27: Happy Birthday; Kiss Me, Touch Me, Make Love To Me

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Beep, beep, beep, beep...

I cracked open one eye. Sure enough, it's five. Ugh. Thirty minutes? More like five. I rolled my eyes at my clock and picked up my phone. I headed straight out the door without uttering a single word to anyone.


It was 5:06PM when I finally made it to the field. Oops. I was late. I looked around and then someone covered my eyes before I actually saw anything.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear Gerard, happy birthday to you..." Frank sang, uncovering my eyes as a small smile crept onto my lips. A cute little picnic was set up before us. There were candles that had been unlit, due to the remaining sunlight.

I turned around and hugged him. He pulled away slightly and leaned in to kiss me. Stunned, I didn't reciprocate in time before he was pulling away.

"Something wrong?" He asked, caressing my cheek. What the hell?? "Baby, what's wrong?"

"It's just... I - I thought you didn't want me anymore..." I admitted, looking down at the ground. Frank tilted my chin up. I quickly wiped away the forming tears.

"Why would you think that?" He asked, pushing my hair behind my ear.

"You wouldn't kiss or touch me or anything. You barely even told me you loved me."

"Oh, baby, I'm so sorry. Tobias threatened me. He said if he caught us together, doing anything slightly homosexual, he'd hurt you. I got scared. I was paranoid that he'd find out. I didn't want you hurt, baby. I do want you. I love you, okay?" I nodded. "Okay. Well, I have a surprise for you, but we have to wait until it gets dark. Call Donna and let her know you'll be out for a bit and that you're with me."

I called Mom and let her know and then Frank and I ate and talked and before we knew it, it was dark. Frank stood up and grabbed a medium sized bag and took my hand. He began leading me through a part of the woods I didn't really recognize.

"Where are we going?" I asked, following Frank, and still holding hands with him. He looked back at me for a moment and smiled. The turned the right way and it took a minute, but I noticed there was water ahead of us.

"We're camping." Huh?

Frank lead me to the clearing and I saw that it was a beach. A practically abandoned beach at that. I gasped lightly. I want to go swimming! I watched as Frank quickly set up the tent.

"Are we- can we go swimming?" I asked, looking at Frank and waiting for an answer. He only nodded. Then it dawned on me. "Shit, I didn't bring a bathing suit." I stated, kicking at the sand a bit. How disappointing. Swimming sounded like fun. I hadn't gone swimming in a while.

Frank walked closer to me. "You won't need one," he whispered as he began unbuttoning my shirt. My eyes widened. We're going skinny dipping? Holy shit. "Now take off your clothes, baby." Frank took his shirt off and my breath hitched. We were getting nude and skinny dipping in the dark. In a public area. In the dark. Dark.

"I have to pee," I said, walking towards a tree on the edge of the woods. "Why don't you get in and wait for me?"

"Alright, just don't take too long," he told me as he popped open the button on his jeans. I nodded and walked to the tree and unbuttoned my jeans.

When I finished, I didn't bother redoing my jeans. I turned around and saw Frank standing waist deep in the water. He had his back turned towards me, but he looked utterly beautiful with the way he was glowing in the moonlight. The waters were calm where he was at, but the shallow waters in the front- the shore, had waves after waves coming. They were little waves though.

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