9: Frank Claims It's Not What It Looks Like When It So Totally Is

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Frank's cell phone rang and my eyes snapped open. He answered the phone.



"Oh hey, Lindsey." My heart skipped a beat when I heard her name. "What's up?"

"Frank, is Gerard there with you? He won't pick up the phone and I've been calling him for awhile now."

"Actually, yes. He is. Would you like to speak to him?"

Me? She wants to talk to me?? Oh god...

"If you don't mind," she giggled.

"Here, Gee. It's for you," he sighed. He held out the phone to me. My heart started pounding out of my chest. I took the phone from Frank and began to answer but then I paused.

"Go on," Frank encouraged me. He's so fucking nice to me and I love- I LIKE him. God, and BJ isn't right for him. BJ is a douchebag. A big one.

"H-hello?" I said nervously. What might she want to talk to me about? A million thoughts ran through my head. God, I was so nervous.

"Gerard, I need to ask you something."

"Hi, Lyn... You can ask me anything."

"Well," she sighed, "I broke up with Bert last night."

"I'm sorry," I lied, trying not to sound happy.

"I'm not. He was a jerk. He deserved it. Especially after everything he did you and Frank and... me."

"Oh...yeah. He did. So you wanted to ask me something...?"

"Yeah... I wanted to know if you wanted to go out on a date with me tonight."

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my fucking god.

"Yeah... Sure... Why not?"

"Cool... Bye, Gerard."

"Bye," I said all dreamily. And she hung up.

I stared off into space with a stupid look on my face. Frank notice and laughed at me. I turned to look at him, still smiling. "What?" He giggled. "What did she want, lover boy?"

"She broke up with Bert and wanted to know if I would be interested in going on a date with her tonight," I beamed. Lindsey fucking Ballato asks ME, Gerard Way, out of a million kids, on a date. I felt like the luckiest motherfucker on the damn planet.

"Oh..." He mumbled. He looked away from me. I touched his arm, not understanding what was possibly going through his head.

"What's wrong?" I pressed. I was determined to know why he looked upset. Was he jealous...?

"Nothing, Gee," he smiled. I remain unconvinced. Very, VERY unconvinced. You can't fool me, Frank Iero, my angel.


Frank and his mom took me out so I could buy something to wear since I couldn't go home to get something yet. Frank's mom styled my hair and everything. I looked like a gentleman. Frank made sure he got pictures to give to my mom because this was my first date. I never even kissed anyone before. Never had sex. So it was a big deal to make sure she got the pictures so she didn't get mad. Linda, Frank's mom, would make sure she got them. They were friends.

I was really nervous. I texted Mikey and told him about mine and Lindsey's conversation. He replied with,

'Oh my god, you're okay?! I've been so worried. Mom has been too. When are you coming home? Mom talked to Tobias and he said you could come back. Please come home, Gee. And that's awesome about you and Lyn. What do you think will happen?'

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