7: So Long And Goodnight

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I wish I wouldn't have came home. I was supposed to, but I wish I hadn't. Two words: total chaos.

When I stepped inside with Brendon, fucking Phoebe was screaming at Mikey and beating him. She was pissed. Oh god, what happened? Pete must've said something about liking Mikey or something. God, I could only imagine.

But when I looked around, no one else was there. Strange. I could've sworn that I invited at least Ray and Bob. But nope. No one except Phoebe and Mikey. And that wasn't pretty.

Brendon's jaw dropped. Mine did, too. "What the hell is going on?" I shouted. I broke the two apart and Brendon held Phoebe's arms so she couldn't hit anyone. I helped Mikey up. "What happened, bro?"

"Oh, Mikey here just told me that he's gay," Phoebe snarled. I shook my head at her, mostly in disbelief. "Don't believe me, huh? Ask your fucking brother, Gerard. Mikey, tell Gerard who you like way more than me!"

I looked at Mikey and tilted my head. "You're gay?" I questioned. I kept looking at him, hoping Phoebe was lying. I mean, it doesn't matter to me, but I just wish he wasn't. "You can tell me, Mikey. I'll believe whatever you say. Just be honest, mmkay? I won't be mad. Promise."

Mikey gulped. He looked me in the eyes and nodded. I sighed. Now, I just have to tell Pete that he's gay and Pete can make a move or something and then I won't have to be burdened with this damn secret anymore. Yay! I hate keeping other people's secrets. It's all drama and just really annoying.

"Who is it that you like, Mikes?" I had the nerve to ask. It was risky, because Pete might hate me for yapping about his secrets if Mikey says it's Pete and I tell Mikey that Pete likes him. I can't help it. I need to get things off my chest. "And where the fuck did everyone go? I thought--"

"They came," he interrupted. He shuffled his feet before looking up at me. "They left when Phoebe and I started arguing over whether or not you're gay. Phoebe said no, and I said yes. I most definetly said yes. 'Cause well, you are."

My jaw dropped and my eyes widened. "You were talking about me possibly being gay?!" I screeched. I think I went all banshee on him or something. "How could you?! That's really personal, and I'm not--"

"It's not a possibility, Gerard," Mikey interrupted again. "You most definitely are gay. No arguments are to be made about the fact. I can see it, Gerard. You love Frank very much and I can see it in your eyes every time you talk about him."

I blushed. I was so stunned by the fact that Mikey could even tell. What if Frank could? What if he could see it, too? What if he liked me like I like him? Where would we end up? God, I was way over thinking things. I just needed to go before it got worse. I turned around to leave when I heard Mikey start to talk.

"I like Pete."

I spun around, wide-eyed. I stood there, staring at him, mouth agape. Holy fuck, I was right. I told you I knew things. I do know things.

"And I wanna tell him," Mikey admitted. He blushed before walking to the door. He placed his hand on the doorknob and turned. "And I'm going to."

Mikey's P.O.V.

I really was eager to tell Pete just how much I cared for him. I didn't know how he felt about me, but I knew how I felt about him. I loved him with all my heart. I have since shortly we met one summer. Actually, that wasn't The Summer of Love. It was The Summer of Like. I liked him and that's when we became friends. The best of friends. But it all ended that Autumn, when Pete's family went back home. Pete didn't live here at the time. He actually moved back two summers ago. That's when I fell in love with him.

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