Prayers of a Celestial Maiden,a Moonlight Kiss

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Deciding to rest in the village in order for Shizuka to obtain her godlike power once more;Shizuka quietly made her way outside to the outskirts of the shrine. Where there was a lovely small pond,outlines with lovely multicolored stones. She soon found herself sitting near the waters edge awaiting for the moon to make itself known to her in the beautiful sky above. Shizuka released a light sigh,as the gentle wind tossed her long flowing raven hair around her. The breeze was gentle and pleasing to her,causing a small smile to appear on her lips. With her memories fully restored Shizuka knew that she was not safe. It was true she had been forced from the heavens above and attacked by a fellow Celestial. But she chose to leave the identity of her attacker a mystery. Honestly she was filled with overwhelming fear,fear that the attacker could return again. And this time end Shizuka for good.

The Celestial Maiden shuddered at the thought before the moon slowly crept into the sky above. Making itself known to her,it was not a full moon but none the less it was there. And she could finally have her powers restored upon her. Slowly Shizuka rose to her feet and began to step into the chilling water of the pond. Ignoring it's cold touch Shizuka walked to the very center of the pond,while peering towards the moon which waned above her very head. With her kimono floating around her Shizuka closed her eyes and brought her hands together for prayer.

She prayed,she prayed for the moon to once again bestow upon her its divine strength. Strength she knew she would need in the near future to aid her in her quest for peace. But being a Celestial Being did not mean Shizuka was free of selfish wishes. For she had many wishes of her own. She wished for Rin to live a long and happy life. For she knew the child had a terrible life beforehand. She could see it in her eyes. A life filled with pain and suffering. Suffering that Shizuka wanted to wipe away.

Shizuka prayed for the people of the land,to be free from war and hunger. And to live peacefully with one another. A dream she had since she was a little girl. But there was one wish. One that she knew was wrong to ask for yet she did. Knowing full well what consequences it could bring about. But it mattered not. A wish was a wish. And any wish deserved to be heard. Shizuka prayed that she would fall inlove. To fall inlove was a great sin in the upper realm.

Beings such as Shizuka were born from the pure wishes and desires of the people. And for a Celestial Maiden such as herself to have such human thoughts and desires was punishable by death or banishment. But she wanted it. She wanted to fall inlove and have a family. A family that loved her and one she could love just as much. You could say that she wanted to be human to a degree but that was far from the truth. She simply wanted the freedoms of being a human,nothing more. Slowly Shizuka opened her eyes to realize the pond was overcome by a gentle white light.

She watched as the gentle light rippled throughout the pond towards her. Before making contact with her body,she released a barely audible gasp as she felt a sudden surge of power rush through her veins. She felt rejuvenated and strong. Shizuka watched as her own body was overcome by the moons gentle glow,as if it was the moon's way of letting her know it had heard her prayers. Slowly Shizuka felt her body rising from the pond,where she now stood hovering in mid air. With her power coursing through her veins she soon sensed someone's eyes on her.

Immediately Shizuka turned to meet the amber orbs of Lord Sesshomaru who stared towards the now glowing Shizuka in awe. Shizuka smiled before willing herself forward,as she allowed herself to float towards the quiet demon. He extended his hand for Shizuka who accepted his hand,but soon found herself slowly being lowered to the ground. Shizuka stared towards Sesshomaru in utter silence feeling her heart seeming to almost burst from her chest. She always knew he was handsome but in the moonlight he just seemed to be even more breathtaking. "My Lord."Shizuka whispered only to be silenced by Sesshomaru who whispered"It's just Sesshomaru."He whispered to her,his breath tickling her ear. A gentle smile formed on her lips as she whispered his name. His name sounding so natural coming from her sweet lips.

Shizuka soon felt Sesshomaru slowly wrap one arm around her waist,surprisingly her as she opened her mouth to ask what he was doing. But he merely smirked whispering "You are no ordinary woman. You are something else. Something divine. And I choose to fully indulge myself."Sesshomaru whispered before pressing her warm lips against Shizuka's. Shizuka never once doubting his intentions found herself eagerly returning the kiss the gentle moonlight. And for the first time she did not feel any fear. All she felt safe and the warmth of Sesshomaru only made things better. She felt safe in his warm embrace and figured out one thing.

She never wanted to leave his side. She wished to remain in this realm abit longer. That was one and true desire above all.

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