26: Yeah, It's Cool, I'll Be Okay

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Gerard's POV

They're letting me leave the hospital finally. God, I cannot believe I was so stupid. So stupid. I could've died! And Frank saved my life again... Oh, I love him.

The doctors ordered me to take it easy, so I was stuck on bed rest for a day or two. Frank still refused to leave me. We were just casually making conversation most of the time. Occasionally, I'd manage to get a quick kiss.

It was April fool's day and I was gonna prank Frank with a fake spider. Remote controlled. Mikey was helping me with it. I'm allowed to get up, but the doctor recommended to stay in bed most of the time. Mostly until my wrists started to heal a bit more. So tomorrow, I'd be able to get up out of bed.

I wouldn't mind being in bed all day if it was because Frank and I were having sex. We hadn't had sex in about three and a half weeks or so. God, I miss the way he touched me like that. He won't touch me for some reason. He kept saying I needed to take it easy. Whatever. He won't kiss me that much either. Every now and then I'd get one quick peck on the lips or cheek or forehead. Ugh.

Frank walked into the room. I smiled at him and he sat beside me on the bed. "Frank, can you get my cigarettes, please?" I asked him, pointing over to the dresser. He nodded and got up and I quickly grabbed the small remote. I moved the spider from beneath the dresser. Frank saw it and screamed.

"Oh my god!!" Frank screamed, running away and jumping up on my bed. I laughed so fucking hard and Frank saw the remote. He gasped. "You did that?! You ass! Give me that remote!"

As he went to grab it, I quickly shoved it down the front of my pants. Maybe this way he'll touch me. "You want it?" I teased, giggling a little at Frank's perplexed expression. I moved my hips a little bit suggestively. "Come get it."

Frank sighed. "The doctor told you to take it easy, baby," Frank stated, looking at me. I sighed out.

"But I have been and I'm fine and I miss you," I admitted, covering my face with my hands for a moment.

"But baby, I'm right here," Frank told me, grabbing ahold of one of my hands. "I've been here. And I know you're fine but I just want to make sure." No, you just don't want me anymore.

I've ruined this relationship.

"But my birthday's coming up and I just..." I tried, but ended up trailing off in slight devastation at the whole moment.

"It is? When's your birthday?"

"Don't change the subject," I sighed, putting one hand underneath my head. "And it's the ninth."

"It is?" He asked, just to be sure, I guess. I nodded slowly. He looked over at the wall and appeared to be thinking. "Interesting..."

"I know what you're thinking, Frank Iero, and you better not even dare. I don't want a party or birthday presents. I just want to chill. I don't even want a cake. None of that bullshit cliché birthday stuff. Well, no birthday stuff at all. Nothing. You hear me?"

And he seriously had the guts to give me the puppy dog eyes. "Pwease?" He asked, poking out his bottom lip. He looked like a child. I tried to hold back my laugher.

I shook my head. "No, Frank."

"Pwetty pwease? With a cherry on top?"

"Nope," I told him, popping the 'p'. Frank just kept it up. He honestly looked like he was about to cry or something. "Ugh! Fine. Just don't go crazy, alright?" Fuck, I gave in.

"Yay," he quietly cheered. I giggled and rolled my eyes. Shit, that remote is still in my pants. I bit my lip shyly, blushing from slight embarrassment as I slid my hand into my pants to pull out the remote. I mean, thank god I was wearing boxers, right?

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