Meaningful Gazes,The Nervous Beauty

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Weeks have passed since Shizuka has started journeying with Lord Sesshomaru and the others. And ever so slowly her influence was slowly changing everyone. But it was for the best. Little Rin of course was overjoyed to have someone to spend time with. She would often hold Shizuka's hand as they walked along the dirt roads. Giggling happily as Shizuka would simply smile endearingly towards Rin. In truth she simply adored the sweet little girl and wanted nothing more than to be near her. She was just filled with so much joy and love it was as if Rin was Shizuka's own personal sun. A sun that had remained tucked behind cloud but only seemed to shine when Shizuka alone gazed upon it. To put it short,Rin was currently the joy in Shizuka's new life. A life that she was more than happy to accept with open arms. Because for the first time,Shizuka felt as if she belonged.

She neither felt judged nor hated,merely acceptance. And she couldn't be more happier. But after the moment weeks ago where she honestly declared her fondness for Lord Sesshomaru she simply couldn't bear to look him in the eye. For she knew he was a demon. And not just any demon. The Great Dog demon,ruler of the Western Lands. And most of all he was known for his hate of humans. Shizuka knew there was no chance he would ever accept her feelings. And why would he? To full fledge demons like him,humans were weak and inferior creatures.

Was that how Sesshomaru saw her? Did he see her as nothing more the an incapable,and weak human being? Someone who was expendable? A life which had no meaning? Or did he see her as something more? This Shizuka did not know and she feared it deep within her heart. Never had she felt such an emotion,such fear of rejection in her life. It frightened her to no end,yet it excited her as well due to the possibilities. What if he saw her as something more? What if he valued her life?

Quietly Shizuka turned towards silver haired demon before her,the two accidently locking eyes. Immediately Shizuka felt herself becoming entranced by those calm amber orbs that both startled her and entranced her. Shizuka swallowed the lump in her throat before turning away from Sesshomaru,hoping he did not pick up on her anxious vibe. But he did notice infact Sesshomaru noticed every little detail about her in fact. The way her face would light up with joy the moment her eyes would land upon Rin. And the irratic way her heart would skip a beat when he was near. He quite enjoyed it. In fact the young demon looked forward to it.

But he had to admit since the incident weeks ago,things were a tad tense around the beautiful Shizuka. She was indeed beautiful,a sight to behold but exactly what secrets where hidden within her. Secrets that even she didn't know of. Sesshomaru soon noticed Shizuka gazing up towards the night sky and soon realized that there was no moon. And when Shizuka noticed this a wave of fear rushed through her. But why? "We will camp out here for the night." Sesshomaru announced as Rin cheered happily as she brought Ah-Un under a shade tree where he could rest.Shizuka could feel it,she could feel the immediate fear as she peered up towards the sky. But why? Why was she so afraid of their being no make? She quietly stared towards Sesshomaru wanting to say something but she remained silent.

Maybe this fear was just in her head,maybe there was nothing to fear. But deep down Shizuka could sense that something was about to happen. Something completely out of her control.

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