already hearing the banter of Inuyasha and Kagome inside. Hisuri chuckled as somethings just never changed. Calling out to Kaede that she was entering, Hisuri did so. Immediately being greeted by Kaede who welcomed Lady Hisuri into her home. While circled around a sizeable fire where fish were being cooked; sat Inuyasha and Kagome. Who ceased their arguing and laughed nervously. "Hey Hisuri, it's good to see you again." Kagome said with a smile as Inuyasha grumbled "Yeah whatever, ya lookin for trouble or what?" Inuyasha grumbled earning a harsh growl from Kagome who screeched. "Inuyasha!" "What? Last time she went all murderous on us." Inuyasha commented still eying his niece cautiously.

To this Hisuri sighed, her right hand in her hip as she spoke. "Remember Ojisan, I was under the control of Shinimi and Naraku." Hisuri began as she eyed the room, not seeing Sango or Miroku anywhere. Still she spoke, running her fingers through her short raven locks. "Besides I've come to pay a debt to you, owed by mother and father." "A debt to us?" Kagome asked in confusion, though she did recall Shizuka's promise from before. "What the hell do we what with you?" Inuyasha barked, still irritated by Hisuri's presence alone. He could smell Sesshomaru and it still bothered him. "To free the boy under Naraku's control. Kohaku." Hisuri stated matter of factly. The room going deathly silent at her declaration. Inuyasha stared at Hisuri wide eyed, not quite believing it. He knew there had to be strings attached. He just didn't know what. Though Hisuri's words couldn't go unnoticed. Inuyasha knew that revenge and Kohaku was Sango's purpose in this fight.

Gritting his teeth Inuyasha crossed his arms, saying that Sango and Miroku would be returning soon. It would be then that they would discuss the terms of this "debt." Agreeing, Hisuri took her leave. Informing Kagome that she would be back by nightfall; and she hoped they would be ready for her.

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