Prophesized Saivors

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Shizuka carefully allowed Sesshomaru's head to rest against to the many pillows her bed was home to. She couldn't help but to stare at her love with such anguish. So much infact she couldn't even bear to stare at her own reflection. What kind of woman was she? No what kind of Celestial Maiden would allow someone so close to her to be harmed so? Gritting her teeth Shizuka angrily threw perfume bottles,makeup whatever she could get her hands on. Throwing them across her room unable to supress her anger. Anger which seemed to boil uncontrollably when Sesshomaru was in danger. Unconsciously Shizuka rested her right hand upon her slowly growing stomach. Sensing life already created within her. Life that she and he had created. A Yokai and a Celestial Being. Oh what a tragic love they surely sounded as.

But perhaps with this child. With her love. No with their love,perhaps their child could shape the future anew. Change the outlook of yokai kind once and for all. Yet it all depends on one thing. If Shizuka had the courage to tell him. To tell the Great Daiyokai. The one whom made her heart swoon. The being who brought the most human and most dangerous aspects within herself. Only by telling him could this child serve it's purpose. Shizuka knew this. Her heart and mind did as well. But her heart was feeble. It questioned Sesshomaru's feelings for her. It questioned the true intentions of their being together. Something that Shizuka chose to immediately ignore. Knowing these dark thoughts were figments of her imagination turned into reality.

Turning her gaze to the unconscious Sesshomaru,Shizuka took a seat beside him. Watching as his flesh began to slowly mend itself,it was quite an interesting sight. So much different from when Shizuka would heal herself. But they we're after all different beings from different worlds. In truth if she hadn't fallen from her home the two of them would not have met. And to that Shizuka was quite grateful for she had been given the chance to love someone. And she was determined to keep this love. She loved him and if Sesshomaru truly loved her then he would accept this. Taking a heavy sigh Shizuka decided once and for all. The moment Sesshomaru awakened and was fully healed she would tell him. She would tell him that she was with child. And hope for the best. After all that was all she could hope for.

While elsewhere sitting upon her marble throne sat the Queen of Celestials. Sweat covered her forhead as the images of the past confrontation with Shizuka rang her so loudly in her mind. That vision, and that sudden surge of power. The Mother of Celestials bit her bottom lip as she searched her memory. Hoping to somehow remember coming across such a vast amount of aura. Which even rivaled the Queen herself which meant one thing. This power had divine roots within it. But was that all? The Queen recalled the almost cocky smirk and divine aura trapping the strange woman. Power that couldn't only be weilded by a Celestial. So then why did the Queen feel as if something was missing?

Searching her memory The Mother of Celestials recalled coming across an ancient scroll given to her by the "Great Creator" the day she had been given life. The "Great Creator" as mysterious as always placed the scroll  in the young "Mother of Celestials" hands simply claiming "When darkness plagues this brilliant world we have created the 2 Saivors will be born. Both of light and dark,the Two Saivors will grace our world with their power. Saving this land and forever restoring the balance. That said,do not fear all darkness for even darkness can become light." And with those words the "Great Creator" disspated in a white light leaving the "Mother of Celestials" to tend with the running of the Divine Realm. But never did the Queen after countless of centuries believe that the old scroll's prophecy was soon to be real.

For the Divine Realm was submerged into darkness. Darkness that the Queen had failed to cease it's growth. And in her own daughter sadly,perhaps that was why she could not stomp it out. After all Shinimi was her first born. And once rightful heir to the throne. That was until darkness began to taint her young soul until it was unrecognizable. In truth it was her fault the darkness was even here. Her fault the darkness had taken hold of her poor daughter Shinimi. But perhaps this prophecy was the answer. Perhaps it could save not only their would but Shinimi's very soul.

She just couldn't be all gone. She was after all her daughter and a Celestial. There just had to be some part of Shinimi deep within that imposter. There just had to be. And with that hope the Mother of Celestials prayed to the "Great Creator" to bring her salvation and she'd light upon her problems. "I Beckon you oh 'Great Creator' tell me what is to come of this world? My family? All I have worked so hard for?" The Mother of Celestials called out begging for an answer from her Creator,her Father. Blinking back her tears The Mother of Celestials slumped to her knees continuing to pray for a miracle to come before her. To bring her new hope in her darkest hour.

While unknown to the Queen,a single flower seemed to fall from the heavens before the Queen. She recognized it as the infamous "Red Spider Lily" it's many petals streched upwards towards the Queen. Giving off a vibrant crimson light which seemed to ripple before the faint image of the phantom from before stood before the Queen. Unable to take her eyes off the haunting Phantom,the Queen whispered"Are you the 'Great Creator'?" To that the girl visibly giggled her laugh almost melodic. "Afraid not,but I am someone you will soon meet. For my brother and I will soon be born into this world."The Phantom began her words hitting the Queen hard. She was right,what she thought she sensed was true. Her daughter. Shizuka was with child but not one. But two. And before her stood the very soul of one of the children.

"Y-Your brother...meaning you are.. the Prophesized Saivors. You will save us and my daughter's! Won't you?!" The Mother of Celestials pleaded with the Phantom who held an almost saddened expression on her face. "Save this world we will,keeping mother safe is our top priority. As should yours. Without mother darkness will swallow this world and the next. And our souls will have gone to waste. As will yours Grandmother."The woman stated her last word causing The Queen a sudden burst of joy.

After all she was speaking to her future grandchild. "The enemies future has already been determined,I cannot promise her safety I'm afraid. But mother will be unharmed. Father will see to it. As will we." The phantom declared her eyes giving off their dangerous amber glow. "This world will be saved and our births will bring fourth a new age among men,and God's. For we are anew. A new kind of being yet to step foot on soil. An Eclispe will be the first light of the world my brother and I witness,of we survive till then. Protect Mother. She is the key to your future."The Phantom spoke before fading away into the darkness leaving the Mother of Celestials stunned. For she had received her answers and knew what needed to be done.

Protecting Shizuka until she gave birth had to be the top priority if her world was to survive. And the future of all Celestials. But that wasn't all,The Queen wished to see her grandchildren born and hold them in her arms. For they would truly have the world at their feet. And their divine light will illuminate all paths. Oh how she prayed.

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