Into the Depths

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Elsewhere in the outskirts of a forest, surrounded by an undetectable violet barrier. Was none other than Naraku himself. A mess of detached flesh scattered across the dark covered villa which served as their home base. After months of recovering from the injuries given to him by Sesshoamru and the divine blade of his. The infamous Akumosai. A blade blessed by the very heavens themselves. And entrusted to a Daiyokai of all people. Able to strike down the strongest of yokai with a single strike. Known for its destructive force and ability to poison the flesh of those exposed to its deathly gleam. As for months that horrid pain traveled through Naraku's body no matter how many times Naraku tore the burning flesh from his body. That eternal blaze forever remained. Licking at his body vigerously, the intent to devour the yokai evident in its movement.

And yet even the strength of a Celestial blade had its weakness. As the blade seemed to lose its grip on Naraku after months passed by. Enabling the yokai to heal from the injuries which plagued him at long last. With a new purpose driving the yokai. Who wished for that blasted blade to be destroyed, and most of all for Sesshomaru to suffer. It was then that Shinimi came into play. The Fallen Celestial Maiden's crimson orbs fixated on a mirror,given to her by Kanna.

Who remained silent as Shinimi began to wave her hands across the fragile glass. Invoking her fallen blood and the new power of a Dragon God. Given to her unwillingly by Nahiko, the Dragon God. A vibrant crimson aura glimmering around her hands. As just abit of the red aura was sprinkled upon the white mirror. While on impact, the mirror itself began to tremble violently. Before revealing the form of their target Hisuri.

As the lass had appeared to have returned to the lands of her father, and most of all home. Exactly where both Naraku and Shinimi wanted her to be. Hisuri seemed to be completely oblivious to the trap she had waltzed into. And this caused a sinister grin to spread across Shinimi's features. "Ill end you this time for sure. Sister." Shinimi hissed into the mirror, before Naraku drew near. His putrid demonic aura oozing off him in strong waves. Nauseating to Shinimi as she turned her gaze to the yokai. Owing him this new life of hers and power. Power that would place her on high as the superior to both Shizuka and her mother.

And all that was left was to put their plan into action. One that Naraku had schemed time and time again and it seemed to always be successful. Though this time was abit different. For Shinimi had held the tainted jewel shard within her decaying body for quite sometime. Allowing her negativity, and blood to soak into the once pure fragment. Leaving a blackened shard of pain and destruction. Which now lay nestled in the neck of Hisuri.

Who now bowed before Sesshomaru and Shizuka. Her body giving off that gentle aura of hers which enveloped the entire room. A smile on Shizuka's lips as she praised Hisuri and Narize for a job well done. Although Sesshomaru quietly eyed hus daughter, her chipper personality remaining intact. Yet even so Sesshomaru couldn't help but to shake the fact that something was amiss. Sesshomaru narrowed his amber gaze to Narize, who nodded towards him. Seeming to understand what his gaze meant. Narize advised Hisuri get some rest from their journey, which Hisuri obliged. Saying she was feeling abit tired from the wrestling match with the Demon Slayer and the Demoness.

Bowing to her parents once more, Hisuri turned on her heels to leave the throne room. Only awaiting outside those large doors was Souma. His gold eyes lingering on his sister to the point she got abit nervous. Teasing him about being weird and quiet. " Jeez if you missed me just say it." Hisuri mused with her toothy grin, allowing a sigh of relief to escape Souma's lips. He was worried, maybe abit more than his father. As the images from Souma's nightmare continued to haunt him till this day.

Seeing his beloved sister, her smile erased. With only an evil grin as her eyes were as red as blood. Mocking him with her blood stained katana soaked in gold as well. It scared the lad. Knowing that that very nightmare could infact be mad into reality. For both his mother and father had witnessed Souma's strong clairvoyant abilities. As Souma had foretold battles, ones that Sesshomaru and Shizuka reigned supreme. Thanks to Souma's visions and tactical advisory. But this....something as horrible as their mother...their home being destroyed by was something that Souma was desperate to prove would not become a reality.

Gently Souma placed his large hand in Hisuri's. Surprising her by his sudden touch, but she embraced it. Their fingers linking with one another, while the two siblings gazed at one another. Their two auras dancing harmoniusly at their closeness. Souma only hoped it would be enough to stop the terror surely to come. "I'm okay Souma, I promise." Hisuri reassured with the gentle squeeze of her hand. But Souma wasn't too sure. As for a brief moment Souma swore he felt a sudden shift in his sister's aura. Its touch sizzling his own aura which wavered greatly.

Taking a few cautious steps away from his sister. Souma watched as a sinister black aura seemed to dye Hisuri's. Her body trembling under the change, as shrieks of pain erupted from her lips. Souma called out for his father before a swift pain radiated from his gut. Peering down Souma witnessed a sharp nodachi blade, spilling his crimson and amber hued blood to the ground. But it was the hand. The familiar hand of Hisuri herself who gripped onto the blade. Digging it deeper into his flesh with thay haunting crimson gaze he had feared for so long.

Souma gazed at his sister, her now crimson orbs only reflecting himself within those pools. Before the stoic Hisuri stabbed the blade deeper into Souma's flesh. His multi colored blood oozing around the wound. The lifegiving liquid Souma held onto."W-Why?" Souma muttered to his sister, before crumbling to the ground. His body trembling as the blood continued to pour around him.

It was then that a fading image of another woman stood behind Hisuri. Her hands resting upon the silent Hisuri's shoulder. All the while the woman's own red orbs struck fear into Souma. "Because I ordered her to." The woman breathed, some of the events from his nightmare happening before him. Souma shed tears in both anger and frustration, as Hisuri pressed the cold tip of her blade against Souma's chest. Her grip wavering as a dim emerald glow struggled to return Hisuri to her senses. Inside the girl was screaming. Begging for her brother to flee from her. To stop her from causing anymore pain.

A single tear cascaded down Hisuri's cheek before the sudden crash against the Throne room door sounded. The door swinging open to reveal Narize, her eyes wide in shock at the scene before her. "M-Mistress?" Narize questioned in fear as Hisuri slowly turned her attention to her friend. Her bloody nodachi glinting in the moonlight. "Kill them." The voice whispered into Hisuri's ear. Her body moving on its own accord, striding cooly towards Narize. With the intent to kill evident in her eyes.

What had become of Hisuri? And could she be stopped?

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