After the aftermath of the battle upon the Western Lands; immediate resources went to the full recovery of the land. Rebuilding homes, the wall which circled the entire villa. Protecting the family that Sesshomaru cared for with all his might. And with the help of Inuyasha and his friends the rebuilding would be finished any day now. Though before the group would take their leave; Shizuka wished more than ever to thank Inuyasha for his help in the battle. With this in mind Shizuka took her seat upon her throne next to Sesshomaru himself. Their fingers instinctively lacing themselves with one another. The two powerful beings sharing a meaningful look. One filled with utter endearment, and only meant for one another.
As the sudden injury Sesshomaru's beloved mate had endured by the mysterious stranger. Who stabbed his entire arm through Shizuka's stomach. The injury was brutal, but slowly Shizuka wound healed overtime. But even so Sesshomaru could not shake off the concern he held for his love. Wishing that she had remained off the battlefield just as he had instructed. The Daiyokai able to sense the weakened state of his beloved's aura. Knowing that now more than ever he would have to keep a close eye on his love. Her protection now Sesshomaru's top priority. He only needed to have his younger brother off his land first. As Inuyasha's mere presence was enough to annoy Sesshomaru. Especially since he owed the mutt his gratitude. Which Sesshomaru really did not want to give him.
But Shizuka was quick to correct him, advising her mate not to burn any bridges that would affect their dynasty negatively. As the choices would effect the futures of their children as well, and Sesshomaru needed to push pass his own pride and think of his pup's future. And knowing his mate was right Sesshomaru would swallow his pride and thank his brother. Regardless about how he felt about the situation. And with a heavy sigh Sesshomaru relaxed in his throne. All the while waving in his children; Souma and Hisuri who stood beside their parents and a step below them in the upmost respect. All the while trailing behind her mistress was the now recovered Narize. The Dragoness standing beside Hisuri proudly. Despite her failure in the attack upon the "Western Lands". Narize desperately wished to prove her worth to not only her Mistress. But to Sesshomaru and Lady Shizuka as well. Two powerful beings who bestowed upon Narize a life she never believed she would have.
With this mind mind Narize signalled for the two servants to open the large doors. Allowing Inuyasha and is group into the throne room. The Demon Slayer Sango, now in her normal kimono. Her companion Kirara now shrunk in quite a cute little twin tailed creature. One that made Hisuri squeal and struggle not to rush over and let it. While Inuyasha and Kagome led in a small fox boy called Shippo who trembled under the gaze of Sesshomaru. Not liking the sniveling weakness the lad showed. But Sesshomaru's gaze lowered upon the monk Miroku. Who's eyes drunk in the gorgeous form of Lady Shizuka. Her unearthly beauty causing Miroku to go weak in the knees. The monk stepping forward towards Shizuka despite she sitting upon her throne. Her legs crossed and eyes focused on the brazen monk.
Brushing pass Hisuri and Souma who advised him not to approach their mother any further. But Miroku ignored their words and even dodged the oncoming assault of Hiraikotsu in the hands of Sango. Who was surprised that the monk had managed to dodge her for once. With this Miroku approached Shizuka kneeling before her very feet, his hands clasping the Divine being before him. Who seemed utterly confused at his sudden closeness and earning a low growl from Sesshomaru. "Your beauty is unlike any other. Please will you do me the honors of bearing my children?" Miroku asked his words causing a ruckus in the room. Sesshomaru now fuming at the monk who dared to touch what was his. Prince Souma who swiftly approached the monk, grabbing him roughly by his collar and jerking him down the steps. Forcing the foolish man to release his mother's hand. Souma's eyes now taking their dangerous amber glow. "Touch our mother and you'll lose an arm." Souma hissed, causing Miroku to back away fearfully. But was faced with the burning gaze of Hisuri as well who struggled to hold back her rage.
"Leave our sight monk." Hisuri stated in a dark manner causing Miroku to swallow hard. Scrambling to his feet and rushing to hide behind Sango who crossed her arms over her chest. While rolling her eyes was Sango who commented"Serves you right." With a smirk, enjoying the sight for once. "Sorry about that, it's kind of his thing." Kagome apologized to Sesshomaru who stood angrily cursing at the monk. Threatening to ripe his throat out. "Look forgive him already and let's get this over with." Inuyasha began wanting to leave his brother's lands as soon as possible. With a sigh Shizuka rose to her feet, her hand upon Sesshomaru's shoulder. Momentarily calming the angered Daiyokai. "Thank you for your assistance. You have my gratitude and I wish to aid you all. A blessing should suffice." Shizuka informed her divine aura rippling around her lovely form. Spreading through out the entire room. Warming the hearts of all within it. "As a Celestial Being I can bestow upon each of you a single blessing. All you need to do is ask." Shizuka stated as Sango was the first to step forward. Voicing her wish to save her brother from the clutches of Naraku.
Hearing this made Shizuka smile at the love the two siblings held. "Your wish has already been granted. My daughter has weakened the chains which hold your brother hostage. And she will aid you still." Shizuka informed allowing Hisuri to step up. Her hands on her hips as she spoke. "You can count on me." She informed with a grin. The news making Sango smile as she thanked Shizuka returning to Miroku's side. While Kagome this time stepped forward thanking Shizuka. As her wish had already been granted. Inuyasha was next his arms crossed as he spoke. "I don't need anything from you." "And yet stand here before me Hanyou. As I said I owe you a blessing. Simply speak it." Grumbling Inuyasha said that he wanted to become stronger. Strong enough to protect Kagome and all his friends. A selfless wish that surprised Shizuka.
Smiling she acknowledged the wish saying that it shall be done. Her hands extended for the heavens as a circle of silver flames surrounded Inuyasha. Dancing around him instead of doing harm before seeping into the blade of his katana. Which suddenly increased it's length into that of a large fang. Though the fang was now a gleaming like the vibrant sky. The blade with a amber hue when it hit the light. The newly formed katana giving off an intense amount of divine aura in Inuyasha grasp. The sheer power causing his mouth to drop in disbelief. "Use it well, Inuyasha." Shizuka said before suddenly losing her footing. Staggering Abit and alarming Sesshomaru who rushed to her side. Bracing Shizuka for her fall. Concern evident on Sesshomaru's face which confused all in the room who was unaware how truly deep their feelings ran.
"Are you alright?" Sesshomaru whispered to his sweet mate. Her face drained of color causing even her children to rush to her side. Concern growing for their weakened mother. "I-Im alright I just need rest." Shizuka breathed, slowly rising to her feet. But quickly fell back into Sesshomaru who advised he take her to their chamber. "Sesshomau-" "Do not argue with me woman. Do as I say for once."Sesshomaru said making Shizuka admit defeat. Sighing in defeat as she was swept up into the handsome Daiyokai's arms. Before leaving the room. Sesshomaru ordered Souma to finish up with the affairs at hand. Trusting his son to handle tasks such as this. Agreeing to this Souma ensured that everyone was rewarded and Inuyasha and his group were escorted off the lands. With a promise that in a weeks time Hisuri would join them in the attempt to save Kohaku.
Though even as they left Kagome couldn't help but to feel a deep concern for Shizuka. Not sure what it was about her sudden weakness, though it did not sit well with her. And she didn't know what. Kagome only hoped that all would be well.
Kindred Spirits
FanfictionWhat sort of romance could spawn between a hauntingly beautiful human? A remarkable being who's beauty rivals that of a Celestial Being. And a demon well known for his malice towards all humans? What could envelope between these two different beings...