17: Until My Breathing Stops... Forever

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Gerard's POV

"Frankie," I whispered, causing him to turn in my direction. "I forgot to give you your birthday presents... Fuck..."

We still were laying there; very naked, and cuddling. Frank only pulled me closer to him, if that was even possible.

"Mikey already gave them to me," he stated, looking down at me with those beautiful hazel orbs that I couldn't take my eyes off of. "He said they were from you, and he thought I should have them. And I really like them. Those gloves fit perfectly. And the shirt also fits quite nice and it rocks." Frank laughed at his own joke. "Thank you, Gerard. I really love them. You know me so well."

I blushed. "You're welcome, Frankie. And thanks for... y'know... being mine on Christmas. And for having sex with me."

"Well, now I'm yours forever." I giggled at this, as Frank grinned widely. Frank leaned in close to my ear. "We can do it again if you want. I want to."

I pulled him in to kiss my lips. Damn those soft lips of his that I have this thing with and I can't fucking get over.

"Yeah... I want to," I whispered, kissing Frank again. He straddled me, kissing from my lips to my neck, before he started sucking and making a mark which I'd have to do my best and wear a fucking scarf to hide. He started grinding his crotch against mine, and oh god.

"Frankie," I moaned, throwing my head back, giving him more access to my neck. "You know I have to- ah... hide these, right? Ah..." Frank nodded and smirked. "I thought so... Frankie... Oh..."

He left my neck and kissed his way down to below my belly button, which made me gasp and shudder slightly. Frank looked up at me.

"You okay, Gee?" He asked, pulling his lips away from my lower stomach. I simply nodded, but Frank sat up and cupped my face. "You don't look okay. You look nervous. But don't be okay? We already did this, so no need to be nervous about it, sugar." He pushed some of my hair out of my eyes.

"I'm okay, Frankie, I just... Your mouth was dangerously close to my crotch and I've never done that so... Yeah... I uh... Um... I'm just nervous. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, sugar. Trust me, you'll love it. It won't hurt, I promise, if that's what you're worried about. Just grab onto my hair or the sheets, okay?" He smiled and I nodded. He lowered himself to kiss my lower stomach again, and kissed. And he kissed lower, and lower, and lower, and lower, and...

Brendon's POV

I want to die: I have lost my one true love almost two months ago, and I've been crying pretty much ever since. I found the note he left for me the day he died. The one he left on the countertop, in case I came to find him.


If you're looking for me, I'm out with Gerard. Like I said before, I'm sorry. I want to talk to you and sort this mess out, because I love you, Brendon Urie. Even when you're being a stubborn pain in the ass. I love you always, just so you know, and if you don't love me, tell me. Don't ignore me. Don't pretend I don't exist because it only makes me not want to.

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