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Inuyasha gazed upon the young woman before him. Her question ringing in his ears so loud and yet he still couldnt believe his ears? "How do you know my father?" A simple question and still not even Kagome herself could believe it. Could this girl, the one she saved before. The very one she sensed such a vast amount of aura before truly be Sesshomaru's child? Inuyasha stepped towards the woman now fully examining the stranger head to toe. She was a fairly maiden of medium height perhaps 5 foot 6, with short raven locks which was shaped in a manageable bob. The woman also bore emerald orbs with flecks of amber within them. Orbs radiating with power able to bring even the mightiest of warriors to their knees. She also appeared to be at least 18 years as she held a very curvaceous physique.

The woman placed her hands on her hips obviously abit annoyed at the fact no one had answered her question yet. She was an impatient soul, which kind of reminded Inuyasha of himself. The raven haired woman wore a mid length kimono which fell to her mid thigh. The kimono itself mostly black as a ravens sing, although on the right sleeve alone bore a sprig of snow white flowers in full bloom. As well as a white obi which tied the outfit all together.

Inuyasha peered into the orbs of the woman swallowing a lump in his throat. Choosing his words carefully as he prepared to answer the woman. "He's my brother." His words shocking the young maiden who couldn't help but to gasp. "My father never spoke of you to me or my brother." She mumbled her words confusing Inuyasha and Kagome even more. Brother? She had a brother? What the hell was going on?

"Okay that's it! What the hell is going on! There's no way your kid. No one would love Sesshomaru!" Inuyasha shouted enraged not believing believing this woman for abit. Who remained silent, deep within her thoughts. As Kagome urged Inuyasha to calm down, informing that he was being very rude. "C'mon Kagome you know Sesshomaru! No could love him!" He counted as Kagome boomed "Sit Inuyasha!" Her command sparking the immediate relatiation of the beads of subjugation around Inuyasha's neck. Which gave off a white glow before forcing Inuyasha face first into the ground with such force it created a small crater at the young woman's feet.

Taking a step back the woman eyed Inuyasha's now unconcious body in the earth in confusion as Kagome began to laugh nervously. "Sorry about him. Inuyasha he's kind of an idiot." Kagome apologized bowing her head in respect toward the woman who quietly nodded her arms crossed over his chest. "I dont take others speaking ill of my family lightly. He'd better watch his tongue." The woman warned Kagome who nodded rubbing the back of her head nervously all the while Inuyasha began to recover.

Grumbling and cursing under his breathe Inuyasha rose to his feet. Shouting at Kagome angrily for doing that to him. But she was not sorry, she screamed back. Stating she believed the girl. Informing Inuyasha that when she had purified the woman earlier she had felt something. A power the size of an endless reservoir awaiting to fullt be tapped into. And that most of all the power was not an evil one like Naraku's. It was something else. Eying the silent woman who's companion the Dragoness appeared by her side. Arm firmly held in front of the raven haired woman in a protective manner.

"She reeks of Naraku." "I know its the miasma. It was similar to Naraku's but stronger." Kagome informed as Inuyasha sighed scratching his nose before mumbling a low "Sorry" to the woman. "Shouldn't have attacked you guys like that. You smelled like this yokai were chasing and-" Inuyasha began before the woman gritted her teeth. Her bad temper rising beyond her control. Alarming the Dragoness who winced at the sudden sensation that her flesh was burning. And she was right. As the very skin of Hisuri's body gave off such an intense heat it burned any substance around her.

"That doesn't excuse you trash talking my father like that!" The woman screamed angrily her voice creating a sound wave which forced Inuyasha to his knees. Gritting his teeth as he struggled not to grovel on the ground. His eyes darting back and fourth in fear as the woman drew near. Now standing overhead the woman's amber flecks within those emerald orbs were now alight in pure rage. The animosity coming off the woman radiated through the entire village. Concerning Kaede who called out towards the child. "Ye stop Hisuri! Inuyasha meant no harm!" But her words fell on deaf ears as slowly Hisuri's raven locks faded into a snow white. As well as that blue crescent moon which now formed on her for head.

Inuyasha swallowed hard as Hisuri's emerald orbs were overtaken by her bloodlust. Allowing themselves to be bathed amber while the whites of her eyes were a deep crimson. Signalling to all she had triggered her demon blood once more. Though this time it was different. Now Hisuri had fully drowned in her anger allowing her demonic aura to fully overtake her. Never had Hisuri allowed her demonic aura to consume her so, yet now due to her anger she was now completely out of control. And at the mercy of her own emotions.

"I wont allow your mockery to remain on my father's land." Hisuri stated coldly her eyes unwavering filled with contempt towards Inuyasha which shook him to the core. It was as if looking in the mirror. The resemblance of Sesshomaru and Hisuri so similar it was maddening. It had to be true. But Inuyasha had noticed too late. Hisuri bent down to Inuyasha, her nails digging into the flesh of his neck. Inuyasha gasped in pain feeling the nails dig deeper into his neck. Already beginning to choke on his own blood. Making Hisuri smirk at at his pitiful state.

"Stop it!" Kagome cried out as she ran towards Hisuri. Her bow and arrow in hand as she toom aim at the enraged Hisuri. " Don't make me do this!" Kagome called out once more as Hisuri ignored her words, increasing her grip on Inuyasha's throat. Causing the mighty hanyou to gag and tremble. His vision becoming blurred due to the lack of oxygen. Because of his tongue Inuyasha believed this could be the end for him. To die at the hands of his niece.

Hisuri smirked at her handiwork, begging to apply more pressure to his neck. Begging to feel something snap under her touch. At that Kagome released an arrow covered in her pure light as it soared through the air. Aimed at Hisuri's head. The Dragoness ran to her aid, only yo be beaten by the sudden crash of blue lightning which broke through the night sky and landed before them. Dust flying around the Dragoness and Kagome flinched slightly at the impact. Kagome expecting her arrow to hit its target. Only to be sadly mistakened by the appearance of Sesshomaru himself.

Who stood in front of his daughter, his fingers catching the arrow between his fingertips before melting the arrow into nothing. Upon seeing her father Hisuri's angered seemed to dissipate. Inuyasha gasped as Hisuri released him allowing his mangled form to fall to the ground. While Kagome rushed to his side, applying pressure to his wound.

"Father." Hisuri whispered into the air as Inuyasha stared towards the two white haired yokai before him. One his elder brother. And the other....his daughter who's father seemed to be very very upset. "Care to explain why you attacked my daughter, Inuyasha?" Sesshomaru hissed lowly.

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