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Souma was jolted awake from his slumber, sweat coating his brow. While his chest heaved up and down in distress. The images of his nightmare replaying in Souma's head. Causing a searing migraine to form. Souma released a soft groan, holding his head with one hand. Unable to forget the gleaming crimson eyes of Hisuri. Mocking him as Souma took his last breathe. And yet even so Souma still could not fathom why any of those images would come to be. After all Hisuri was his beloved little sister. The silliest of them all. Why in fact you could find both Hisuri and Rin running down the vast halls of the villa.

The vile acts he witnessed in his slumber that of great evil. Something Souma truly believed was impossible for his sister. It simply did not fit her personality at all. Nor would she ever betray their family in such a manner. Family meant the world to Hisuri, as their father had hammered the importance of family to them when they were fairly young. His sister knew their strength was something that could not be contained without a purpose. And their purpose was to protect one another. To love eachother in the warring world of theirs. Releasing a heavy sigh,Souma rose from his bed. Unable to drift back to sleep after the nightmare.

Instead Souma began to roam the silent halls of the villa. With streams of the moons gentle glow slithering into the compound. Almost as if the moon itself wished to console the troubled young man. Souma continued his nightly adventure, his bare feet becoming accustomed to the cool tile below. With nowhere in particular to go, Souma soon found himself in the back gardens his mother so proudly cared for. Its lush greenery stretching out towards the vast walls which served as protection for the family. With lovely blooms of every color littering the grounds,all the while the gentle aroma of the flowers seemed to ease Souma's troubled mind.

But he still couldn't shake it,the horrible sense of dread which loomed over the young Prince. The nightmare so vivid Souma struggled to tell the difference between that and reality. The lines fairly blurred and causing Souma great torment. In truth Souma was well aware of the fact that Hisuri was quite abit stronger than he. With the combination of divine and yokai blood pumping through their veins. Unknown to many Hisuri had more of an affinity with her yokai half. Their father's blood nearly overpowering the divine blood of their mothet within Hisuri. Which yes, enabled Hisuri to easily tap into her yokai abilities. In this form she was strong, fearless and most of all at times uncontrollable.

When angered at times Hisuri's yokai blood would begin to boil. Her thoughts no longer her own, filled with rage to the point that Hisuri had even attacked Soums and even their father in this form. Her fangs barred and claws itching for blood, Hisuri was a force of power. Something at times beyond their capabilities of dealing with. Which Souma believed was the reason for their parents allowing Narize; The Dragoness to join their cause. Perhaps believing that with a private guard at her side, Hisuri's yokai blood would slowly become stagnant. And allow her divine blood to take over and rectify the imbalance within Hisuri. This was a secret that even Hisuri herself was not aware of. As when these fits of rage and power were set in motion, Hisuri would lose time. Unable to remember what had happened prior to her transformation.

This greatly alarmed Souma, especially their mother. Who's gaze was filled with worry at the news. Shizuka knew it would be dangerous becoming the lover of a yokai. In fact she had warned Sesshomaru many times prior but the Celestial Maiden did not expect this. She did not expect her children to be targeted their entire lives because of what they could do. And most certainly she did not wish for them to fall victim to their power. But in truth, Shizuka was unsure how to handle the imbalance. She had sought the aid of her mother but recieved no helpful information. So it seemed she and Sesshomaru woulf have to deal with this on their own. And pray for the best. But Souma knew better. With abit more self control Hisuri would beable to fight her dark urges. But for how long?

As when the siblings were apart was when Hisuri's blood would become uncontrollable. Raging and screaming for a release. As long as Souma was near Hisuri, her balance in power remained. As did Souma's, but his was abit different. Unlike his sister,Souma held more of an affinity with his divine blood. Enabling his to tap in and out of the destructive yet healing aura of the Celestials. But Souma was also able to swap between his bloodlines equally. He simply preferred his divine blood, as it could be used as both offensive than defensive. The two were so similar and yet not. Hisuri being their father's favorite as she had taken more of his blood in birth. Souma did not mind, he was aware of his father's affections and knew he cared for him as well.

He knew that connection with their father could ease Hisuri out of her transition to a full yokai. But it was only when Sesshomaru was present. He could not always remain at his daughter's side. One day she would have to battle the yokai blood within her. Souma only hoped she was strong enough to combat it. And be true to herself. Biting his bottom lip Souma peeted towards the wanning moon overhead. Uttering a silent prayer to the Celesitals above. "Grandmother.....and to the Celestials of the realm. Watch over my sister...I beg of you." Souma whispered while silencing declaring he would not allow his sister to fall into the darkness of their power. He would fight for her, with her if he must. Souma only prayed his nightmare could be prevented through these counter measures. But only time would tell.

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