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A few days pass by and Narize is becoming accustomed to her new home. With the stern gaze of Sesshomaru upon her whenever they crossed paths;only increased Narize's anxiety. The Dragoness not too sure joining such a vast empire. It was true that Narize's father Nahiko had entrusted his dying wish to her. But Narize did not expect to be placed in such a serious situation. All she truly wished was to have revenge on the vile woman who stole her father from this world. And Narize knew that allying herself with those of equal or vast power then she. Narize was well aware of her current capabilities. Without a reigning Dragon God alive,Narize's aura had lessened greatly. Rendering the once infamous power she held to that of a mediocre hanyou. Just the thought alone was enough to make Narize's blood boil, and make her shed tears of utter frustration.

Being powerless was not something a Dragon was use to. Dragons were always seen as graceful and all powerful beings by the Realm of Men. To the point that many humans worshiped the Dragons as the humans had on the mountain for generations. Without those prayers, and the heart beat of a current Dragon God in thia realm...Narize was horribly handicapped. This was not something Narize could properly cope with. She was so use to being such a force of power. Someone that could destroy a disobedient village by a single gale of her wingspan. Able to crush or destroy anyone who dared to challenge her.

And yet the recent battle with the crimson eyed woman showed Narize just how vast the gap in her power was. That without her father,Narize was limited to her own devices. A divine aura Narize had struggled to tap into as a youngling. She just never quite understood how to embrace her true potential. And with her father gone. Narize was not too confident she would even be able to aid Hisuri in battle when the time came. If anything it would be Hisuri rushing to her side. Standing before Narize, her back turned to the weakened Dragoness. While a confident smile lay plastered on Hisuri's lips.

For she had done it time and time again during combat training. Something Sesshomaru was very strict about. Stating that honing their hand to hand combat would be a necessity. As none of them should rely on their aura alone in battle. This morning in fact, Narize, Hisuri and Souma stood among the garden Shizuka was so proud of. Sesshomaru choosing the change of scenery, hinting to them that they must constantly be aware of their surroundings. And as such use it to their advantage.

Souma was the first to take a stand, his calm amber orbs slowly taking a dim luminescent glow. Lord Souma stood tall,his right hand struggling not to grasp onto his trusty katana. Remembering this was a hand to hand exercise, Souma made his move. The young man moving so fast to all he appeared to be nothing but a blur, closing the distance between he and his father. Who used his two fingers to gather demonic aura, which sizzled and glowed with a bright green light.

A brief smirk appeared on Sesshomaru's lips as he lashed his fingers forward. Creating a light whip which angrily whipped around the area. Picking up dust and grass around them. Sinking low to the ground, Narize bid herself to focus. Her own dark amber orbs gave off an dim crimson glow. Allowing Narize a better view of the battle. Witnessing Souma bounding into the air, forcing his body to turn. Landing beside his sister,Hisuri who commented on his abrasive attack. "Should have seen that coming, its one of father's favorites. Slacker!" Hisuri mocked causing Souma to roll his eyes, but also stifle back a giggle.

"Then how about a hand then?" Souma questioned as Hisuri smiled confidently to her brother. Planting her feet firmly on the ground, preparing for her first move. "All you had to do was ask, brother." Hisuri teased continuously as Souma too prepared for their unified attack. The two twins mere presence next to one another, feeding their own abilities without even realizing it. "Perhaps I can assist you-" Narize piped up, her voice surprisingly small. Absent of any confidence she ever held prior.

"We can handle this Narize,just stand back." Souma informed his voice filled with determination and compassion. But that is not what Narize heard. Instead she never felt more ashamed, it was her job to protect Hisuri. Not the other way around. Sensing that something was off Hisuri spoke to Narize with a brief smile. " Forgive my brother, he means well. What he meant was why dont you watch then strike? You might find an opening that even we dont see." Hisuri stated hoping to cheer Narize up abit but was interrupted by Sesshomaru. Who's voice boomed with the hint of annoyance at his children's over confidence in themselves.

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