18: Remember When You Broke Your Foot From Jumping Out The Second Floor?

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"Gerard?!" Mom exclaimed, eyes widening. She stared at Frank and I, me, naked, pushed against the wall by a 'friend' that she met once, who was (thank god!) fully clothed. She just stood there, staring, blinking.

"Fuck my life," I mumbled, slamming my head against the wall, which resulted in an instant terrible fucking headache. I winced at the pain I just caused myself, you know, because like I'm an idiot. "Fuck my motherfucking life." I sighed.

"Oh my fucking God, Gerard!" Mom yelled, shaking her head furiously. "Put some damn clothes on, right now! We'll talk about this later!" And with that, she slammed the door. Frank looked over at me, chuckling and blushing. I playfully smacked his arm.

"You have a motherfucking deathwish, you ass," I giggled, not caring about the heaps of trouble I was probably in. I just cared about Frank, and if I got kicked out, he'd let me hide in his closet. Then I'd come back for Mikey and kidnap him and keep him with us. I told Frank this, and he laughed.

"That's a wonderful plan," he told me, shaking his head and giggling. "I told you to put on some clothes before someone else came home. I warned you. Now you're in trouble." I shrugged, and kissed Frank, before politely and gently pushing him away so I could dress myself.

"You're a killjoy," I stated, rummaging through my drawers for a tight pair of skinny jeans I knew I had and if Frank took them, I swore I would not hesitate to bitch slap the fuck out of him.

"Yes, but I am a fabulous killjoy," he said matter-of-factly. I just giggled and rolled my eyes. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I rummaged, kissing my neck and pressing himself into the back of my still naked body.

"Stop it," I giggled, pushing into the touch of his lips on my neck. Because, maybe I didn't want him to stop. Because, I mean, he's like, hella adorable, and irresistible and shit. I mean, like, damn.

"What if I don't want to?" I felt him smirk against my skin. He knows how much shit I'm in already, and if Tobias fucking hears us, well, fucking, he'll kill me and Frank. No lie.

"Well, you have to because if you don't and Tobias--"

"He doesn't know I'm here, does he?"

"Well, no, but--"

"Shit, he'll kill you if he finds out I was here. My dad will flip out if he finds out I was here. I gotta go, babe." He quickly kissed my neck and quickly went to the window.

"Wait, you're gonna climb out the window? You do know this is the second floor, don't you?"

"Of course, but I don't want you to get beat for having me over. I don't want loving me to hurt you."

"Be careful, Frankie."

"Will do."

I quickly threw on some clothes and kissed Frank. He opened the window and put one leg through, then he other, then sat down on the sill, slowly sliding off the edge. He fell.

There was a snap.

I leaned out the window to find Frank on the ground, clutching his foot and muttering millions of profanities.

"Are you okay?!" I asked, leaning out the window a little more.

"Fuck! No! I'm not okay, I promise!"

"Fuck, what happened?"

"I think I broke my foot!" He snapped, irritated and clearly in pain and me, being an annoying little dick, didn't even move yet. I finally ran downstairs and out of the house, around to the backyard and found Frank, still clutching his foot. I helped him up and together we stumbled, on our way to the hospital, where we'd spend the rest of Christmas day.

My Angel (Frerard) [REWRITE] *Slow Updates*Where stories live. Discover now