A Mother's Words

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Princess Shinimi sat within the confines of her private quarters. Gazing upon one of many sacred mirrors she has begun to use quite often as of late. And why? To see everything. After all that was what Shinimi was;was it not? For in her eyes she was the true ruler of the Moon. And those who would dare oppose her were the enemy. Tiny insects that needed the be stepped upon and further ending their pitiful existence. In truth Shinimi had always believed she was the true heir,even if Shizuka was named the heir by their stupid mother. It sickened Shinimi. And angered her on more occasions then one.

Yes,Shinimi despised her little sister's very existence. But even she had begun to realize that her disgust for Shizuka had increased vastly as of late. And Shinimi knew the source of it. Placing her hand against her chest Shinimi could feel the constant beating of her heart,and along that. Hidden within the very depths of depravity in her heart. Within that pit of darkness lay the new source of this vast powerful she held. And that was a single tainted fragment of the infamous Shikon Jewel. At first having the jewel embedded in her heart was quite a painful ordeal for the demented Princess. But now it was merely as if it had always been a part of her.

Drifting. Waiting for Shinimi to notice,reach out and embrace her true self. And boy had she embraced it. Since the meeting with the baboon pelted demon Naraku,Shinimi had begun to show more of her true intentions to those around her. Even to the extent that her own mother had realized it and threatened to keep her under close eye. But it didn't seem to matter to Shinimi one bit. When was who she was. The Queen of Chaos and those who did not bow to her would fall. Even if that person so happens to be her own mother. It's true Shinimi wished to rule the realm but killing her mother was not on her list. But....if pushed to it Shinimi would do so in a heartbeat.

Sighing at these sudden thoughts which clouded her as of late Shinimi took her leave into the palace throne room. Where many of her fellow Celestials eyed her in both fear in detest. And Shinimi savored it to the fullest. Dressed in a onyx multi layered​ kimono,which trailed quite Abit behind Shinimi. Giving her a both beautiful and deadly appearence. Yet a single shred of color remained on the almost all black kimono. For a crimson obi rested around Shinimi's waist, along with a matching crimson underlayer which created an even more daunting look. Shinimi simply gazed upon the other Celestials as if they we're the simple ants that they were. Those she wished to crush.

Turning her crimson gaze to the stunning woman before her. Shinimi could help but to swallow a lump in her throat Everytime she saw her mother. Yes she was her mother but there was absolutely no one who's beauty could ever compare to her mother. Queen of Celestials. So beautiful infact that no one named the Queen. For no one believed a name was worthy of her. And it was true. Her skin was white as winters first snow, her face seems to be hand chiseled by the gods into such a delicate heart shape. The woman's lovely azure hued eyes landed on the man,who immediately bowed before her. And Shinimi was no acception. She stifled a bow to her mother who she for sure noticed her hesitation. But it mattered not. Nothing did much days. All that mattered was her goals and that was all.

Her mother bid her to raise her head,though the Queen's pure azure eyes were now those filled with disappointment. Something that even shook Shinimi to the core. "You summoned for me Mother."Shinimi began her words as cold and empty as her own soul. So much infact that even the other Celestials around her began to whisper among themselves. Saying how it was "Such a tragedy" "So unexpected" for something like this to happen. And what to have happened exactly? The point blank rebellion that had continued to stir within the dark heart of Shinimi. And now it was something that even The Queen could not wait for. Even though she infact called for her dearest daughter to return to her. The Queen of Celestials feared she would not make it much longer with Shinimi's darkness continuing to take hold. "I did,lately it has come to my attention that our fellow Celestials continue to dwindle in numbers. Something or someone is murdering us Shinimi." The Queen of Celestials declared her voice filled with such pain at the thought of her creations dying.

Her children. Her drive to continue on. And now they were being killed. Beings of near perfection were gone and The Mother of Celestials felt each and every death as of it we're her own. A piercing sharp knife that was being dug deep within her heart. And the Queen was not too sure how much of this she could take. For each death shortened the Mother of Celestials life for it was no longer eternal as her beauty. It was now a fleeting memory,and something the Queen refused to allow anyone to witness. "I implore you Shinimi stop this. Do not make me do this."The Mother of Celestials begged,in front of everyone she was bold enough the entire clan to ask her daughter to stop. To stop her bloody rise to power and to stop the deaths of her children.

After all Shinimi was The Queen's eldest daughter. The one who was truly meant to rule instead of her youngest daughter Shizuka. But at a very young age Shinimi had begun to show signs of depravity,and hatred. Emotions that we're unworthy of any Celestial and certainly any ruler. And as such her title was stripped from her and in doing this The Queen hoped it would shine some light on the situation for Shinimi. But it seemed only darkness was her daughter's path. And it was something she was powerless to stop. For even the Queen of Celestials feared the dark. Upon hearing her mother's empty plea a sinister smirk made its way to Shinimi's lips. For she couldn't contain this absurdity of her mother. The so called "Queen of Celestials" was begging her to stop. To stop something that was rightfully hers?

Unable to contain it anymore Shinimi erupted in hysterical laughter which echoed throughout the entire throne room. Silencing any chatter in the entire room. Shinimi continued to cackle loudly before daring to look her mother in the eye. Sending a sudden chill down the Queen's spine,which startled her to know end. This wasn't something the "Mother of Celestials" was use to. Such weakness was not something she was accustomed to. But if pushed to it then the Queen would indeed stand her ground firmly before her demented daughter. And if necessary stop her at any and all costs. That was the decision the Queen had come to the moment she saw the burning crimson orbs of Shinimi stare her down as if she were prey.

Something had to be done. And now. While staring her mother in the eye Shinimi slowly waltzed up the marble step of the throne room towards her mother. Who stood firmly in front of what Shinimi desired most. The Celestial Throne brimming with power. Power that was hers. "And what will you do if I do not mother? Will you kill me? Exile me from my home."Shinimi spat angrily towards her mother who stared back at her as well. Refusing to give up her power. "I will stop you." "Now you know you don't have that power anymore mother. If I wanted to I could end you right here and now."Shinimi threatened with a evil grin which almost caused the Queen to break out in a cold sweat.

"I may not be able to stop you anymore but someone can."The Mother of Celestials began as the large doors leading to the throne room suddenly flew open catching the attention of everyone in the room. Shinimi glared at the open doors as two figured emerged from the doors. 

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