21: Sugar We're Goin Down

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Thank god I was able to leave that damn hospital finally.

Like I said, I hate hospitals. I hate those damn places with a burning passion, Jesus!

But luckily, I was able to leave the hellhole the day after I woke up from my coma. I had been noticing it was getting awfully close to Valentine's Day, and I remembered that Frank doesn't love me and I wanted to shoot myself in the brain. Isn't that just lovely to imagine?

I hate myself so much.


Thank fuck Frank lived where he did in my dream, man.

I threw some rocks at his window until he walked over, perplexed look upon his gorgeous and restless face. I waved, and he opened the window, smiling a little.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked, leaning out the window slightly. "It's a little late. And how the hell did you know where I live?" He chuckled a little. I shrugged, because if I'd told him, he would think I was mad as rabbits.

"Can I come up?" I asked suddenly, gaining a nod from him in response. I climbed up the tree and in through the window like I'd done it a million times before. Because I did. But not in reality.

"You know, you're brother was here earlier," Frank blurted out randomly, laying down on his bed like the night I was practically homeless and I climbed through his window late at night. But of course, that wasn't real. "I might have gave him some pretty bad advice." I shrugged it off, because yeah I'm an arsehole like that sometimes.

"Lindsey told me her and her girlfriend's wedding is in a few days," I said randomly, knowing that maybe it wasn't really my place to tell Frank, but really not caring because I'm an arsehole like that sometimes. "She wants me to go."

"Didn't you used to like her or something?" He inquired, gesturing for me to sit down next to him. "And isn't that why you...?" I nodded. "Thought so."

There was silence for a moment, but was broken by me.

"I really like you, you know," I uttered into the silent air, kind of regretting saying it after it left my lips. "That is, if you're like how you were in my dream, which I honestly don't doubt."

"I was in your dream?" He questioned, tilting his head to the side. I nodded, smiling a little as a blush crept it's way onto his cheeks, and surprisingly, mine too. "I was in your six month long dream?" I nodded again. "Cool."

And then there was that silence again.

"Hey Gerard?" Frank broke the silence, making my head turn over to him quickly. "C-can I ask you something?"

"Sure, why not?"

"When you first laid eyes on me when I first came to school, did you recognize me?"

Huh? What did he mean?

"What do you mean?"

"Did I look familiar at all, perhaps? Did you recognize me at all?"

Now that I think about it, he did look vaguely familiar, and I just shrugged it off as if it was nothing.

"Actually, yes. Why? Where did I know you from? I can't think of it..."

"Your old school. I used to go there too and we met briefly in the hall one time. I- I actually had a big fucking crush on you, if I'm honest..."

I think I just fell apart... From happiness, of course.

"Oh, you did?"

"Yeah... Your smile was cute. It still is. It was a rare thing to see, though. And you... You're just... Beautiful." He blushed fifty different shades of red, and he looked so fucking adorable with the way the was pathetically attempting to hide said blush which I happened to have found very cute. Frank was cute. He was still an angel. "I- I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said-"

My Angel (Frerard) [REWRITE] *Slow Updates*Where stories live. Discover now