1: Live And Breathe And Die Alone

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From the first moment I stepped in this school for the first time, I knew I was hated already. No, from the first moment I took one fucking look, I knew I was screwed.

I don't have any friends except my brother. Not even at my last school.
I was treated like I didn't exist. I was only acknowledged by teachers and the principal. Oh, and the janitor. That is, if I was lucky.

I was pretty much a loner. I talked to no one really. Only my brother, Mikey. To be honest, nothing's different. Everyone still hates me. I hated everyone at my last school for the way they all treated me.

I hated everyone at this school already as well.

Mikey wasn't in the same school as me. I was expelled from his school. The reason being I got set up by the bullies. But you know what? It doesn't matter anymore.

I sat down at my desk in science class while it was empty. Class started in five, so I figured I had nothing else better to do than wait. Like always.

I had been at this stupid school for about a year. Still had no friends. Probably because I didn't want them so I was purposely being an asshole towards everyone. Or maybe because people just didn't like me. Either way, oh well. At least I didn't have a partner to get on my nerves.

I guess I've just gotten used to the loneliness. That's why I push everyone away. Don't cry for me or anything, 'cause I don't feel bad about it.

Mr. Williams walked into the classroom and was startled by me at my desk. "Gerard," he almost exclaimed, eyes wide. He placed a hand on his chest. "You almost gave me a heart attack." Aw, what a shame. He casually placed paperwork into his desk drawer. He sat down at his desk and started filling out more paperwork. Jesus. "Early again?"

I nodded and sighed. He seriously just asked that? Oh lord...

"Why don't you talk to anybody, Gerard?" He asked, eyes locked on the paperwork before him. He then took a look at me where I sat at the desk in the corner. You know why, and I'm sure of it, you dickhead.

"You've been here a year and I think you might've said three words to me the entire time," he so kindly pointed out as ran his fingers through his hair. He then began working on that paperwork once again.

I mean, Mr. Williams is nice and all, but he's weird. He is a major dickface. What can I say? He seems like he's so interested in everything when I know he isn't. He raised an eyebrow at me. I shrugged. He sighed and shook his head. "Maybe if you talked to people more, you'd have a friend. Why are you so antisocial?"

I rolled my eyes. Antisocial? Really? Alright, I'll give you that. Bravo. It would only take a genius like you to figure that out, huh?

But seriously... Talking to someone besides Mikey would get me beaten to a pulp. Hell, I'm already getting beaten to a pulp, dammit. But opening my mouth has gotten me no where yet, so why bother?

You know, I don't understand Mr. Williams sometimes. I don't really like him. His daughter, Hayley is... Crazy. That's all I can say. She tries to chat with me but I ignore her. But who don't I ignore? And she is too weird for my liking. I'm weird too, I know, but not like Hayley.

"People like me don't have friends," I sighed out quietly, not making eye contact. I started to play with my fingers, half hoping he didn't hear me, but of course he did. Of fucking course.

"People like you?" He questioned, perhaps surprised I spoke. I nodded, watching as he got out of his chair and walked over to me. I looked up and saw him raise an eyebrow, but then I looked away. I sighed.


"Gerard, are you okay?"

Yeah, sure. I'm completely okay. I don't wanna kill myself because everyone hates me at all, Mr. Williams.

My Angel (Frerard) [REWRITE] *Slow Updates*Where stories live. Discover now