Conflicting Family Matters

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Hisuri and Souma hurriedly chased behind the glowing form of Lady Shouko. The two siblings Grandmother on their Mother's side. Known for not only her grace but her diplomatic outlook on the Celestials. Well that was of course thanks to their mother Shizuka. Who's infatuation with their father; Sesshomaru. Changed the once close minded Celestial Queen's mind about yokai. Realizing not all of the creatures were heathens. No far from it. Many of them were capable of love. Miracles even. Which had brought both Hisuri and Souma into this world. Lady Shouko was proud, beautiful. Anyone who laid eyes on her could see where their mother had gotten her looks from. That charm that brought yokai to their knees and humans alike. But the woman was ruthless. Wishing not to waste time. And utterly ignoring the pleas of her grandchildren.

"Please grandmother, mother would rather not be disturbed—" Souma began as he struggled to keep up with his grandmother's pace. Who was marching straight to their parents private quarters. "My daughter will be thrilled to see me regardless of my timing." "Perhaps we could show you around the palace. I'm sure Rin would be happy to see you as well grandmother." Hisuri started, hoping Shouko's fondness for their adopted sibling would persuade her otherwise. But Shouko was not having it. Her mind on one thing. Seeing her daughter, as something was not sitting well with her. She felt a strain coming from her daughter, and she needed to know exactly what it was. And how she could help. "I will shower Rin, with gifts once I have seen my daughter." Shouko confirmed shooting down Hisuri's attempt to distant her. The three divine beings coming to the entryway of Sesshomaru's private quarters. Where outside of it two yokai guards stood.

The two bowing their heads out of respect for the two siblings, but soon turned their hatefull gazes upon the divine form of Shouko. Who with a single look of her eyes caused both Yokai to freeze in place. Unable to move before such power, one that rivaled even that of Shizuka herself. "Mother—" having had it with her grandchildren and their ploys Shouko barged through the door. Blasting the door from it's heavy hinges. Causing the door to tumble to the ground. The act alone causing Sesshomaru to raise to his feet. Regretfully leaving the side of his mate who lay bedridden. Moaning in discomfort in the bed the two shared. Shizuka's raven locks scattered across the bed, sticking to there sweat covered forhead. Upon seeing her daughter's condition Shouko rushed to Shizuka's side. Taking her clammy hand into her own, tears streaming down her cheeks. "What has come over you, my daughter?" Shouko cried out, Shizuka's gaze almost vacant of any will. It brought much sorrow upon Sesshomaru and his children. Seeing the fallen state of their mother.

"How did this happen?" Shouko demanded, Sesshomaru spoke his voice dry and rough around the edges. He destested appearing weak to others especially those of higher power. Sesshomaru knew he should have asked for the aid of the Celestials prior. He only hoped somehow Shizuka would get better. He knew how she hated the Celestial realm. And would rather stay far from it. Sesshomaru knew his mate's reasoning. For their were many horrid memories there for her. Ones Shizuka would rather forget. She had chosen her home. The Realm of Men. And had no desire to return to the Celestial Realm. "We were attacked....the same Yokai who attacked the Celestial Realm and Shinimi." "Shinimi?! My God's she lives?!" "Not anymore." Hisuri began now stepping before the three higher powers in the room.

"Souma and I dealt with Shinimi. But we believe she continues to live through her....child."Hisuri informed before Souma stepped forward. "It was another yokai with aura similar to hers and godly. He stabbed Mother— since then she has slowly gotten worst." Souma stated the information alarming Shouko who turned her attention to her son in law. Rage sparking as she rose to her feet. Glaring at the amber eyed Sesshomaru. " You didn't send a word to me? Why?! I could have helped! Now my child is in peril!" Shouko screamed her words slammed into Sesshomaru hard. Though he silently took the tongue lashing, gritting his teeth. As Lady Shouko dared to shove him backwards in anger. Screaming at Sesshomaru at the top of her lungs. Her wrath slipping from her very pores, filling the room with the fragrance of utter beauty and power.

Holding back the urge to defend himself Sesshomaru turned his attention to the frail form of his beloved. Shizuka. His beautiful Shizuka now lay in a sweat soaked bed. A sickness like nothing anyone has even seen had taken a hold of his wife. He wanted to fight it. To fight for the life of love and family he desired to have. Sesshomaru refused to let Shizuka slip from his grasp again not this time. "It was your pride! Your pride has killed my daughter!" Shouko screamed daring to slap Sesshomaru across the face. Alarming Hisuri and Souma. Who held their breathes, unsure of how to events would turn. For even the yokai physician Koan refused to say a word. Afraid that Shouko's wrath would strike him where he stood.

Though Sesshomaru did not dare strike Shouko back. Instead he ignored the burning sensation in his cheek. Choosing to be the bigger person Sesshomaru spoke. "Forgive me for failing in my duty to protect her. I swear to you I will do everything in my power to save Shizuka. She is my world." His words filled with resolve and truth brought Shouko to her knees. The Queen sobbing tears of gold which hit the floor. Shouko sobbed into the air not caring who saw her wanting. It was then that Shizuka with all her might reached out for her mother with a trembled hand. Placing it on the top of her head. The action alarming Shouko who looked up to meet the cloudy yet warmth conveyed behind those eyes made Shouko weep once more. Clinging onto her weakened daughter who struggled to hold her hand out to her mother. Let alone embrace her. But through tears the two women did, as did Souma and Hisuri. Who both climbed into the large bed, embracing their mother of grandmother. While Sesshomaru silently watched the scene. Swearing he would not lose his family. He would die for them. And destroy anyone who dared to harm them. No matter who they were. They would fall to him.

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