15: Last Night On Earth

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I walked up to Ryan's door. He told me that he wanted to go to his and Bren's spot. I saw him right down a note, but shrugged it off. He told me to follow him. I nodded and we walked.

When we finally arrived, we sat down in the middle of the field. I listened as Ryan went on about how he and Brendon met. Apparently, Ryan met Brendon one day at this field. Ryan came because he found out his crush liked someone else. That crush was Dallon. Brendon came for the same reason. But his crush was Spencer. When they first saw each other, it was love at first sight.

We talked a little more, and I pulled out a piece of paper to show to Ryan. It was a 'just in case anything happens to me' letter I wrote for Frank.

"You love Frank?" He asked, reading the letter. I nodded. "I figured so. I see the way you look at him, and I see the way he looks at you. It's the way Bren and I used to look at each other. It's true love."

"You think Frank likes me?" I asked curiously. Ryan smiled and shook his head. "You don't?"

"I don't think Frank likes you. I know he loves you. I see it in his eyes. He's just too afraid to tell you, I suppose he thinks you don't like him or if you do and you guys did become boyfriends, maybe he thinks he'll fuck up your life. I just know he's afraid to tell you how much he loves you. And I know you're afraid to tell him. That's why he preoccupies himself with relationships. He wants to be more than your friend, but at the same time, he doesn't. He doesn't want things screwed up between the two of you, even if you want him just as much as he wants you."

Ryan made perfect sense. I nodded and he gave me back the letter.

That's when we heard some rustling in the bushes. I jumped, the letter falling out of my hands. We both kept our gazes fixed on the bushes. We heard a twig snap and we both stared intensely.

After a few minutes passed and we didn't hear anything else, we went back to talking. Then we heard another twig snap. My heart dropped.

Out of the bushes emerged an angry looking John and a smirking Billie Joe. John had a knife, some rope and some duct tape. Billie had a gun.

We didn't move. Not one bit. We just watched as they made their way over to us. We were scared.

"So you're my faggot brother's boy-- ex-boyfriend," John spat at Ryan, who turned as pale as a ghost. "What a shame. Bren might miss you. Maybe. Maybe not. You two fags. You're disgusting. I didn't even know you two were dating. Jimmy told Steve who told me. I didn't even know you two broke up until I went through his texts to you. You little shit. So, you are the one to cause him all of this pain that I don't even give a shit about. So, I will end you, for Bren's sake." Ryan gulped.

"Well, look who it is," BJ laughed maniacally. "You know, we knew RyRy was gonna be here, but we didn't even think you'd be here too! I guess we're lucky. And you know, I hate you. If you would've just let me fuck you..." He trailed off. "Well, I'm gonna still have some fun with you. I told John I was gonna help him with RyRy, and now he can help me with you, you stupid little emo freak." I gulped too.

I turned to look at Ryan. He was crying. John saw this and slapped him, then called him a pansy. He tied us up, forcing us to our knees. He beat the fuck out of Ryan.

"Ready RyRy?" John asked, pressing the tip of the knife into Ryan's throat. "It'll be slow and painful, but at least you get to leave this world. So tell me. You ready, faggot?"

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