The Blessing Returned

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With the weight of the secret pregnancy off her shoulders,Shizuka was finally able to be herself around Sesshomaru. Which hadn't happened in quite sometime. She felt no need to hide her quickly growing baby bump. Infact Sesshomaru seemed to embrace it maybe even more than Shizuka herself. The soft spoken Lord would show his commitment to the Shizuka in gestures. Gestures that meant the whole world to the soon to be mother. Day by day Shizuka could feel her bundle of joy growing ever so rapidly. As if he or she was just as excited to see the new world as it's own parents.

Coming to terms with her newly found motherhood,Shizuka just simply couldn't wait to tell Rin. She just knew her little sunshine would just be thrilled to hear the news of a new sibling. Little Rin would have a little friend whom Shizuka would hope she would see as a sibling and lifetime friend. Just the mere thought caused Shizuka to smile. Knowing that Rin was already like a daughter to her,she felt that she was prepared to have a child of her own. Especially if that child was with someone whom Shizuka couldn't live without. The handsome Daiyokai Sesshomaru,Lord of the Western Lands. And now Father. Everytime that thought crossed her mind Shizuka couldn't help but to giggle. Imagining Sesshomaru in a fatherly settling was quite amusing,not because he might be awkward about it. No that wasn't it at all.

No it was the fact that Shizuka could truly see the soft spoken,ruler,and Daiyokai becoming a man truly worth more than gold. He would be a fitting father that was no question. The only thing was protecting herself until birth. According to the "Mother of Celestials" pregnancy in their race was quite short. Days to the most 2 months. During this time period Shizuka would feel the weight of being a mother times two. For the fatigue had caused her abilities to become quite dull which greatly concerned the Celestial Maiden. She simply couldn't allow it.

Such weakness would only hinder Sesshomaru,and Shizuka just couldn't bear the thought. And in doing so Shizuka would put on a strong face and bear her pain in fatigue in silence to the best of her abilities. Until finally being unable to hold it in she would release her frustrated cries to Sesshomaru. And to this he only held her,his silence and opening to Shizuka. Allowing her to unveil herself without criticism,and without fear. For that was her life now. And that would also be the life their child would soon be a part of.

A life of acceptance,despite the world against you. That was the life Shizuka wished for her child and with Sesshomaru and their love for one another this life was possible. Yet today their was one thing Shizuka could not hold back from Sesshomaru nor would she hid it. For days now Shizuka had began to feel a certain sense of dread. But she couldn't quite figure out what the source of that feeling was. That was until today. As of now Shizuka and Sesshomaru had retired to her mother's quarters in order to speak more about the child and realm affairs.

The "Mother of Celestials"beamed the moment Shizuka walked into the room. Her once small baby bump had indeed swollen to that of a woman at least 8 months into her pregnancy. The Queen rested her right hand on her daughter's swollen tummy,and to this Shizuka smiled resting her hand gently on her mother's. Allowing her mother to feel her grandchild whom seemed to be very active at the moment and began to press against their hands. Causing nothing Shizuka and her mother to stare in awe. Sesshomaru watched the two in silence. Mother and Daughter enjoying the glee of the first child. His child.

The thought still seems Abit unreal to Sesshomaru. But the moment his eyes land on Shizuka's glimmering azure orbs all worries we're forgotten. Looking at his mate, Sesshomaru knew his actions were of his own accord. Because,maybe truly all the Daiyokai truly wished for was a family of his own. Yes he desired power and land,but as did his father before him. Tōga. Or what he was known as throughout the lands Lord Inu no Taisho. He was a great Dog demon who conquered lands,demons,and decimated all that stood in his wake.

But even in the middle of his adventuring his father found time to take women. His mother included but along with a single human woman that ended his father's life. Sesshomaru still recalled the final night he saw his father. Returning from a previous battle his father stood before him. The moon hanging high giving the demon an almost divine like appearence. He was a fairly tall and regal man with his long flowing white hair shared by all dog demon was tied in a high ponytail. Something Sesshomaru used to do as a child to be like his father. He also bore the pointed ears as all full blood yokai,though on his face jagged purple and blue stripes on each side of his face. Only to be matched by his father's powerful amber gaze.

His father dressed quite similar to Sesshomaru, for her wore a white kimono and hakama, armored boots and long sash with intricate designs on them. On his chest he wore a simple breastplate,along with vambraces to protect his arms. And of course the demon held his blades Tenseiga,Tessaiga,and a third blade known as So'unga on his waist prepared for an advisary. Except one. Human. Sesshomaru gazed upon his father noticing the gaping gash in his right side pouring blood which ceased it's flow. So much infact the strong demon slumped to his knees briefly. Struggling to control his breathing hoping to somehow numb himself to the pain. For their was one last thing he had to do in this world. And that was to save his beloved human wife Izaiyoi and their child from harms way. Despite his injury Tora stated he had to leave and to this the young Sesshomaru hissed.

"She's human father! Just another human so why....why sacrifice yourself for them? Such lesser being,they are worthless."Sesshomaru spat for he truly did not understand why,why his great and powerful father was willing to die for a single human. Hearing his son's harsh words Tōra chuckled gently,bidding his son to him. Which Sesshomaru did stubbornly as his father slowly rose to his feet. Placing a gentle hand on his head ruffling his hair which greatly annoyed Sesshomaru till this day. Tōra smiled warmly towards his son before speaking his final words to his son. Words that have clung to his very soul.

"You will understand when you have someone you wish to protect. And that person will give you strength, strength that even I or any war cannot teach you. This lesson you will have to learn on your own my son." Tōra said before ruffling Sesshomaru's hair one last time before turning towards the wanning moon overhead. Taking a deep breathe the Daiyokai bid his body to shape,taking on his true form. A great all white ferocious dog demon bearing his teeth and claws as he bound into the night air. Chasing after something Sesshomaru once believed was such a fleeting thing. Love.

Yet with meeting Shizuka,and watching how she slowly began to change him. Open his eyes to what his father's final words meant to him. For now Sesshomaru had many things he wished to protect and like his father he would put his life on the line for them. For if someone dared to harm them,destroy their peace. If someone was to bring Shizuka to tears or threaten to harm their child. Sesshomaru knew it would be something he would be unable to ignore. He would tear whomever it was to pieces and bring back their peace once again. Shaking his head free of these thoughts Sesshomaru's thoughts along with the joy in the room was immediately destroyed as Shizuka suddenly doubled over in pain.

Gasping for air as her mother held her for support. Sesshomaru immediately rushed to his mate's side,picking her up in his arms as he body trembled violently. He gripped onto her tightly asking her what was wrong as a sudden rush of silver light appeared in the room darting back on fourth in an almost urgent manner before forcing it's way into Shizuka's body. She released a loud gasp as sobs errupted from her lungs. But mixed in those sobs Sesshomaru heard it. "Rin! Rin!" At that name Sesshomaru immediately tensed up as Rin's face appeared in his memory. Something was wrong that was apparent. And they needed to return home now.

Holding Shizuka's sobbing form in his arms, Sesshomaru whispered words to her. Words that Shizuka knew we're to be true. "I will save her, and come back to you." He whispered while pressing his lips against Shizuka's head. Due to the traumatic experience and her body weakened Shizuka passed out in his arms. Carefully Sesshomaru layed his love on her mother's bed. The two made eye contact before Sesshomaru spoke "I'm leaving,I will return soon for Shizuka." He said as the "Mother of Celestials" sighed interjecting him" Do you truly believe this is a coincidence? You are being lured by Shinimi and there is no telling what is awaiting you there. And without Shizuka you will not stand a chance." She stated which Sesshomaru hated to admit but she was right. Ex Celestial Maiden or not Shinimi held vast Divine power. A mere touch of her flames would surely devour him. And he knew this,as did The "Mother of Celestials" which is why she continued to speak.

"My daughter....she loves you dearly. And for her sake I will not allow you to perish. I will forge you a blade like no other. And you will cut down this threat." She stated as Sesshomaru turned towards the Queen an evident smirk on his face as he nodded "Very well then,let's get started." Sesshomaru stated with a grin.

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