10: Yesterday, I Died; Falling In Love Will Kill You

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When I got home, Mikey ran to me, crying his eyes out. He hugged me tight and sobbed into my shoulder.

"I thought you died!" He sobbed quietly. I ran my fingers through his hair and twirled it. He looked up at me and I grinned. I shook my head.

"Nah, I'm still here," I chuckled. He planted his face into my shoulder again. I stroked his hair and wrapped my arms around him. "You can't get rid of me that easy."

He looked up and grinned at me. He lead me into his bedroom where I found Pete laying in Mikey's bed reading a comic book. I chuckled when I realized it was one of mine. Mikey snatched the book from Pete's hands and set it down. Mikey gestured for me to sit down. Pete opened his mouth to say something, but Mikey silenced him with his finger. I sat down.

"So," Mikey began. He looked around the room before looking at me in the eyes and smiling. "How was the date with Lindsey?"

"Did you have sex?" Pete asked overenthusiasticly. They both looked at me with beckoning eyes. Did they forget that I am now gay? Or part gay... Whatever. Yeah, I was only part gay, as I still had a thing for Lindsey which I assume I'll never understand.

"And how old are you again, Pete?" I asked, half startled. His over enthusiasm was kind of creeping me the fuck out. He shrugged jokingly, and Mikey playfully punched him in the arm. I wondered if Mikey ever told Pete how he felt about him. Or the other way around. Oh, shit, I remember! Mikey told me he kissed him! They were always so happy around each other, and I could only assume it was nothing but a long and happy friendship ahead of them, but I hoped I was wrong. I hoped they were dating.

"So really, did you?" Mikey pressed. I raised my eyebrows at him and rolled my eyes.

"Well, of course not, Mikes," I chuckled. For an odd unknown reason, I found myself thinking of Frank. I wondered what was going on with him right now and I was worried. But I pushed all that aside for the moment. "Like Lindsey fucking Ballato would even consider sleeping with a freak like me."

"You're not a freak, Gerard," he sighed. He looked to Pete, but then quickly turned his gaze back to me. "Well, then did you have sex with Frank?"

I fucking died. Right there. Well, it sure felt like it, anyway. I blinked a few times and Mikey raised a quizzical eyebrow at me.

"Hell no, Mikey," I gasped. That's when everything that happened today came flooding back. I kissed Frank. I fucking kissed Frank Iero. My angel. I kissed my angel. Oh god, and his lips were so damn soft. And I kissed those lips. My god, I was in love with him. That motherfucking angel of mine.


"Huh?" His words brought me out of my thoughts. They were staring at me, both raising eyebrows at me. When I realized they both were very interested in my thing for Frank more than my thing with Lindsey, I carried on.

"No... But we... We kissed."

Both their mouths fell open is utter surprise. I blushed lightly before continuing on. I couldn't stop now. They'd have a shitload of questions.

"And we... We touched. And I..." I trailed off, watching as Mikey scooted closer. He reached out and pulled my scarf off. He giggled and I just watched as he poked at the bruise on my neck. It felt weird, and the spot was tender, I looked at him, giving him a warning. He stopped before I could snap on his ass. Albeit we did get along for the most part, Mikey would still get on my nerves sometimes. But aren't all siblings like that? Or rather, some.

"So how are you two doing?" I asked nervously. I glanced at both of them, hoping one of them would get what I was getting at. Luckily, Mikey did and smiled. He turned to Pete and quickly planted his lips upon Pete's. That was enough for me to understand. Smiling, I stood up and exited the room. I didn't wanna be in there in case Mikey was about to lose his virginity. That is, if he even is still a virgin.

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