16: All I Want For Christmas Is You

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(Almost two months later: December 24th. Still Frank's POV)

I haven't seen Gerard in nearly two months. Tomorrow's Christmas. He disappeared on October 28th. He was kidnapped.

I miss him. The world has less color without him.


I walked to the field again. I came everyday since Gerard went missing. Maybe one day, I will see him again. No. Not maybe.

I will see him again. In time.

I sat down in the middle of the field. I hate this place. This is where Ryan died. This is where I nearly lost Gerard. This is where I did lose him. I hate this place, yet I still come. I do it for Gerard. I figured maybe he'd come back. There's that trail...

I don't know why, but I'm deciding on following that trail.

Maybe it'll take me to him. Maybe I'm desperate because maybe I need to see him again. Maybe I can find him. Maybe he's not dead and maybe he's just waiting for me and maybe he's okay and...


I began walking, following the trail of flattened grass where Gerard must've been dragged. The trail is long, but I don't care and I'll do whatever it takes. I can only pray to God that Gerard is somewhat at the end of the trail and okay. I need him to be okay. I can't move on and live my life without him.

He is my life now. He is my everything. He is my angel.


The trail ended at the creepy train tracks at the start of the woods. But luckily, there was more signs of flattened grass where Gerard must've been dragged. I followed the flat grass. It took me to a cemetery.

The cemetery was dark and creepy. I've been here before. BJ took me here once. Everything is so strange. I looked around, but don't see anything out of the ordinary. But... I heard something. Something... beautiful. Singing, perhaps?


Singing. Coming from the mausoleum. The singer sounds sad, depressed maybe. And scared. And perhaps lonely. Maybe their family member died and they're visiting? Whatever it was, I was gonna find out. If someone is sad and all alone, don't you think they should be comforted?

I do.

I made my way to the mausoleum. I stood outside the door, listening. The voice is quite beautiful. It sounded like it belongs to a male, perhaps. The voice coming from the inside sounds awfully familiar. And the person was crying.

Hold the fuck up.

I busted through the mausoleum door. What I was definitely not expecting to see was him.

Gerard Way, my angel.

I started crying. He had his back to me and he was tensed up. He stopped singing. I guess he didn't know who entered but I assumed he thought it was the person keeping him hostage here. He was tied up, he looked like a mess. Was this really happening?


He turned around and looked at me, and began sobbing. The corners of his mouth turned into a slight smile.


I ran over to him, falling to the floor and wrapping my arms around him as tight as I could. I sobbed into his shoulder. I fucking found him! I fucking found my angel! I found him! I knew I would!

My Angel (Frerard) [REWRITE] *Slow Updates*Where stories live. Discover now