Unexpected News

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Dedicated to lyriahart

Elsewhere waiting impatiently near the "Bone Eater's well" stood the hanyou Inuyasha. His arms crossed in his crimson kimono as he tapped his foot on the ground in an anxious manner. Wishing Kagome would return from her time already. As their journey to defeat Naraku was put on hold with Kagome's absence. Since she was the only on capable of sensing the Shards of the Shikon Jewel. Also Inuyasha could never leave Kagome behind, he would never hear the end of it. During Kagome's leave the group had temporarily gone their separate ways.

Miroku, the lecherous monk had gone to his village. Seeking further treatment and prayer with his wind tunnel. A large hole in the monk's hand. Capable of swallowing hundreds of yokai whole. Something Inuyasha had come face to face with at one point. The hole with the suction of a dangerous windstorm, threatened to pull Inuyasha within it. At times Inuyasha thanked his luck that Miroku had joined them in their journey. As they all had one common enemy which brought the lot together. Naraku.

Then their was Shippo, a young fox demon. Orphaned by the nefarious Naraku at a fairly young age. The trickster had retreated to the mountains with many other fox demons. Hoping to increase his yokai magic. Kagome of course was away in her own time. The Modern age, filled with skyscraper, cellphones, and entrance exams. The norm for a girl her age, cramming for exams into High Schools. And of course boys. Kagome had also promised to bring back snacks and medicine from her time. Things that were both helpful and joyous to the group.

Last but not least there was Sango. A Demon Slayer, one of the only two remaining alive. Thanks to Naraku's trickery. The young, ambitious and strong Sango had gone in search of her brother Kohaku. Who Naraku had ensnared in his web of evil. Using a single shard of the Shikon Jewel to keep the lad alive. Yet at the Same time enslaving Kohaku, forcing him to do heinous acts. Ones that brought tears to not only Sango but for everyone else as well. Who wanted nothing but happiness for Sango and her brother.

Whenever Kagome was gone, Sango would always take the opputunity to search. With her trusty Nekomanta yokai, Kirara. The two would cover the lands,searching for their lost family member. Mowing down any enemies that stood in their path. Inuyasha only hoped Sango and the others would return soon. As he was becoming quite annoyed just hanging around Kaede's village. Sighing lightly, Inuyasha plopped down on the grass below. Pouting as he waited.

While now soaring above the village with her trusty feline yokai at her side, was none other than Sango. Her eyes scanning the village in search of Inuyasha, soon finding him as Kirara landed before the hanyou. Flames erupting about Kirara's feet,enveloping the twin tailed yokai. Swirling around its massive form before suddenly retreating to the earth below, leaving a now miniature form of Kirara. Who meowed at Inuyasha giving him a formal greeting.

Inuyasha rose to his feet greeting the two, as Sango landed beside Kirara. A sense of urgency evident in her voice as Sango spoke "We've got a problem Inuyasha!" She exclaimed, almost out of breath as Inuyasha asked for her to calm down. Unable to decipher what Sango was trying to say to him. Her face drained of nearly all color. Surely the news she had to share couldn't be that bad. Could it?

Soon after a vibrant pink light filled the "Bone Eaters Well" along with a loud thud. Belonging to none other Kagome, whom had finally returned. With her trusty yellow backpack filled to the brim with food, and medicine. Hoisting herself from the well,Kagome spotted the frazzled Sango. Worry evident in those brown eyes of hers. "What's going on?" Kagome questioned as Sango turned to her. Panic in her eyes as she cried out "Naraku is planning something, and Sesshomaru's daughter is their target!" Her words lingering in the air, earning a fearful gasp from Kagome.

Kagome knew that Hisuri was no ordinary woman. After all she was able to give off both divine and demonic aura. Which still perplexed Kagome till this very day. She also knew the girl was fairly strong willed. And above all well protected. After all Sesshomaru was in fact her father. The Daiyokai also seemed to have no problem jumping into battle when it came to his daughter. So hearing that she might be in danger surprised the young girl.

"No way, but why?" Kagome asked as Sango began to explain all she heard. Down to the very last detail, making sure to inform Inuyasha and Kagome that even Kohaku and Kagura seemed to be against Naraku. Hoping that Hisuri would be victorious over his nefarious plan. "What do we do?" Kagome asked as Inuyasha crossed his arms thinking to himself. It was true he and Sesshomaru were brothers. But they never showed love for one another. So there was a part of Inuyasha who honestly did not want to do a thing. But then his mind would drift off to Hisuri. His niece, with a smile as bright as the sun. And the strength of a Daiyokai to back it up. She was an innocent. Someone who didn't deserve to be pushed aside just because her father and he did not get along.

Releasing a heavy sigh, Inuyasha stated that they would all make the decision when Miroku returned. Saying it was not fair to act without the monk. Sango and Kagome agreed, all the while Kagome caught a glimpse of Inuyasha's anxiety in action. Biting his bottom lip he turned on his heels, leaving the women behind. And making his way to the nearby forest. He just... Needed to think. And understand just how bad Naraku wanted his niece, and most of all why?

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