23: I Know Things, Remember?

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Moving was rather difficult, since nobody wanted to pack and shit.

February 14th seemed like a million years ago, but in reality it was only three weeks ago. So, March 7th. (a/n Lol that's my bro's birthday)

And Frank and I haven't told anyone else, not even Mikey. We swore to keep our relationship a secret, which I don't understand why. I wouldn't mind getting punched in the face or called a 'fag' if it's for my Frankie.

I'd die for him.

And Mikey's dating Pete, who's still dating Patrick, I believe. Patrick doesn't know though, but I guess I'll have to tell him. He's my friend too.


Frank placed a sweet kiss to my lips, making me grin widely.

We were in the back row of the movie theater so no one could see us, but there was not anyone there anyway. I guess everyone wanted to see it in 3D.

"Hey Gee," Frank smiled, picking at his jeans a little with one hand. The other, he placed on my knee. I looked over to him. "Do you wanna...?"

I blinked, staring at Frank with wide eyes and a blush that screamed 'oh dear god why do I love this weirdo?' And I wasn't quite sure on what to say.

"Do I wanna what?" I asked, playing innocent. Frank just laughed at me, shaking his head. "What?"

"You look really sexy," Frank purred, sliding his hand up to my thigh, making my breath hitch. He leaned over and placed a kiss on my neck. "So... Do you...?"

"Not here," I sighed, running a hand through my hair. Frank sighed too. "W- we can't do it here. It's too public and we could get in a load of fucking trouble. And we don't even have anything we need."

"Then where?" He asked, standing up and yanking me out of my seat. He dragged me out of the theater and outside. "There must be somewhere we can go..."

I'd then remembered what Brendon had said to me before, in my dream, about the field and how Frank and I could go there and fuck when we wanted to, as long as they weren't there, of course.

I texted Brendon really quick to see if he was there.

Me: Bren are you and Ryan at the field?

Bren: no why? And how did you know about that?

Me: never mind that. I just wanted to know if I could take Frank there...

Bren: oh I see. Okay. That's fine. ;)

Me: thnks Bren.

I pocketed my phone and grabbed Frank by his wrist, dragging him to the woods.

"Where are we going?" He asked, but then I stopped outside a drugstore. I looked around and saw a familiar face, so I pulled out some money and handed it to Frank. "What's this for?"

"Go get us the things we need," I told him, walking to the side of the building. "I'll be right back. Just give me a minute." He nodded and went inside.

Once I turned the corner I saw Patrick. "Patrick, I'm so glad I found you," I said, sighing out of relief. "I need to tell you something." Mikey and Pete will hate me for this.

My Angel (Frerard) [REWRITE] *Slow Updates*Where stories live. Discover now