The Boy and The Sickle

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All the while with the sun hanging above them. Hisuri and Narize ventured outwards a far off village, as usual Hisuri was very excited to be out exploring the world. The young woman twirling around gleefully allowing the warm sunlight to pelt her skin. "Please be careful Mistress." Narize advised her master knowing it would only make Hisuri giggle. Knowing how protective Narize had become after the ritual. "I'm fine Narize, you worry too much." Hisuri commented as she twirled around on her heels, continuing to enjoy the vast world around them. "I-I only meant-" Narize stuttered abit nervous as she wished Hisuri would allow her to do her job. But her Mistress was a stubborn one. Wishing not to trouble others with her problems. Seeking to deal with them on her own, while flashing everyone that large carefree smile of hers.

"I know you mean well Narize." Hisuri addressed as she closed the distance between the two. Wrapping her arm playfully over Narize's shoulder in a comforting manner. Wishing her new friend would relax. Especially when it was just the two of them. Hisuri had grown accustomed to everyone following her every command. Bending to her will with the bat of an eye. But Hisuri did not want that for Narize. She truly saw this as an opputunity to make a friend. Someone who would be as dear to her as her own family. Someone she could confide to when no one but she. Flashing Narize her toothy grin, Hisuri continued to speak. "I want us to be friends, not just allies. You understand that right?" Hisuri asked as Narize peered towards her Mistress. Her admiration for Hisuri growing even more, causing Narize to crack a small smile.

"Yes...forgive me Mis- My Lady. I will do my best to serve you with dignity and joy." Narize informed with a small smile, as Hisuri nodded. Only wishing for her new ally to simply try. Knowing that the two of them were now and forever. After the ritual which bound the two women by blood. Their fates we're forever intertwined no matter the circumstances. "That's all I ask."Hisuri said with a smile as the two slowly drew near to their destination.

A medium sized village with at least 50 villagers. Where these people had begged for the aid of their Lord. Who was infact Sesshomaru. Pleading with him for assistance, and so Sesshomaru had sent Hisuri and Narize in his place. Believing the two of them could handle the situation. Entering the quiet village, Narize pulled out the piece of parchment on her person. Rereading the mission and orders given to them by Lord Sesshomaru. "My Lady.....our orders are to take down a rogue Demon Slayer....are we sure that's right? I mean the Demon Slayers had been eradicated for quite sometime now. I highly doubt there's a survivor." Narize mused as Hisuri now stood before a young boy. Bearing the black and green armor of a Demon Slayer.

Although the boy appeared very young, perhaps 13 years of age. The boy remained silent as his dull almond orbs bore into Hisuri's shocking her at his soulless gaze. "Well believe it." Hisuri commented as the young boy then dashed towards Hisuri with a surprising burst of speed. Catching her off guard as the boy whipped to her defenseless left side. Slicing Hisuri's stomach abit, causing her to yelp. All the while Narize angrily ran at the boy. Anger in those amber and black irises of hers as Narize slammed her body against the boy.

The young lad sliding quite a distance away before recovering. Quickly rising to his feet while wielding a sickle and chain, twirling the dangerous weapon with ease. As the boy slowly began to approach the two. "Definatly a Demon Slayer." Narize confirmed as she bared her claws towards the boy. Demanding to know who he was,and who sent him. To this the young boy simply regained his battle stance, gripping onto his sickle tightly. The boy's gaze remaining void of any emotion. His eyes fixated on Hisuri momentarily before returning his gaze to Narize. The boy soon came sprinting towards Narize top speed. The desire to kill burning in the young lad's eyes as he swung his sickle at Narize. Who sidestepped to the left, avoiding the sudden assault. But remained on her toes, as the boy continued his attack. Slashing at Narize with such precision it impressed her.

Taking a deep breath Narize took in a deep breathe, already able to feel the source of her fire burn and flicker within her being. Hisuri watched from afar, keeping her presence hidden as Narize released a hoard of flames from her lips. The fire spreading about the terrain, licking at the boys feet. Who released a brief gasp of pain, darting away from the blaze as quickly as he could. But was stopped by the sudden appearance of Hisuri who bound the boy's hands from behind. Forcing him to the ground with a hard thud,Hisuri's knee in the middle of his back. Stopping him from any further movements. The boy screamed angrily at Hisuri, kicking at her. All the while Narize rolled her eyes advising the boy relax. "Were not going to hurt you, just leave the lands peacefully." Narize said ad the boy released a frustrated cry into the air. Weeping genuine tears which caused Hisuri's grip to lessen. Feeling sorry for the young boy.

"Please don't make this any harder than it has to be." Hisuri pleaded as the boy suddenly jerked upward. Knocking Hisuri off of him, as the lad wrapped the chain of his weapon securely around Hisuri's neck. A smirk forming on his lips as he began to pull, choking Hisuri while Narize angrily stepped on the chain. And pushing the lad away from Hisuri, lessening the chains grip on her mistress. Leaving Hisuri gasping for air, while rubbing her sore throat. Her gaze turned towards the battle ready boy,who pulled on his chain sickle. Allowing it to return swiftly to his hand, all the while smirking at the women.

Kneeling down before Hisuri, Narize asked if she was alright noticing the fresh red imprint of the chain on Hisuri's neck. Gritting her teeth, Hisuri nodded and stood. Drawing one of her katana from its sheathe, now taking the boy seriously. "I let my guard down since he was a child. I won't make that mistake again." Hisuri spat.

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