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Sesshomaru's body slowly began to appear in the world of Men. With the help of the "Mother of Celestials" he had finally returned to qwell to distruption that caused Shizuka harm. But what he saw before him was something he truly did not expect. For his once lavish Villa filled with life and the bustling of his servants going about their duties was as if it were a mere memory. The sun seemed to had abandoned his lands creating a dreary atmosphere,where even the strongest of warriors would cower. But not Sesshomaru.

Continuing his venture Sesshomaru stepped further into his domain,only to notice his entire realm was blanketed in thick spiderwebs. Webs Sesshomaru knew all too well and despised with his very being. Naraku. Hissing at the thought Sesshomaru further examined the silk webs nearby. Careful as they gave off a sickly miasma that would kill any human or weak yokai near it's deadly clutches. Gritting his teeth Sesshomaru allowed his own emerald poison to form at his fingertips,his anger already beginning to boil over. Swiftly Sesshomaru swiped his claws across the spiderwebs watching as they disintegrated at his touch. Knowing all too well this was indeed in the Rock whose plan and that he was at the end of this dark tunnel.

In somewhere deep within all this horrid spider webs was poor little Rin. Waiting. Hoping to be saved. And Sesshomaru could only hope he was not too light to save her. For he knew how deeply Shizuka cared for the child,and in truth the demon Lord had become quite accustomed to the small child. He had indeed as Shizuka had taken the small child under his wing as a parent would. Of course Sesshomaru would not say it aloud but he cared for Rin as if she were his own pup. But wasn't she? After all it was thanks to Sesshomaru and his once useless blade Tenseiga;that the child lived and breathed till this day.

Sesshomaru still recalled that dreary night where a human child had stumbled across his battle wounded body. As Sesshomaru had recently fended off an army of countless demons who sought to invade his lands. And it so happened that Rin's pitiful village was apart of his lands. Badly injured in battle Sesshomaru stumbled to the ground,blood pooling around the injured Daiyokai as he struggled to catch his breathe. Leaning against a firm tree nearby Sesshomaru sought sleep in order to recover his strength. Having dealt with the invading demons giving them well deserved deaths; Sesshomaru needed rest. For he was in no shape to travel.

Closing his eyes briefly Sesshomaru slumbered momentairly only to be awakened by a sudden noise nearby. His eyes a blood red and irisis taking their rare but dangerous azure hue Sesshomaru awakened and hissed angrily at the intruder only to spot but a human child. She stumbled back at his sudden movement,the child appeared badly beaten for many bruises covered her tiny form. Scratches marred the little ones arms as if she had indeed tried to protect herself. The small child screeched in fear covering her face as if she had prepared herself to be struck which saddened the Daiyokai.

Forcing his eyes to return to his calm amber ones Sesshomaru bid the child to leave. But to his surprise she shook her head and left momentarily only to return with food for the demon. And in return it seemed she had earned a hard kick to the face as her right cheek was marred with a brand new bruise. Sesshomaru bit his cheek in disgust as the small child inched the food over to Sesshomaru. He eyes he silently only earning a genuine smile from the child that surprised him and damn near angered him to no end. Why was she smiling. Why was she smiling when she was abused? Why did she smile at a demon? A predator? Why? These thoughts still haunted Sesshomaru till this day as he finally stepped foot into his Villa where standing at the very center of the garden was none other then Rin.

She stood in silence her eyes void of any emotion the lively child once had. She simply seemed to be existing in a garden covered from head to toe in spiderwebs. Gritting his teeth Sesshomaru stepped further into the spiderwebs only to have them immediately wrapp around his entire body stopping him from getting near Rin. Glaring Sesshomaru pulled at the webs only to have painful volts of electricity to be shot through his entire body causing the demon Lord to hold back a scream. He gasped as his body sizzled in pain but he refused to take his eye off if Rin. He would not leave her. For he had made a promise. Not caring that the webs shocked him Sesshomaru extended his left hand towards the souless Rin. Gritting his teeth as he spoke to Rin hoping somehow she would hear him.

"I'm here for you Rin." Those words so simply yet so meaningful as they did indeed stir something deep within Rin. Something that caused the child to slowly turn her head towards Sesshomaru with great strain. She then extended her tiny hand for Sesshomaru's with tears streaming down her cheeks. "H-Help me...O-O-Otosan." Her voice breaking as the sudden appearence of Naraku startled the child,she gasped as Naraku placed a firm hand on her mouth silencing her further. "Now,now let's not get carried away shall we?" Naraku commented with a smirk as Sesshomaru now seething with rage roared.

Which even startled Naraku abit as he took a few steps back while holding Rin as hostage. "Calm yourself Sesshomaru, one wrong move and the child dies." Naraku threatened as Sesshomaru was suddenly overcome by a sudden burst of power. So powerful infact in dangerously rippled around Sesshomaru creating an almost cloudy like appearence. "Your mistaken,you won't have the chance to harm her."Sesshomaru spoke as his left hand gripped onto the new gleaming hilt of his new blade. Now was the time surely. A chance for him to release this unrelenting power from the heavens. Slowly Sesshomaru drew the long elegant nodachi blade it's blade longer than any weapon Sesshomaru had ever weilded. Admiring his own blade Sesshomaru realized the blade itself faded from pitch black to that of a pure snow white almost as if it was mocking itself and it's own purity despite being held by a demon.

Sensing the sudden power Naraku's eyes seemed to flicker with curiosity as the blade began to give off a vibrant silver glow which began to crawl up the blade until it too was completely covered in the flames Sesshomaru once feared. 'Such power,and from a single Celestial being no doubt. Remarkable,and it will be mine."Naraku thought to himself as Sesshomaru slowly rose the nodachi over his head,ready to release this power onto his enemies. "With this blade Akumosai,your done!"Sesshomaru declared as he swiftly sliced the air before him earning a laugh from Naraku who mocked him. Stating that he had missed his target. But in truth he had not. Sheathing his blade finally Naraku gasped as his body was unable to heal from the cut of the blade. In fear he tossed Rin to the side,who was caught immediately by Sesshomaru.

Holding onto his gaping wound Naraku hissed at Sesshomaru stating this was not over. And he would soon return for that which he cherished more than anything in the world. Watching as the demons blood poured around him Sesshomaru glared at the demon before the despicable Naraku made his get away. Holding the unconscious Rin in his arms Sesshomaru peered around him as the thick miasma and spiderwebs seemed to have vanished as well as their master. Sighing lightly Sesshomaru watched as the sun had come out of hiding and began to bathroom his lands in it's gentle glow. But even so Sesshomaru knew this was not over. Naraku would return,and as would Shinimi he assumed. And for one purpose. To take what he loved most. But Sesshomaru would not let that happen,he would use Akumosai and protect his lands and his family. That was a promise.

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