The Will of The Wind

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Kagura stood just outside the sinister crimson barrier,Shinimi had created around herself. The crackling shield protecting the woman from harm, while she herself inflicted pain upon Hisuri. The very same woman that Kagura had silently prayed would free her from the shackles which bound her to Naraku. For that vile monster held in his possession Kagura's very heart. Beating loudly, pulsating with the absence of its owner. The only thing that held her to Naraku. Now Kagura had attempted on her own to retrieve her heart. But that did not bode well as Naraku had caught her in the act.

Imprisoning Kagura for weeks on end, not allowed to eat nor drink. Her body wreaked with dirt and sweat. As she was not allowed to shower. Kagura's body bound by strange chains which inhibited her ability to heal and most of all use her demonic aura. Rendering her briefly human if you will, allowing Naraku to beat Kagura till she finally submitted to his will. Knowing then that there was truly no escape from him. But then on that Moonless Night, where the battle for Sesshomaru's heirs ensued. Naraku returned empty handed, wounded greatly by a weapon that gave Kagura a brief glimmer of hope. The weapon of course was wielded by Sesshomaru, a more skilled warrior with the blade. Someone more capable lf defeating Naraku. More than Inuyasha even.

For months Kagura watched Naraku's mounds of flesh and tendrils. Collect around the burning flesh Sesshomaru's strike made contact with. The single mound sizzling with heat, as the waves of heat were very much visible. It was then that Kagura knew that there could be a chance. She could escape this hell she was forced to live with. This curse that plagued her both in body and mind. Turning her gaze back to Shinimi, Kagura could see the woman. A smirk on her lips as she toyed with the mind of Hisuri. Bending the woman to her more darker tendencies. Saddening Kagura as she could hear the shrill cries of Hisuri. Begging for the sweet release of death rather than to harm of brother.

To this Shinimi cackled loudly, her laugh echoing throughout the area. "My you really are your mother's daughter." Shinimi heckled as she seemed to snap her fingers. A painful snapping making itself known to all. As Hisuri yelped in pain, her eyes now crying tears of crimson. The events becoming quite traumatic on Hisuri. More....than what Kagura could bear. Gritting her teeth Kagura opened her fan. The winds hissing at her. Beckoning her to continue as Kagura slashed at the air with her fan. Watching as twisters of wind barreled towards the unsuspecting Shinimi. A look of both terror and anger evident on the woman as she hissed lowly at Kagura. "Traitor!" Before the twisters made contact with the red barrier. Sparks flying about as Kagura glared at the woman begging the wind to continue. While coming upon the scene was none other than Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. Confusion written on their faces as to why Kagura was in fact betraying Naraku.

"You witch!" Shinimi roared as 4 of Naraku's poisoness tentacles appeared by her side. Shielding Shinimi from the wind attack, all the while the tentacles shot through the barrier. Impaling Kagura with great force. The wiggling appendages protruding through Kagura's back. Kagura coughed up crimson, her grip weakened on her fan. As she found herself falling to her knees. Only to be swept into the strong grip of Sesshomaru. Kagura's ruby gaze overcome with tears as her eyes landed on the handsome yokai. "Rest." Sesshomaru ordered as Inuyasha stood before the two, slicing the remaining tentacles with Tetsaiga.

Shinimi's crimson gaze lowered towards the tree. The woman sauntering to the edge of her barrier. Daringly stepping outside its protection, a massive aura familiar to Sesshomaru as his own daughter's. The aura now radiating off of Shinimi whom surely stole it amidst the torture. Gritting his teeth Sesshomaru stood, along with Kagura who held onto her gushing wound. Struggling not to topple over where she stood. "Ill fight.....for my freedom!" Kagura declared boldly as Shinimi sneered at Kagura. Her right hand extended before her causing black flames to form at Shinimi's fingertips. "Then you'll die for it!" Shinimi screamed as she bid the flames to attack Kagura. The flames now soaring through the air, aimed at the weakened Kagura. Who let out a cry, in fear of her death.

Instead a sudden silver light began to flood the area. Causing Shinimi's dangerous flames to flicker and die. The glorious light soon centered above Sesshomaru and Kagura. As the now floating body of Kagome stood. Her eyes aflame with power and will not her own. Those brown orbs now a silver translucent hue. The light continued to bathe Kagome and the others in its warmth. A wide smile forming on Kagome's face as she spoke. Her voice of mixture of her own and Sesshomaru's beloved. "K-Kagome?" Inuyasha muttered in disbelief, as a small grin formed on Sesshomaru's lips. "You AGAIN!" Shinimi shouted, rage as she tried to throw a barrage of fire balls towards Kagome. Who now appeared to be hosting the very soul of Shizuka. The fire balls dying out into tiny embers before even gracing Kagome's new presence.

"Calm yourself, Shinimi. Do not make me do something that i aha regret later." Shizuka stated her voice slipping from Kagome's lips as she spoke. Her gaze now turned to the bloody Kagura. Who she had seen fight valiantly in order to save Hisuri. "You have done me a great service. And as such I shall grant you your one wish." Shizuka informed the none awed Kagura who watched the glowing Kagome lower to the ground. Her warm embrace enveloping Kagura, such warmth. Such love. Consuming the female yokai whole, causing tears of joy and pity to fall down her cheeks.

"M-My wish-" Kagura began as Kagome's glowing form continued to cradle the woman. Her peace and warm flowing off her in gentle waves. Giving Kagura something she had never truly felt. Peace. Despite the situation Kagura stared towards the transulcent orbs that were Shizuka. Those eyes giving off so much power and yet such gentleness. Kagura wondered how such a being could truly exist.

With her hands covered in her own crimson Kagura turned to the heavenly creature. Uttering her wish for all to hear. "Freedom."

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