8: Sleep

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Two days passed and I went to school finally. Frank had told me that he became friends with Jimmy Urine, who was Lindsey's friend as well. I need to find him and ask him what's wrong with Lindsey. When I walked in, I was hugged immediately. I looked at who was hugging me.

It was Lindsey Ballato.

"Let's talk," she whispered. She lead me to the bathroom where we could talk in private.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly. She looked up at me. There were tears forming in her eyes. "I was being a total bitch. But Bert told me to stop being friends with you or else he'd kill you. So I had no choice."

I nodded. We talked a bit more before I walked out of the bathroom.

I saw Bert pinning Frank against the wall. I instantly became extremely pissed off. I wished I would've walked away but no. Frank was my angel and I couldn't leave him like that. I'd fucking hate myself so much more, I'd kill myself. I lunged at Bert with extreme force and punched him in the face.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, Gerard, you fucked with the wrong person.

Lindsey tried to stop me, but I wouldn't let her. John pulled my hair until he got me off of Bert. Steve grabbed my arms and then Bert walked up to me. He looked so fucking evil with the way he smiled. It was creepy. It sent chills down my spine. Jimmy, Brendon, Ryan and Patrick just stared. Then they ran in the direction of Cholly's office.

Brendon... He is cool with me. I don't hate him now. Him and Ryan are very happy and I am happy for him. I just hate what his brother does to him. That's why he hides his relationship. He has no choice but to obey John and I fucking hate that.

Patrick Stump was cool too. He's another one of Mikey's friends. But then he was expelled and transferred so yeah. He kept asking about Mikey and came to see him a lot. He's Brendon's friend, too. Patrick and Hayley are doing good as well.

Jimmy Urine... Jimmy was cool as well. Him and Lindsey are close. He was close with Steve, but then Bert got into his head and then Jimmy distanced himself from Steve. But they still talk every now and then from what I hear. I knew him a little.

Ryan Ross... I don't know what to say about him. I don't really know him all that well. But I do know that he's good to Brendon. And he's cool in my eyes. Brendon deserves a good guy like Ryan, and he got him. And why he was here at our school was still very unclear to me.

"Get out of here," I yelled to Frank. He shook his head.

"No! I'm not leaving you, Gee!" He argued immediately. I understood that he wanted to help, but he wasn't gonna be much help at all.

"Go!" I yelled and he ran off in the direction the other had. I was kind of glad he didn't have to see me die this way. I couldn't live with myself if Bert hurt him. But now he wasn't gonna. He was gonna hurt me and I was most definitely going to die.

Bert laughed. "Oh, is that your boyfriend now?" He mocked. I rolled my eyes. Bert is really an idiot. He doesn't know anything other than picking on people for being or looking gay. Actually, he just did that to almost everyone of us that he didn't like. There was a lot of kids he liked here. I was not one of them.

"I'm not gay." That's a lie. I'm totally gay. I'll deny it, but honestly, I'm so fucking gay. Yet, I still got a thing for Lindsey.

"Sure you aren't, faggot. You just wear makeup for no reason then? You're okay with looking like a faggot? If you're are, get used to being picked on by girls, Way. You're not a real fucking man. You're not even a boy, are you? Is that why you wear makeup, Way? You wanna be a fucking girl? That is, if you're not one already."

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